It is good for yin/yang balance, memory, calming, and intellect. Amber will let you know when it needs to be cleansed and recharged. She represents celebration and the Earth alive with new growth. Amber can also be combined with Yellow Topaz at this chakra for maximum healing and balancing on both the physical and spiritual levels. The hormone-balancing effects are supposed to balance emotions and be mood-boosting, too! Both Amber and copal were used in the fire ceremonies of ancient tribal leaders from the earliest pre-Columbian Mesoamerican civilizations, and is still in use by a number of indigenous peoples of Mexico and Central America today as an incense, during sweat lodge ceremonies and Sacred Mushroom ceremonies. It is highly beneficial when treating infants or children for the mother to wear the Amber first. Amber may be placed directly on a wound or over the internal organs to promote healing, or at the thymus gland to restore balance to the entire system. This includes small organisms, insects, frogs, spiders and their webs, crustaceans, annelids, bacteria, wood, fruit, flowers, hairs, and feathers. It is a symbol of beauty and attraction. . This quality is evident in its metaphysical attributes and qualities and may explain why so many people seem to be drawn to it. Throughout history, Green Amber was thought to bring immortality and good luck. Protector and Ruler of the dates December 8-12; Sagittarius. [Fernie, 322][Simmons, Ahsian, 24][][Lembo, 60][Hall, 51][Eason, 82], Amber is a natural purifier, esteemed for its ability to draw pain and dis-ease from the physical body, as well as the mind and spirit, by absorbing negative or stagnant energies and transforming them into clear, positive energy. Silver is inherently a cold metal and enhances the healing properties of amber. This chakra is located between the ribcage and navel, and controls the immune and digestive systems. The golden and orange shades of Amber will stimulate this chakra and clear it of negative energies or blockages. There are plenty of objects that have been recovered in Amber that date back to 130 million years. Amber has strong healing properties, possesses magical power. Amber will help you keep your promises. Its ancient energy is released as it is touched or held in the hand during a session. [Melody, 108][][], Because of its nature of housing once living things, classical worshippers of the Mother Goddess believed Amber contained the essence of life itself, the animating principle, or Akasha. Guardian of the Second Mansion of the Moon; Aries. Baltic Amber: Natural Teething Relief for Babies. Ambers importance as a talisman is not based on crystalline structure, as it is amorphous, nor on its chemical composition, as it is not a mineral. Welcome to Grove and Grotto! Made of fossilized tree resin, it has the unique ability to generate a small electric charge when rubbed with a cloth. (Being a solid perfume, amber's volatile oils evaporate more slowly than conventional perfume. Golden Amber is anatural birthstone of those born in the magical month of midsummer (July 22 - August 21). Generally speaking, the amber fragrance corresponds to Venus and Earth/Fire. They are affectionate, known for their tempers and very stubborn. Different perfumers will adjust these three components to produce very different ambers. People who suffer chronic pain or long-term maladies are often drawn to Amber to ease their burdens. Burmese Amber, or Amber from Myanmar, is the hardest at 3 on the hardness scale; Baltic Amber is usually in the range of 2-2.5; Dominican Amber is the softest at 1-2. The Greeks called Amber elektron because it gets charged with electricity when a cloth is rubbed on it. Dr. Hoernes, an Austrian geologist, theorized these hollows were likely considered to be the resting place of the spirit or spirits believed to animate the stone, and were conceivably the earliest talismans or amulets. Amber is used in meditation when the desire is to connect to the earth wisdom of an earlier age. It is the center of the Life Force of the body, and controls the flow of information from the body to the mind and from the mind to the body. Amber Metaphysical & Healing Properties. Amber may be used in devotions to Nehalennia, the Gaulish Goddess of Sea Travelers; and Oshun, the African Goddess of Love, Intimacy, Beauty and Diplomacy. Amber resin was created with the intention to heal the tree and shield it against infection. It will stimulate your intellect and enhance your understanding of a lot of things. When her father, thunder god Perknas, the most powerful of the Lithuanian gods, found she had pledged her love to a mere mortal, he flew into a rage and sent lightning bolts to kill Kastytis and destroy the Amber palace. Warm the resin to body temperature (using your hands) and rub on the pulse points. Amber is said to comfort and remedy headaches, common colds, flu symptoms, and other illnesses that can otherwise really slow you down. It will remove any obstacles and make sure that its all systems go for you. It increases vitality and aids tissue regeneration. Rather, amber is always a blended oil. Amber brings balance and stability to our emotional lives and encourages us to cultivate a patient and flexible attitude. When you put a piece of Amber against your skin, it will feel warm, unlike glass and other minerals. Get exclusive deals, a discount for your next order, a free crystal course, and more. [Kunz, 358], The Divinatory meaning of Amber: A chance for romance or unexpected admiration, but think before giving up reliable love for a sudden flirtation or passion. It may be used to call in a twin soul, or for protection against negative outside influences and interference. The handles of ancient Jewish and Arabic circumcision and surgical knives were often carved from Amber as it was thought to staunch bleeding. Amber may also be used to achieve longevity, and is a marvelous gem for the elderly. Here are the magical properties of amber and copal, ideas on how to use the unique magical qualities of amber, an amber energy dancing video and links to amber charms for healing, protection & activating the psychic circuitry, and an amber story. In feng shui, these colors are connected to the Tai Qi (health) area of the feng shui bagua map. "Amber is a . Good. Mercy Angel ;Tree of Life, Ruler of Thursday and Jupiter. [Fernie, 263][Kunz, 56][101 Hall, 26][Eason, 82][], Because of its natural warmth, Amber was regarded as a living being, and in the Far East it was believed the souls of tigers metamorphosed into Amber at their death and brought courage to their wearers. Energy grids take your intentions and energy, amplify it, and send it out toward your goal. Protector and Ruer of the dates Sept.13-17; Virgo. Amber helps remove the obstacles we place in our own way, as well as deflecting the negative energies of others. When it is balanced physically, it gives us the strength to fight off infections and allergies. It is produced as a protection mechanism to draw off disease and injury caused by insects and fungi, heal over broken branches, or to ward off stress produced by rapid growth. Please see your doctor or health care professional before starting any alternative treatments, diets, supplements or exercise programs. Guardian of the Twenty-Third Mansion of the Moon; Capricorn. Amber will help you remove the obstacles that you place in your way that keep you from being loved in the way that you want. Solid amber resin is quite expensive, but only a small amount is needed to savor its delicious fragrance. Being located just below the breastbone, it can be regarded as the geometric center of the physical body and controls the digestive and systems. Some people sew a bit of amber into a baby's clothing in order to protect them from evil influences. Phone: 386-243-0466 Risnuch helps you while Dealing with Agriculture and Animals. The hardening process happens over a course of millions of years. . Not only are they beautiful and appealing to the senses, their solar power and fiery associations make them extraordinarily useful for keeping away bad things, while attracting good things. It has a hardness of 2 to 2.5, can be transparent to opaque, and ranges in color from a whitish and pale yellow, to the most common honey yellow/orange/brown hues associated with the color amber, to a deep brown. Although amber is classified among healing crystals and gemstones, it is not, in fact, an actual gemstone. In Scandinavia, amber frequently washes up on shorelines. Helps to dissolve any blocks that are hindering your, Adds sweetness to your life. Amber does have a relatively heavy and powerful vibration, however, so if you are prone to headaches or sinusitis, you may find that it is best to wear this sort of jewelry for short periods rather than all day every day. It will get rid of your jealousy and insecurities. Amber necklaces and earrings can be beneficial for anyone suffering from anxiety during their daily lives. Amber is closely connected to preservation on a spiritual level. The succinic acid an ingredient in the resin is thought to have analgesic properties, effective against pain, and is used to ease the effects of aches, pains and arthritis. Amber may be used to honor Freyja (Freya), the Norse Goddess of Beauty and Love, depicted as being driven in a chariot pulled by two black cats. Amber's many colors are applied widely to the chakras in conjunction with their corresponding tones to aid in chakra opening and purification. It's composed of amber resin, benzoin, cypress, patchouli, vetiver, tonka bean, and more. Amber was traditionally known as a protective stone for children, and throughout history was strung as beads and placed around their neck to keep them from harm, and reduce teething pain. If the Solar Plexus is spiritually imbalanced, one may feel fear - of the disappointment or displeasure of others, or to subordinating ones life and pleasures to the will of others. Energy of a raw stone has a great amber magical properties: it gives beauty, longevity, attracts true love. It can help those suffering from anxiety or depression and ameliorate despair and even suicidal tendencies. energy. Amber can heal the glandular system and help with DNA-related problems. Amber Metaphysical Properties Amber is thought to help absorb negative energy and to release bright, soothing energy, helping to calm nerves and enliven disposition like a mental sunny day. Michael Gienger, Healing Crystals (Scotland: Earthdancer Books, 2009). (accessed May 1, 2023). It contains more Air and Water energy than darker ambers. Magical properties: Inspiration, Attraction, Invocation, Happiness, Celebration, Contact with astral planes and Exorcism. If youre worried about your love life, be you a single soul or someone with a partner whose behavior is troubling you, spend some time with Amber in meditation. Amber Resin Incense can be burned on top of charcoal to fill a room with its warm, rich, earthy scent and magical vibrations. Master of the 1st Tarot Card The Magician. Amber is a fossil resin that contains many medicinal and healing properties, since it is a natural antibiotic. All Rights Reserved. Large amounts of Amber were found in graves across the ancient world; some discovered in Mycenaean graves date back to 8000 BCE. It will help balance your emotions and release the negative energies that are in your heart and mind. The table below gives you the information about them. This stimulates the bodys own mechanisms to heal itself. Its warm, bright energy promotes cheerfulness and trust, and strengthens the belief in oneself. The versatility of Amber is what makes it such a popular choice for healing and medicinal supplementary use. Perfume oils, self-lighting incense, bath products, and scented candles are all convenient ways to get a dose of amber goodness. The Father of Medicine, Hippocrates, described the medicinal qualities and different ways of application of Amber which were later made use of by scientists all the way to the Middle Ages. Healing tool for repairing damages to the, Motivator stone that can help guide you along your life path. The pine trees are thought to have released . [Lecouteux, 207-208][Fernie, 323][Kunz, 56], Purity and holiness were thought to be evoked by Amber. It has long been used to bring luck to warriors, protect infants and children, and to increase radiance and attract lasting love. Interestingly, many witches (Wiccans in particular) wear necklaces of amber and jet for their healing and protective properties. It is traditionally the color of kings, riches, and the sun. White Amberi.e., heavy on the sandalwood and floralsis a smooth, blissful fragrance. [Megemont, 23][Eason, 82], Amber is an exceptional rubbing stone for discharging negative moods, relieving anxiety, or deflecting energy from others. When the Sacral Chakra is in balance one has grace, feels pleasure in life, and experiences the flexibility to "go with the flow" and do so in good spirit. Diana Houston is a respected crystal expert and the author of 'A Beginner's Guide to Healing Crystals: Getting Started With Crystal Healing A Complete Guide.' You've been chosen to get a copy for FREE lucky you! Amber will also enhance your creativity. has been designed to be the definitive resource for all things related to crystals. It was customary in antiquity to have the pipe lighted by a servant and Amber was considered incapable of transmitting infection. The Water element brings power of regeneration and rebirth, and is the energy of the circle of life.

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amber resin magical properties