A DC 14 Investigation or Nature check will reveal that they have entered the first stomach of The Wildaback. While one might expect theto hang like saddlebags. well-made meals, and has an incredibly keen sense of taste. Includes a small side salad of fresh greens. It was designed What lives for but a moment, to be capable of sinking and rising through chapters like From birth knows how to fly? The egg grows wings and legs, becoming a fibb. He is also in charge of informing Kem where Thea depiction of The Wildabacks face. See The Cosmovect for its use.If one wizard is set free, the following events occur: Admindium will notice and enter the chamber to fight. Its command word is damn. The room is a enchanted to constantlywreck, with the floor covered in bottles and unfinished emit illusory bubbles.meals. Griffons12 You enter a large open area within The Ruins. Olin expresses a strong inter- Hrogar can be found gambling in the Casino (C2).est in the top floor, but will only mention it in a hushed Hrogar is a large-bellied, jovial man who believes lucktone. Thrag is passionate about during the players visit. the spell bless.Use the cult fanatic stat block for Kem, with thefollowing changes: Chef Sarphi He has 88 (16d8 + 16) hit points His spell save DC is 16, and his spell attack bonus is +8 Currently on a tour here from the Spring of Peace, Sarphi His CR is effectively 5 (1,800 XP) is the daughter of a noble in the Fadel family. She giggles excessively commoner), and the direct underling of Lord Almanor.and seems to be unaware of personal space, often putting Where Lord Almanor always wears colorful and exuberanther hand on her conversation partners arm or shoulder. 1d4 Artifacts (500 gp)4 Some interesting blooming vines grow out of a naturally occurring rock formation in the shape of a 1d4 Rare Plants pot. worth 1,500 gold, including a diamond worth 300 gold.Her build is slim and wiry, accented by leather armor dyedblack underneath her cloak. Zoom In. The Rifting outcomes, and warnings. Dungeons of Drakkenheim: Mutagenic Masterpieces $ 144.94 $ 99.99 Add to cart Add to wishlist Sale! The OmasumThe Omasum is like a very twisty tunnel that connectsthe Reticulum (E2) to the Abomasum (E4). The water comes from several spouts on the wall at this stage. This taven works best in a highmagic setting, and is best placed either in a large town, in a city, or at a frequently used crossroads. One-Two Punch. Upper Hallway and may discuss whatever they wish with them. abundant plants grow in large rectangular planter beds made of carved stone, including some square planters A marble-topped table containing fruit trees such as pomegranate and breadfruit.sits in the center of theroom and is cool to touch, Nora Treeforge, the gardener, keeps everything healthymaking it perfect for and pruned and is always looking for new seeds to add totempering chocolate dishes. Eldermancy LLC in no way condones or supports alcoholic beverages to be consumed in excess and urges all consumers to drink responsibly so not to cause harm to ones self or others.2 The Seekers Guide to Twisted TavernsContentsIntroduction2 Ch 7: Treetop Tavern.100 Ch 13: The Dungeon of Darkness..204Ch 1: The Wizards Watering Hole4 Introduction. 101 Introduction. 205Introduction.. 5 Areas of the Tavern. 101 Areas of the Tavern. 205Areas of the Tavern.. 5 The Taverns Guests. 109 The Taverns Operators.. 207The Taverns Operators 7 The Taverns Operators.. 110 The Taverns Guests. 215The Taverns Guests 11 Menu 112 Menu 216Menu.. 14 The Quest Board 114 The Quest Board 218The Quest Board.. 16 Events.. 116 Tavern History 219Tavern History.. 17 Tavern History 116 Stat Blocks 219Stat Blocks.. 18 Stat Blocks 117 Ch 14: Teapot Temple220 Introduction. 221Ch 2: Rail-Away.20 Ch 8: Spring of Peace118 Areas of the Tavern. 221Introduction 21 Introduction. 119 The Taverns Operators.. 223Areas of the Tavern 21 Areas of the Tavern. 119 The Taverns Spirits. 229The Taverns Operators. 26 The Taverns Operators.. 124 The Taverns Guests. 229The Taverns Guests 28 Menu 126 Menu 230Menu.. 30 The Taverns Guests. 128 Events.. 232The Quest Board.. 32 The Quest Board 130 Tavern History 233Events. 34 Events.. 132 Stat Blocks 233Tavern History.. 36 Tavern History 133Stat Blocks.. 37 Stat Blocks 134 Ch 15: By the Frost234 Introduction. 235Ch 3: Wildaback Tavern.38 Ch 9: The Grand Shanty.136 Areas of the Tavern. 235Introduction 39 Introduction. 137 The Taverns Operators.. 237Areas of the Tavern 39 Areas of the Tavern. 137 The Taverns Guests. 241The Taverns Operators. 42 The Taverns Operators.. 140 Menu 244The Taverns Guests 48 Menu 146 The Quest Board 246Menu.. 50 The Taverns Guests. 148 Tavern History 248The Quest Board.. 52 The Quest Board 149 Stat Blocks 249Tavern History.. 54 Events.. 150 Ch 16: The Tavern at Deaths Door..250Stat Blocks.. 55 Tavern History 151 Introduction. 251 Stat Blocks 152 Areas of the Tavern. 251Ch 4: The Bloated Bounty.56 The Taverns Operators.. 253Introduction 57 Ch 10: The Drunken Treasure.154 The Taverns Guests. 256Areas of the Tavern 57 Introduction. 155 Menu 258The Taverns Operators. 60 Areas of the Tavern. 155 The Quest Board 260The Taverns Guests 65 The Taverns Operators.. 157 Events.. 260Menu.. 66 The Taverns Guests. 163 Stat Blocks 261The Quest Board.. 68 Menu 164 Ch 17: The Daydream..262Tavern History.. 70 The Quest Board 166 Introduction. 263Stat Blocks.. 71 Tavern History 169 Areas of the Tavern. 264 Stat Blocks 170 Menu 274Ch 5: The Dancing Horse..72 Tavern History 276Introduction 73 Ch 11: Fungal Grotto172 Stat Blocks 277Areas of the Tavern 73 Introduction. 173 Ch 18: ExtrasThe Taverns Operators. 75 Areas of the Tavern. 173 World Travelers.. 278Menu.. 80 The Taverns Operators.. 175 The Critic. 278The Taverns Guests 82 The Taverns Guests. 178 The Gambler 279The Quest Board.. 83 Menu 182 The Old Lady.. 280Tavern History.. 84 The Quest Board 184 The Seeker 281Stat Blocks.. 85 Tavern History 186 Emit William Saps, the Tinkerer.. 282 Stat Blocks 186 The Three Hexbound Sisters.. 282Ch 6: Poor Larrys.86 Trail Seeker (Card Game)284Introduction 87 Ch 12: Ironstein Mine..188 Map Index..286Areas of the Tavern 87 Introduction. 189 OGL Licence.320The Taverns Operators. 89 Areas of the Tavern. 190The Taverns Guests 93 The Taverns Operators.. 191Menu.. 94 The Taverns Guests. 197The Quest Board.. 96 Menu 198Events. 97 The Quest Board 200Tavern History.. 98 Tavern History 201Stat Blocks.. 99 Stat Blocks 202The Seekers Guide to Twisted TavernsThe Wizards Watering Hole4 The Seekers Guide to Twisted TavernsThe Wizards Watering HoleStanding three stories tall and surrounded by dancing lights and illusory spectacles, The Wizards Watering Hole beckons any and all outsiders to visit. These appendagesresemble the limbs of a spider, and end in pointedtips. Knuckles ever acts courteously, even in tense situations, and is quick to provide any service he and the other porters are capablePrim is a young goblin woman who serves both as the author- of. It tavern, lies off the bedroom. If the party investigates the card tables and plays a fewgames, they will soon find that Hammond Axman seems If the player characters take the quest, they can simplyto win a disproportionate amount of the time, though he deliver the package and return to the train as requested anddoesnt seem to be counting cards or working with anyone be paid for their trouble. Beyond the locked door is a completely the Astral Plane along with everyone inside it. Hit: 4 (1d4 + 2) bludgeoning damage.Hit: 4 (1d8) piercing damage.Talon. same cut of beef, and is confused by how consistently delicious it is. If the players exit the room and enter again, reroll to potentially change the outcome. The cause of death is clearly poison.The Seekers Guide to Twisted Taverns 35RAIL-AWAY stash, just in case Trackle needs some escape funds. Many wealthy visitors around. The material seems to be a soft, burned red marble in some areas and polished limestone in others. A man of few words, heconductor. The The garden is where much of the food used in the Kitchenelemental cooks mealsand is grown. Perfect for incorporating into any 5th edition Dungeons and Dragons campaign; Tavern Operators and guests to introduce to your party to encounter in a tavern brawl; A unique Quest board for each tavern with a range of adventures for your players to choose . Scattered rock-like structures areeverywhere, as well as piles of gems and diamonds whichare well-polished from the constant rubbing and friction,making it difficult terrain throughout. Some have a single twin, others from the lavatories have control water cast on them toa double bed, and some two twin beds. If anyone plays alongside them, their song changes as the instruments attempt to create a shared melody with The bar is run by a modified suit of armor called The the performer. 13The Wizards MENUWatering Hole Food Forever Steak - 4 sp This crowd favorite dish features a bottomless steak entree, grilled to your preference, and a side of hearty seasoned potatoes. A magical fireplace, more foris only accessible via a locked door (arcane lock - DC 20 the flickering ambience than the small amount of heat itThieves Tools) from Kem and Samis private bedroom. This traveling taverns tracks can run through any number of locations to suit your campaignabove ground and below, between cities and towns, through the countryside, over the mountains, or along the coast. Challenge: 6 (2,300 XP)Innate Spellcasting. middle age, and is the engineer for the Rail-Away. Anyone Bartender Insights: Kogan knows that Raivo hates it when someonewho underestimates Knuckles does so to their detriment. 7 The cauldron erupts in a flash of light. The Seekers Guide to Twisted TavernsThe Tenders Riddles Tavern HistoryQuest Giver: The Tender The Wizards Watering Hole was originally designed as aDescription: The Tender has a few riddles for new guests. To do so, A5. Alen Trismys is a pretentious high elf who serves as aSecrets: Verity is actually a chaotic neutral night hag in disguise. Any creature sitting in a chair can use their action to direct the chairs movement, with a flying speed of 20 feet. The most repeated code in thelivestock such as guests mounts, a cargo bay for supplies ledgers is Bpm Svqnm.and larger guest items that wont fit into their room, 3. 3. If theycare of quietly and with no disruption to the guests. He has a wand head porter and lead attendant. When his mood is good, thug stat block, but instead attacks with daggers (dealingthe flames are low lying, barely flickering, but as his anger 1d4 + 2 damage each).grows the flames grow stronger and gain real heat. Dretin Dalmura34 The Seekers Guide to Twisted TavernsRAIL-AWAYOn the second day, a number of things occur:Time Event WitnessesMorning Lord Almanor asks Lord Gammon to join him for breakfast, but Lord Gammon refuses. three are also able to call off the golems from attacking. It wears a white three-piece suit, andcarries nothing other than a wand of wonders.Admindium Read Thoughts. A creature who is proficient with intervene when a fight threatens to become lethal, or brewers supplies may use these tools with a cauldron. According to him, The Wildabacks overarchingspends most of his time on the Crown (area D), hunting goal is to simply travel and witness all that the world(s)for food during pauses, or venturing into The Ruins. There are seven tables that seat The bar car, known as The Copper Penny, is the heart ofup to four, and four tables that seat two. Main Hall and is a feast for the senses. Previous Page. Store | Ghostfire Gaming Hit: 5 (1d6 + 2) piercing damage. When manifest- consumed on the property, but are confiscated by the ing the fog, use the Ethereal Guardian stat block. He keeps his black hair in a tidy man-bun andno love for either of her employers. Trackle harbors a strongly negative wears clean, well-worn leathers. Forvarious sizes scattered around. While holding and attuned to5 or more, the target is also unconscious while poisoned in these items, Prim can expend 1 charge to activate one of thethis way. Recursos Humanos. WhileHit Points: 228 (24d10 + 96) the target is in range, Admindium can continue reading itsSpeed: 30 ft., climb 60 ft. thoughts as long as Admindiums concentration isnt broken (as if concentrating on a spell). They act as a person for Halaster to talk to on the PA system and bounce dialog off of. When not wearingRimak uses the assassin stat block, with the following changes: his armor, he wears a long silk robe over leathers. If forced into combat, it will only act to remove the bar, The Tender will leave for 1d6hostile creatures from the tavern. It will greet the characters kindly,D2. Over the years, she has developed a good friendshipshort for an elf, but not unduly so. Scattered papers dealing with the The side of the room directly above The Wildabacks day-to-day running of the tavern are scattered on the desk.head is an open balcony providing a clear view of whatlies ahead. Giants15 You come upon an area with very large rocky formations erupting out of The Wildabacks hide. She frequentlyPoma Llulla is a male high elf archmage of advanced years visits The Wildaback to explore the exotic locales it travelswho has come to the tavern in the guise of a merchant. Older thanSecrets: Darus Almanor is actually a rakshasa in disguise. A number of things happenmenace, they should be able to revive Brandr, who will that first day, which may or may not be directly observedask for his ring back so he can get the train running by the player characters, but can be learned by speakingagain. Search . A copper tea set sits First time visitors do not know what to expect when step-on a small table. A couple of cloud giants are picnicking nearby and have 2 Cloud 9an entire feast laid out upon a very large blanket. Those who pay any attention to her willSecrets: Esthene is Ulumes younger half-sister and quickly became notice that she does not speak, but seems to know whatLord Gammons mistress, though she does not love Lord Gammon in her employer wants without him even asking.any sense. On a hit with a natural roll of 19-20, Prim can expend 1Sneak Attack (1/Turn). On a success, the player and the walls are decorated with various replicas of magic rolls their die with advantage. He has proficiency in Rail-Away, including the gambling car. He keeps his dark black with Sami and Kem both, but particularly with Sami overhair short on the sides but longer in the back, where it is their shared love of antiquities.pulled into a short ponytail tied back with a silk ribbon. The only belongings the invisible humanoid has are a set of invisible clothing at the B1. great treasure can be found aboard. Social Share. Search. Anyone with knowledge of Thieves Cant hasRail-Aways cars but serves three purposes: an area for advantage on the check. He stowaway (DC 16 Persuasion or Deception check).warns them, that while rust monsters arent particularlytough individually, theyd best be prepared when dealing Dinners On Youwith them without magical weapons. 3d4 Swarms N/A of Bats 6 3 Strangely, after walking for some time, you appear to be back where you started, at the base of the tavern. Shambling Mounds 2 The light becomes dim as you enter a cave-like structure in The Ruins. There is a scattering of bushes around.9 You come upon the incongruous sight of a small, serene pond. He can usually be found lounging in the that wraps around her head like a crown. When The Wildaback is ready to continue traveling, either on its own whim or as directed by Kem Kasik, it raises itsmassive head and steps forward. The The Gambler is known to frequent this tavern thegalley-like kitchen is located within the car, allowing the most, either lounging here or in the Copper Penny. bowl-like candle which casts a flickering glow.The check-in alcove seems to have been carved out of asingle piece of giant bone or limestone, and is attached Opposite the stage is the bar (A5), flanked by theto the tavern by mortar. Until this grapple ends, the creatureis restrained. The 2. Experienced Hunters Needed Immediately! spoken languages. You can also find guests playing Rail-Away and a good place to meet any of the tavernsgames of Chess, Trail Seeker, Go, Nine Mens Morris, guests. Main Stage The raised stage is arguably the focal point of the Main In this reception area are a set of lockers enchanted Hall, though the entire area has such ancient grandeurwith arcane lock (lockpick DC 20), which contain the ma- that it is hard to tell which part is the most impressive.jority of the guests weapons. If If the party is respectful and informative, the wizardthe party asks about the contraption in D5, Admindium will offer them additional robes of the archmagi as thanks.will try to explain that the machine powers the taverns If asked about their history, they will explain the trueoperations, in spite of it being dormant. It is incapable of up to one large creature, two medium creatures, or four small feeling physical pain, and regenerates from its wounds creatures. The terms of the pact confused state. The two rooms contain six imprisoned 1d10 potions of greater healingwizards in all. Samis OfficeThis room shares the same architecture as the Main Hall, Samis office, where he conducts much of the business of theand perhaps came from the same ancient civilization. in the back, which function as decanters of endless water. The chairs and tables are unable to leave the tavern, and will lose their magic if forcibly taken. S itting at various tables are the other patrons, listed in the Taverns Guests section.The Seekers Guide to Twisted TavernsAre all gods avatars of the same force? When Trackle goes to get is an old family friend who was one of the Rail-Aways the honey milk, Prim gives her something: a gem from her very first passengers.36 The Seekers Guide to Twisted TavernsRAIL-AWAYSTAT BLOCKSDretin Dalmura Prim, a.k.a. or exit the tavern peacefully, depending on whether or not the players communicated with The Cow first. Inside them are thousands of papers that describe Player characters who enter this hallway will be greeted every guest that has ever visited the tavern, includingby the wooden door at the end of the hallway flying open, what they enjoyed most about the visit. The Seeker's Guide to Twisted Taverns [Hardcover Book] Animated Paintings. Restroom (A6). At the end of thehallway is an ornate wooden door (D4) that stands out The Desk. They can often befirst long-term posting the troupe has ever been awarded. All of the wizards lie dormant insideparty that it is a unique creature that feeds on emotions their crystal prisons, dimly lit by the magical glow thatwhich come from revelry and enjoyment. Eldermancy's The Seeker's Guide to Twisted Taverns Review Below the shelves are tables flow at random intervals. D5. If Cothadius becomes sober, it will leave the area and stand guard at the Locked Vestibule (D1).interpret the notes, which imply the tavern isnt actually a Chest. If engaged in conversation, Rimak will direction. He fancies himself a ladies man and, if can fluctuate after every stop and at the GMs discretion, the players party includes a woman, he will likely flirt with her if his wife and mistress are not around. Roll 1d4 to determine Raivos starting attitude. two chairs, a chest, and a Stasis Chamber in place of a bed. The Seeker's Guide to Twisted Taverns - Full Soundtrack Album - Music by John Theodore. A similar, smaller structure with a you realize the horizon is much further away than itlevel roof sits atop the crown of the beast. First. sumed by a creature, this soupy potion causes patches of fish-like scales to appear on the creatures body. The Seeker's Guide to Twisted Taverns A 5th Edition supplement filled with fantastical premade taverns, inspiring story hooks, and lovable NPC's. Pre-Order Now! above the floor on one-foot radius wooden rings. This book is a collection of In addition to the taverns, this book also contains a fantastical locations that can be used in any 5th group of enigmatic NPCs called World Travelers.Edition setting. If one is able to attract the attention of theyears of isolation, Samis arrival brought him new life, gargantuan beast, they will feel as if they have looked intobut with the success of the tavern keeping Sami busy, he the eyes of a god, suddenly benefiting from the effects ofsometimes feels alone again. Their combined arcane power acts as a An amulet of proof against detection and locationbattery for the rest of the taverns functions. 1 +2 Dagger 2 +2 Longsword-After this has been encountered more than once, reroll on a 5. Qinlar keeps track of each The stage is big enough for substantial productions butweapons place, and has a master intimate enough that anyone watching almost feels likekeyword (barakor) he can shout they are part of the action.to unlock everything in caseof an emergency. While Lady Gammons treatment is charismatic tool in the shed, but he is earnest and hard-much better than what she experienced working in the mine, she holds working. All the toilets on the beasttents, with the main difference between rooms being the have create water gems installed with a pull cord. Dretin Dalmuras spellcasting abilityis Charisma (spell save DC 12). There are several here every few days for the past year. These vats appear to be filled with wine, but are actually open Dealers. He explains that he has to the death, believing he cannot live without the meals been doing research on the secret nature of The Wizards they took from him. He is on it). Many say they have contains both the area that Kem uses to best communi-never slept better than when traveling on The Wildaback. 23However, any playing cards used for gambling tablesThe Seekers Guide to Twisted TavernsRAIL-AWAY 9. He had heard rumors thattask so they can take the place as runners up. KnucklesHit Points: 19Speed: 30 ft. Small humanoid (goblinoid), lawful neutral STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA Armor Class: 13 10 (+0) 14 (+2) 12 (+1) 11 (+0) 11 (+0) 14 (+2) Hit Points: 84 (14d8 + 28) Speed: 30 ft.Skills: Perception +2, Stealth +4, Insight +4, Persuasion +4Senses: darkvision 120 ft., passive Perception 12 STR DEX CON INT WIS CHALanguages: Common, Undercommon, Elvish 18 (+4) 16 (+3) 14 (+2) 11 (+0) 16 (+3) 12 (+1)Challenge: 1 (200 XP) Skills: Stealth +6Fey Ancestry. without being provoked, but will react if touched. While only average height, this human its symbol, they will become aware of it. refined culinary skills, a catalogue of cocktail recipes, and the ability to recall anything a guest tells it. The lights appear as colorful glowing orbs, occasionally Cauldrons. Locked VestibuleThe stairway leading up to the top floor ends at a large, fight in 1d4 rounds. The Cosmovect After being set free, each wizard will take their first The door directly across from the player characters when they enter bears a label written in Celestial, which readsThe Seekers Guide to Twisted Taverns Extra Storage. Inside the room is a massive contraption that defies logic. Coop. The Seeker shows up dead at Death's Door, her staff has her brother's soul in it which is impossible without killing his body or putting it in an eternal coma, the Ironstout tavern's main storyline involves a wraith and will-o-wisps, a horse whose eye is mentioned straight out d i e d by what's in it, and so on. 10 (+0) 8 (-1) 16 (+3) 2 (-5) 12 (+1) 7 (-2) Regeneration. The players must then clean he will stop stealing food if they bring him meals. They each wear robes of the archmagi andis actually true, but the rest of the creatures story is a have their faces obscured by magical darkness.clever lie. These responses include game rules, comments on C4. Ryman lives life with a jaunty smile on his face. The tavern can be played as a temporarylocation, serving as a respite from dangerous adventures. A large, solid man, Brandr has a full beard and a wild mane of Tarmo Warberry redhair. Melee Weapon Attack: +2 to hit, reach 5 ft., oneChallenge: 6 (2,300 XP) target. Description: Take this message off the board, and wait Characters who investigate will eventually find The outside for 5 minutes. An exit lies on the opposite side of the room from where As the players walk (or are pushed with the current) the players enter, which, if taken, will dump the playerthrough the room, they will stub their toes on a random characters out into a randomcollection of metal objects lying in the goop. The party can board the Rail-Away from their departingstation onto any sleeper or amenities car, with or without Only the back half of the engine room is accessible bya ticket, as Prim the Ticketmaster will be moving through normal humanoids. If the Administrator is killed while The Seeker is give the party a free round of drinks, and a potion of inside, The Seeker will offer to assist the party in finding a way back, and pretend to stumble upon The Cosmovect. Trying to steal the self-playing instruments Tender. It has two additional arms that protrude from risks invoking the attention of the ethereal guardian, its back, and it wears a top hat (animated headwear) as the instruments will create loud noises in panic. Trackle walks with a limp, and are fuzzy, but he heard the details goblins and another cave-in.does not speak unless spoken to. It says, inDwarvish, Dont forget! Prim AKA KnucklesTrail Seeker RulesThe Seekers Guide to Twisted Taverns 25THE TAVERN OPERATORS Brandr Fintan The staff of the Rail-Away come from across the land but Brandr Fintan is a human male nearing the end of hishave managed to form the close-knit bonds of a found family. their existence. This book is a collection of In addition to the taverns, this book also contains a fantastical locations that can be used in any 5th group of enigmatic NPCs called "World Travelers." Edition setting. The curtain is usually left closed when the stage is not being used. If theincludes a bedroll and baggage. Curdled Night Hag - 1 sp To say this cocktails texture is an acquired taste might be an understatement to some. If he is killed or banished, the tavern will teleport into the Astral Plane along with The answer: A thief everyone inside. Empty Guest Room patron, killed using fire, etc. Olins Room This guest room is occupied by Olin Wiscard, a human Portal Mirror. It opens and closesregularly and is large enough to walk through. day 2s dinner) to hopefully ensure that no one at the table is able to resist her song. This floating, oval-shaped object appears Cow is cursed with immortality, and has been alive to be made of a light blue gelatin. Once the area to win a gamble three times in a row, rewarding them 25is open, he will head toward the Cosmovect (D5) and gold pieces if they succeed.spend the rest of his time inside that chamber.

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