"It is good that we don't celebrate this holiday like it was done during the Bolshevik times. Appointment of Umpire. v. Taranaki [challenge], 12. "When Linotype was invented ". Workers and activists across Asia are marking May Day with protests calling for higher salaries and better working conditions, among other demands. Migrant domestic workers in Lebanon marched in a country plunged in economic crisis. Pamphlet. 'Te Ture Whakatau Rahui o te Tai Hauauru, 1892'. Monday, 01 May 2023. But the Herald closed a few years later in 1989. Taranaki Herald. September 30 1940, Taranaki Daily News farming supplement. "Job Creation Law must be repealed," protester Sri Ajeng said. In Indonesia, demonstrators demanded the government repeal a job creation law they argue would benefit business at the expense of workers and the environment. The Taranaki Patchwork and Quilters Guild festival commitee members were pleased to receive the grant. Manuscript. Taranaki Patchwork and Quilters Guild host festival in Stratford thanks standing with tbs Governor as President who also appoints s Vloe- President and Trustees to manage Farther Information can be obtained roin the Manager P O MORTON 595 Devon-street Now Plymqnth Property! Now there's not even a quarter of that number and the building is just far too big for us.". There were lots of similarities between the faiths he said, with Lent and Ramadan each focusing on a time of reflection and connection to a higher being and to their community. The council has suggested urgent changes to its Art in Public Places Strategy. The first are the unbearable kind, the prima donnas, drama queens and puffed-up petulant performers. "In my time the editorial departments were independent and you tried to beat them to stories. Several thousand people took part in the march, which was largely peaceful despite occasional clashes between participants and police. Springboks. Programme. The Daily News building on the corner next to the old Herald building on Currie St, New Plymouth. Butthen, every now and again, there would be a hitch and the figures wouldn't arrive, so reporters would improvise. She said everyone looked beautiful and she is right, walking in you could feel this happy party atmosphere and the kids and I have felt so welcome.. 1 Ariki Street, New Plymouth, New Zealand Farmers used to cut their hay by the weather maps that used to go in those days," he says, laughing. The protesters demanded the government halt moves to privatize state-owned and semi-government businesses. Emergency services rushed to the scene around 4.20pm. 1878-1953. New Zealand Genealogical and Family History Research - Sites - Sooty It was Taranaki's answer to Fleet Street. Puke Ariki's popular 'Word on the Street' series appears in the Taranaki Daily News each week. ARCHIVE CATALOGUE - Archives are held in the John Kinder Theological Library for the Anglican Church, the Melanesian Mission Trust Board, . People still like getting their papers. The passenger lists were originally published in the Taranaki Herald. Two Public relations Passes for the Taranaki Herald. Dr Peter Canaday is before a tribunal on a charge of professional misconduct. Supplement. Concentrates on popular journals, scholarly journals in arts, humanities and social . August 24 1965. The very basic tenets of Islam lie in the search for, and acquisition of, knowledge, he said, with knowledge referring both to new, scientific knowledge, and the knowledge contained in the Quran. Folder 3. Migrant domestic workers in Lebanon marched in a country plunged in economic crisis. Folder 2. other will known in racing cimlo tent if) toils womli rCcl hesliu qucliiisa Sahmon Sol turn is mw oeii'g used b) all l no Jrein ireinvni in (anterbnr) Otago linwkv'a ita) and Well nioi Provincoi So rBeiili(wm I'LEioHiii Messrs Pebby A Raubox SaddUts Luji v Mod J UD Qzici'Y Man fact rate- t'OLOuiA Cox ft Co i'ii JB u-ki- tisOt iv bourn- WhoieMcrcjncreiitatiecfoi Xeio Zealand Psimosa Mor'pn'o Rulming ttritcLuicb 1 SIN W H JURY WHITE HART LIVERY AND BAIT bTAULKS r thanking the publio for tlioir liberal patronage during tho last tm e years hugs tu inlimsto tlint having taktn toso centrally situated pieiniio in Quecn-atreot (late It B Honeyllelds) he ia now in a position to mpply Fuat clan Vohioli'B ot every duscriplijn on most moderte tciui Patrons nmy rely on all ordors being pirmptly attended to Orders may be loft dny or night w hjury 13m LOOK oyj FOR COUNTERFEITS ONE GENUINE SCHNAPPS l W agosttBsamtA mm 3W2QUE&' SUB GRS&TBSGZiIBH BBMBDYFOa RheumatiBK reHovad and wdlaG f -i -rent the dinww altiwkmg iu vital put ESTABLISHED 18 tangves limited STEAM ENGINES AND BOILERS OF -ALL DE50R1PT1ONB - - Tj I j f - - y "'S " TAhGYF COLONIAL SGLE AOENTS POR NEW Z7ALSKD J ohn Qhambers on FORT-STREET AUCKLAND Tho Univorcol Snwdr fis -Aoldity of tho Stomach leaduehe Heart mum Indloastlon SonrSmocatiana BlUono Affections i v DIHMEF0RDS t ' FLUID1 ' MAGNESIA Sold ThrougE WrBrASK FOR DINNBlFOBDS IVIAONESIA: W H Franklyn Jnst received from England by Direct fcte-tmer 75 PACKAGES o Seasonable Goods FIGS PUUNB3 ALNONfie 1U O T KAlSIKo CURBAST3 JELLIES JAMS MANUAL' DEb CONYKOriOMi NY fto ftc W H Franklyn rN O L K W O O 1) Oil I tlioso Wrotclicd Feucos 1 W1IY trust tho reckless fencing contractor ? Taranaki Centennial number, 'Taranaki, 1841-1941'. Looking for one of the first European settlers coming to New Plymouth? NEW ZEALAND HERALD (AUCKLAND) BEREAVEMENTS - The newspapers obituaries, death notices and in memorials . Alla Liapkina described the flowers and balloons of Soviet May Day gatherings, but said it's time to move on. September: HMS Alligator - arrived in Taranaki with a detachment of 60 men from the 50th Regiment . View marriage and birth notices from around the region. New Zealander. Industry and commerce. Activists opposed to the 2024 Paris Olympics and their impact on society and the environment also demonstrated. Includes photographs. The event was organised by the Pakistan Association of New Plymouth and was open to all. 1957. Stratford 75th Jubilee number. "It's only oriented to benefit employers, not workers.". Get this The Taranaki Herald page for free from Friday, July 27, 1894 NTAL STEAM NAVIGATION CO rrtHE Company's L de patch 1 with Hpt Majesty' I diili ss follow for LONDON aellins t Jsloaibo Aden . Aerial view of the Taranaki Newspapers Ltd complex on the corner of Currie Street and Powderham Street, New Plymouth. Pamphlet. Blue-collar workers led the protests, but white-collar professionals were also making demands in a country that stills bears the scars of previous recessions. Hawera : 100 years of local government. Printed at the office of the Rangitikei Advocate, Marton, Public Bill. Spanish lawyers demanded the right to take days off. Search and browse digitised NZ and Pacific newspapers from the 19th and 20th centuries Ninoy was gunned down and his death swept away the Marcos dictatorship. It may be time for parents to bring out board games for children. Patea Mail. 4 August 1927. PressReader is an all-you-can-read digital newspaper and magazine service. Northland, Auckland, Waikato and Bay of Plenty all in firing line for thunder tonight. Industries and commerce number. What's in the wind energy pipeline and who's behind the developments. A. The deal consigns the name Egmont to the history books. or oonhlitiitwmni) Uniol ana Pains in lh Buck (iiininnlod lire (nuii Moirnr Bold iu bo es 4i Cd nu li by all Cliumibi and Patent Midinno Vendor Bolo Proprietors Thr Likooui add Muhaki Co 7 ti Dbua Co Lincoln Ergind 5 2 SUITA BLli FOR Dairy Factories CaEAMEKIES - -' - - - ' --i ICBULA BDIIEK The niysialana Cure tor Qout Rhonmatie Grout and Gravel tho aaftl and most genila Xedielno for Infkntn Ch'iJb ra Sollento Fe rcalea and tho Slclc-neaa of Fragnano7 MEScRS SOLE BROS Wish to call tbs ATTENTION of the PUBLIC to the Superior Quality of the Meat they have now on view INSPECTION INVITED OSCE TJIIFD ALWAYS USED The Quality cannot be equalled ic ton a 74Jiii For One Month Only In onler to clear out all surplus winter goo Is M- MAOKAY Ilns still 111 Liter reduced Ids prices fui CAbU 1 aw is your rhaneo to feuuniu real guod targsiiu of IIAXiMUM QUALITY at MINIMUM COST The follonini area few of tho numerous lines (fferad at loasirlerebly below usual prices : Dress Sergom fimi 1 Id per yard an CtbhmoiM- fii'in Is per yai J up Diagonal Dresi-piacos Is 4d por yard Velvet one Plushes Satins Ribbons Braids Glovos 1 oiwtx Ladioa' Foil lists at la (hi and la 9J each Black Fliana nt Kkl T adieu' Cashmere Uoho from Is up Flannels are all reduced in price Blankets a goo I assortment of best colonial vory cheap Flannelettes from 3 (id per doxen yards Luules' Ulsters very cheap C ALL AND EE 111 EM Men' Suits fiom 15 np Ttousers from 6 up Men s Shirty at Is 9d 2s Oil 3 6 1 6s A splendid lino of Mon s Tweed Nhirts at 6a each tho best value ever offurad in Taranaki Oilcoats (all sin) at 9a Gd 11s 15s 20s BOOTS &"SH0ES tlicM o aro now offering at lire thin all the cheap silver bed piic s in Taranaki A CALL RE KP EOT FULLY ht'LIOlTitD Sale commences on July 7th 1894 Note lho Address G9 1CKAV I'-GLEVOOD THE CORRECT THING AT LAW A TOBACCO h mndo tram tho finobt Virginia Loaf i here m tther lobnc t hLe ii JuiiN Avruv New Plymouth WhnleiHr Agent irri r nt: -nni: tuam hobbt To ervonf iiKiUd fcjHiti &c on yrui otti cd piu-saucs fur cxirt paint vour bnxo rr ngs with a solution of Panqliiie A snilliog pneket maker one gallon Odom ere ana harm 1dm told everywhere lronnongsry and Hardware AT WHOLES LE PRICES D BERRY & CO 3 g AVS much tlcame in call-A-fi- ing tho attention of the public to au immense reduction in price of their goods owing to decreased cost in the Fngiixh and American Markets and to the fact that freights by the direct steamers ate now costing less than half the rate previo- sly obtaining They have thsiefore rvgard'rs of old-r cats carefully reduced the prico of every item of'thcir large and vafied strek to the smallest working profit end trust to be recouped by an inci cased amount of business They would respectfully request an iaapection of stock and pi ices when every attention mill be shown to those favoring them with a call whether purchasing or not Country Storekeepers eon rely on netting yoods at or below those quoted from the larger cities with the difference of freight added ST: CIA UPVALUES In 1- lectroduted Goods direct from tho best 'nglisb makers suitable for Wedding and other presents Nows recommended without maker is Lnown CUTLERY By Jos Hodcrs Christopher Johnson Lockwood and other leading makers Furnishing Ironmongery Lamps Bedsteads Wire Mattresses Travelling Trunks Tinned and Enamelled Hol-lownro &o at prices never before sold at in New fly month Tito reduction n Builders Ironmongery and Tools only requires to be known to ho appreciated: O K B Brand Corrugated Iron the Best and much the Cheapest also curved for Tanks and to any pattern for verandahs Yfntet and Gas Pipes out and screwed to any lengths by machinery Oils Paints Colon Yarmshes and Painten Brush-ware and requisites Bricks ' ouimon and Fir I ime Cement and Fire Clay ccufo for Mr asm B'oth V -ic-'o-isMs C'-lobrated Spnvp and Diu Harrows Chaff uMrn rionhs Jono Hoara Wiud-mill ami cth r A jricaUaral lmple-yi nt Boid ft Grn- b Tann Imptome: ts at auik' rt price) Kauri Timber Co Doors Sashes and Joinery Jno Wilson ft Cos Uydronlio lima and Ccmect 8oott's Cob bratod Victor Stovos Gravo Fences and Ornamental Ironwork fiSflnden from England America or the Continent undertaken at -lowhg all discounts obtained at a commission to be ascertained upon inquiry iveraye time required four to five month N ) Pi THE ADDRES3 ' D BSUKY & CD Brougiiam-BtrLet New Plymouth and Broadway Stratford S SHUTTLE! The Taranaki-based agricultural business wants the fine reduced by $40,000. Souvenir programme, name tags and invitation. Papers Past | Newspapers Home - National Library of New Zealand Associated Press/. "But that was just the way you had to do things.". Most drawn for the Taranaki Herald. March 29 1941(2 copies), Taranaki Herald newspaper supplement. 1882-1932. The Taranaki Herald from Taranaki, Taranaki, New Zealand 1 Reply from the Editor A. Workers and activists across Asia are marking May Day with protests calling for higher salaries and better working conditions, among other demands. an activist at a Seoul rally shouted at the podium. July 8 1897, Taranaki Herald Newspaper Supplement. New Zealand and Empire. Ithink there will be a resurgence in papers.". The corner of Currie St and Powderham St in New Plymouth has been the home of Taranaki news for longer than any one of us has been alive, Taranaki Daily News acting editor Matt Rilkoff says. Unidentified [Auckland?] "I stopped counting at 20.".

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taranaki herald archives