An enthusiasm for reading or film and theatre going may develop at this time when a person is able to relate to the experiences of others . This is a time when you become more aware of past lives. Try and be open-minded and be patient with the process. So it is vital you critically think for yourself, using the trivium methodology to help you train yourself to critically, think. How Neptune affects our lives depends very much on whether we resist its influences or we try to work with the planet of illusion and spirituality. The 7th house is the house of committed business or love relationships and open enemies; they can be a cloud of confusion over all forms of communications with these people at this time. It is also vital that you double-check all information you receive at this time, especially if you decide to start a new exercise or healthy eating regime; it is crucial you get vitamins like C, D and other minerals in your diet. Neptune Transits in Aspect to Natal Mars:This one can have some unexpected benefits. When Neptune transit your 12th house, you can fall into illusionary thoughts or behaviours. Your career could take a turn toward the idealistic, or you could find yourself developing a practical sense for making your dreams a reality. Others give you ideal support. Neptune transits the 9 th house . Your goals and ideals are uplifted during this period and take on a more spiritual or mystical dimension than heretofore. In general, this causes identity crises. Your career could become almost ideal, or you could find yourself taking an interest in more spiritual and mystical matters. Neptune transiting the 7th house is disillusioning and if there are people that we have weaved our idealizations around then we soon learn they were never what we imagined them to be. Use this time to find yourself and know your own mind, or others may decide who you are for you, spiritual, scientific, philosophical or intellectual research or practice, may help you become more aware of your inner workings now, Meeting or spending more time with mysterious, psychic, creative, musical types of people, Feeling a better sense of wellbeing and elevating your creativity or consciousness in groups, Joining scientific, spiritual, mystery, technological, alternative living and thinking groups, The negative of this transit is you can meet shady types of people who lead you astray, especially if youre going through this transit in your teenager, early adulthood years. However, make sure youre not joining a cult or fanatical type group who are non-conforming for the sake of it or bordering on delusional or, at worse psychopathic tendencies. Neptune Transits Through Your Twelfth House:Neptune is at home here because this house corresponds to the12th sign, Pisces, which Neptune rules. Don't get carried away. A partner could have unsettled finances, and this could impact your own finances. The other possibility is that the partner will be taking money without your knowledge. Others will be connecting on a new level of spirituality in their relationships, recognizing that one cant control a partner, and that a partner shouldnt have to follow a particular script. July 2012 Neptune Opposite Saturn You can become a victim of very illusionary or fearful thinking at this time, Taking an interest in things we humans normal repress, sex, thinking about life after death, incarnation, reincarnation, You can become more involved with alternative groups such as secret organisations, swingers or BDSM type groups, Be careful when signing up for or deepening your connection to these groups, and make sure it is what you really want. Subtle forces will be working to bring about inward changes, and the events that take place in your home can trigger painful feelings. You are able to put your dreams and ideals into words. Neptune Transits in Aspect to Natal Uranus:Nobody born before 1992 will experience the conjunction, unless they live to be over 100. So it is best not to lend from friends or family at this time unless youre all sure of terms. If Neptune forms difficult aspects, the opposite can happen and you would be prone to self-deception with respect to those issues. With the areas of life ruled by the house transit Neptune is touring in your chart, it can be so difficult to see whats really going on, and we can be easily fooled. Because you can be subjective to misjudging peoples character at this time, which can lead to financial or some other loss. guard against getting too obsessed with new ideas, study them in slow and steady ways to avoid mental or emotional breakdowns, do all you can to be present as your thinking can drift to past mistakes, heartbreaks etc., and this can cause conflict in your current relationships. No, this transit doesnt cause these people to suddenly appear. October 2016 Use this interpretation for natal Neptune in the 8th house, transiting Neptune in the 8th house, progressed Neptune in the 8th house, or solar arc Neptune in the 8th house. Realising its the memories of our experiences in life that are the most valuable things, not the things themselves. You may be unrealistic, taken with dreams, psychic matters, and the like. Your dreams are energized and your energy will tend to go to fulfill your dreams. Alive and Well With Neptune: Transits of Heart and Soul In Predictive Astrology: The Eagle and the Lark by Bernadette Brady, an illuminating chapter dedicated to transits offers students of astrology tools to help personalize the meanings of transits in individual lives. Still, it may not be so good for practical matters. Being in love with love is quite probable now. September 2015 Please memorize it. Reiki healing, herbal medicine, yoga, rebounding, massage etc., may help you at this time. When it transits, it spreads tinsel and gossamer over everything it touches. The ultimate lesson of Neptune is to help connect us to the world of the intangible. July 2014 Your career could take a turn toward the idealistic, or you could find yourself developing a practical sense for making your dreams a reality. If you start to get personally involved with any of them at this time, well thats bad news. Some may be meeting potential partners who seem to be the one, but who end up being elusive or disappointing. Still, the deceptive energy of Neptune can make you fall for scams. July 2020 May 2020 Retrouvez l'adresse de la mairie de Saint-tienne-de-Saint-Geoirs, horaires d'ouverture, les lus municipaux ainsi que les coordonnes et les informations locales Stphanoises - Start your own Skin-Care Business. Neptune Transits Through Your Third House:This is a great transit if you happen to be a poet or a fiction writer. In both cases, it is only image. Of course, they are other truths like a leopard may never change its spots, but thats a lie; its just hard for it to do so- meaning people cannot change. Neptune Square Uranus Watch out for becoming deceptive to self-appointed holy people, guru-type figures, as they can be trying to use your spiritual and creative energy to further their own agendas, know there is a Buddha/ guru in every human being, yes seek out and listen to teachers, However, the true meaning of coming into your higher consciousness is taking personal responsibility for your life, Guard against becoming egotistical, holier than thou, over-enthusiastic, you are allowed your beliefs and explorations, yet so are others, At worse this can make people think they are Jesus reincarnated- you may have Christ consciousness, yet you are not the Christ, Also, watch out for escaping using intoxicating substances or other distractions, try and do all you can to think and act positively and avoid following into fearful thinking, Or being idealistic, overly optimistic, know its one thing to think a thing and another to do it a become it, make sure you take partial actions to bring you visions into reality, Changes in your social standing and career, Increased allure and charm, which is good for those who work in public relations. The Seaweed Jelly-Diet - by Clayten Tylor It is important to fact check, clearly state what you mean, and get others to clarify their words or actions during this transit. March 2017 social activism or political professions, entertainment and all content creation jobs. February 2023 Even if you have been previously cut off from your intuitive ablities, you can gain some penetrating insights right now. Neptune Square Mercury Neptune transits to Mercury directly affect your curiosity, learning, communication skills, self-promotion, the formulation of ideas, and your ability to rationalize and think logically. Neptune Sextile Moon Under Neptune transits, we are more likely to see what we want to see instead of what is really there. Neptune is the planet of dreams and delusions, ideals and imagination. The events that happen now are helping you change for the better. Just be careful not to spend too much on porno videos. Neptune Square MC Insights into your deeper, more spiritual nature are available to you during this period of time. When Neptune hits you, you dont want to deal with reality in that area of your life. Transiting Scorpio Moon Phase in Astrology, Transiting Moon in Sagittarius Phase Astrology, Moon Transit Capricorn Phase in Astrology. Under the stress aspects, you may even be attracted to someone because of their problems! By using this site, you agree to the Terms of Use. When transiting Neptune moves through the 12th house of the chart, it opens up the world of emotions, the unconscious, and the otherworldly side of life. Send them to a therapist, social worker, or some other professional. You will also wonder if what you are doing really makes sense and has purpose and if it is worthwhile to continue there. Ultimately, whatever happens, may cause you to transcend the situation and get away from these problems, but do it safely instead of using intoxicating substances, fantasy or other distractions to escape your reality. You could become involved in therapy at this time to help you resolve unhealed emotions from your past. When it transits, it spreads tinsel and gossamer over everything it touches. A bad time, aVERYbad time, to try to save someone yourself. A transit of Neptune to the 3rd House tends to increase a person's sensitivity and his sense of being is linked to others through shared experiences and perspectives. If thats how you feel, some of you may decide to get rid of possession. Uplifting for the career. To express our creativity by writing poetry, short stories or other content, Bursting into dance and laughter, Neptunes main aim is waking you up to a higher reality. If you spend all of your time at the sideshow, the main tent will be gone. The quickest way to evolve your consciousness is to let your small inner voice guide you. During this transit, you may actually be able to get rid of many of the illusions you have had over the years. this is a time to perfect your craft without being a perfectionist about it, the paradoxes of life, hey. It is like you want to save someone. December 2011 Since the Sun rules the body and Neptune rules drugs and alcohol, be very careful what you consume. It is possible that you will go through an uncomfortable time and that your private affairs will be subject to public scandal. It is easy for you to love and be compassionate and to value what life offers. Neptune rules Pisces, so if Neptune is in your natal 1st House, you may look similar to a Pisces rising, regardless of what your actual rising sign is. Sometimes it is in an addictive, self-destructive way. See if you can do something to give that career a little more pizzazz or do some volunteer charity work on the side. Neptune in the 9th house calls you to think for yourself through seeking higher knowledge for some of you. Romances started under Neptune transits can be highly deceptive as youre prone to idealising people and not seeing things clearly. Neptune transits in the first house last 13.5 years, so there is much growth and understanding on the native's part after the planet moves to the second house. But be careful as Neptune influence her can make you prone to believing in things which is not true, so you must always fact check anything you read or are told at this time. Occult and esoteric subjects may concern you. It is 911. Its you. 75 likes, 6 comments - Christopher Hancock (@the.astromedium) on Instagram: "MERCURY SQUARE NEPTUNE On December 13th, Mercury in Sagittarius makes an exact squa . Neptune Opposite Uranus But doing this will drive them further away; the truth can hurt, but the closeness it brings after the storm has passed can last a lifetime. As always, check the House that the Sun was in when you were born as well as the house that Neptune is transiting through. first day of fall September 2022, How does the winter solstice affect astrology? Your career could become almost ideal, or you could find yourself taking an interest in more spiritual and mystical matters. During this cycle, you may face the need to draw some boundaries with friends and the demands of others. As always, this depends on your situation. You may have to face all you have been hiding from confronting during this transit. Neptune in the 3rd house will allow you to widen your perceptions be flexible. You have to be careful when choosing friends because there is a tendency to see them as you would like them to be more than what they really are. Transit (moving) Neptune travels slowly, spending many years in one sign. The tendency to attract people who you deem needy of being saved could be problematic. Your loyalty to certain groups or friends may be misplaced, for example. You may discover that they hold no value to you anymore. How this transit plays out for you depends on whether you face any problems that come up head-on or run from them, its crucial to not linger too much on wasted time. Search there are plenty of videos and resources online. We have to make extra effort to see things as they are. Your ideals (what you imagine for yourself) may be challenged by the ideas and thoughts of others. I know we all want to love our kids and give them the best but letting them think they are right when they are wrong creates the monster we often complain about in adulthood. You can fall father into illusion and feelings of pessimism, unworthiness, fear and hopelessness. Le Vendredi : de 8h30 16h00. This is an excellent time to eat healthier and detox your body safely. Dont forget to check out the house that Jupiter is in and the house that it rules (the one with Sagittarius on the cusp). Allow yourself to overcome the prison of your rational mind by opening you up to the many powerful insights of the subconscious. As far as the higher education, you can do well during this transit if you study something creative, like art or music, or something abstract, like math or mathematical physics. If you are a person who thrives on a master plansomething that is elusive during this period of your lifeyou could find this a distressing period until you adapt to this influence. In regard to health, you are more likely to get vague ailments that are difficult to diagnose. But remember you are no better than anyone else; stay grounded, Seeking out higher knowledge in the areas of religion, psychological, philosophical, spiritual- higher consciousness, science or technology, The best use of this transit is to tap into your intuition dream life and unleash your creative thinking abilities to come up with solutions for your problems, Expanding your perceptions and belief system. Under this transit, your imagination will tend to be stronger when you are walking around your neighborhood. Communications of all types can improve or upset your life at this time. This content is for Full Moon Membership and Solar Lifetime Membership members only. November 2018 The only difference is you arent aware of it. October 2011 Others may find you less reliable in terms of making appointments on time or remembering them at all! You absorb the mood of those around you quite easily now, and your disposition is somewhat changeable as a result. Hybrid solar-eclipse-20th- April-2023. December 2021 Neptune Transits Through Your Eleventh House:This is the house of friends, hopes, and wishes. Neptune can open you up to the spiritual, mystical and psychological; you may become more receptive to your psyche and subconscious mind. Neptune Square Neptune And what would any of us be without a dream? October 2015 It is essential to learn how to manage its elusive energy, channelling it into suitable areas, such as creativity and personal growth, becoming aware of the pitfalls of this vibration. You may find that you have intuitive and psychic abilities that have never surfaced before. Especially in any business partnership or any legally binding contract, because trusting or hiring the wrong person can cause you to lose money, time, reputation, or other valuable resources. You may be able to discover whole new areas of your psyche or mind that have been closed up to now. Transiting Pisces Moon. A renewed interest in exploring the realm of dreams and imagination finds you getting to the heart of your secrets and sensitive areas. You could deceive yourself in matters concerning personal freedom and real insight. May 2019 Oh you poor little thing. Great aspirations and goals. The stress aspects (conjunction, square, and opposition) work a little differently. Or if you already have music, images paintings, written work or anything else artistic, that you have not yet shared with the world, now is the time to do so. Uplifting for the career. When Neptune transits the 9th house, you will question what you have come to believe is accurate about the world. When Neptune transits your first house, your behavior is controlled to a great extent by the subconscious mind. Alternatively, there could be some distancing involved with family members, or family members need special care requiring you to make some sacrifices. in one house. Some of you may choose to research a new or old religious, spiritual, philosophical or psychological belief system. Neptune Opposite Moon But without the ideals of Neptune, what would there be to strive for? Psychological breakdowns can be triggered by Neptune transits. Because if you pretend to be who you are not or are unsure of yourself and what you stand for, you will attract those who are also going through these feelings. Next, be extra careful to take care of those little details that seem so dull right now. When transit Neptune is in your 7th house, you can struggle with your committed relationships and partners. February 2013 Meaning and how you can use them. If you are a fiction writer, especially ascreenwriter, this transit can be a good thing. May 2015 Holistic Weekly Horoscopes and well-being forecast all signs, Full moon in Gemini on December 12th 2019 Personality Integration, Saturn Conjunct Pluto 2020 Transit- Harmony through Struggle, Aspects In Astrology : Sextiles,Squares & the rest, What does my Yod mean In my Astrology Natal Chart ? You can turn inward, withdraw your. Usually, this will do nothing more than cause an increase in daydreams (Im a surfing instructor on a tropical island, yeah). overt or covert ( obvious or not so noticeable) changes in the way you communicate with yourself and others, likelihood you will research alternative scientific, technological, philosophical, religious, spiritual higher consciousness ideas, This transit is best used to uplift your consciousness and deepen your perceptions, Neptunes intuitive subtle influences can lead you to find resourceful solutions to any issues you are facing in your life. Because although you may agree on one thing, you may not agree on the next, you may develop or decide to work on your visions and highest principles during this transit. Free Horoscopes charts, calculations Birth Natal Chart Online Calculator Ascendant, Rising Sign Calculator Astro Portrait: Sun, Moon, ASC Personal Daily Horoscope Transit Chart Calculator Secondary Progressions Solar Arc, Solar Return . This transit can, for as long as it lasts, make us act as if we were born with Neptune in the5th House. Strange religious cults may seem more attractive to you now. Repeatedly or they may try to control or make you reliant on them, so much, so you lose your sense of self, and you may come to believe you cannot even breathe without them. Neptune is dreams and fantasies and Pluto is sex, so the writing may get interrupted from time to time. You can become more creative; you may record or write music, novels, short stories, poetry etc. Some may feel less confident, as their direction in life is uncertain; others may attune themselves to a stronger spiritual purpose. No one can save anyone else; you can only save yourself; no one can save you; they can help you protect yourself.

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