I need strength. She started and began by reading from Isaiah 53 about Jesus the suffering servant. In verse 11 he says, He who overcomes and again last week we talked about who the overcomer is. How can such a church be turned around? . What is your Motivation for Moving Forward? How then can I blaspheme my king and my savior? Well, they threatened to bring out live beasts and he said to bring them on. Scripture does not record the founding of the church of Smyrna. It was probably only 15 minutes, but it seemed like hours. Copyright 2002-2023 Got Questions Ministries. Her passion is to help wanderers find home. So, I would go to these dinners hating it because all they would do was just drink and drink. Why are they treading on dangerous ground? So with that context in mind, let's take a look at Revelation 2: 8-11. 6. He will do anything to stop good things that God is doing. We Were Created to Inhabit This Earth Part 1, We Were Created to Inhabit This Earth Part 2, Kingdom 102: The Kingdom of God is Relevant, Kingdom 102: Knowing How to Apply the Kingdom Concept, Kingdom 103: He Needs No Assistance in Keeping His Promise, Kingdom 103: Seven Last Days Churches and Their Believers' Characteristics, Kingdom 103: Reconsidering the End Times, Kingdom 104: Misrepresenting the Kingdom Gospel. In verse 9 when He says, I know your tribulations. That word used here for tribulation literally means pressure. Because I was on staff here and was one of the instructors, I had to go to all the parties, all the festivities, and all the graduation dinners. They would tell us about their relationship with the Lord and they would tell us about the things they had endured during the Cultural Revolution because of their faith in Christ. The Cross And Our Response to Trials (1 Peter 4:12-19), 8. I was not Crickett then. How does this fact strengthen your faithfulness? The Bible tells us that. As a matter of fact, He promises us that if you are a believer, you will face suffering and you will have some persecution in your life (2 Tim. I have felt his warfare. What do these verses imply about persecution and the believer? The period 1923-1924 was followed by the . I do not think I can be like You. I went into that lab and got there before she did. Why would there be a need to be tested further? Do you fear God more than people? (8) Revelation 2:8 - "And to the angel of the church in Smyrna write: 'The words of the first and the last, who died and came to life. Olympian games were held in Smyrna. Only the one who believes that Jesus is the Son of God. (1 John 1-5). Because they did they were considered to be unpatriotic traitors: you do not love Rome. Thus they were tortured. They had laid up for themselves treasures in Heaven,where moths and vermin do not destroy, and where thieves do not break in and steal. (Matthew 6:20) No doubt, Jesuss commendation would have been a timely affirmation that their sacrifices had not been made in vainand that they should continue basking in the abundant life Jesus had purchased for them. What should you do? Is the Apocalypse Mentioned in the Bible? Maybe you have a financial issue. What causes a Christian to become belligerent against Christ and a church to turn on one another, forsaking their call and duty? It would protect them. Some were boiled alive in oil. What does God want me to share with someone? We try to go it alone when Christ is beckoning us to trust in Him, go His Way, and give our fears to Him. As I said in your study this week that fear and trust are opposites. 105 views, 1 likes, 1 loves, 0 comments, 2 shares, Facebook Watch Videos from Buncombe Baptist Church Lexington: Welcome to the home of Intentional. Kingdom Citizen, not "Christian"--What's In a Name? Do not be afraid. What caused them to turn out to be a church of bitterness and strife? No second-place prize existed. If we are going to suffer well, the first thing we have to remember is that Jesus Christ is the ultimate victor. When Jesus introduces Himself as theFirst and the Last, who died and came to life again,He is drawing their attention to the power of His resurrection. Well, the first type of suffering they were going through is pressure. I went in and I just said, God I do not think I can do this. What does it mean to be faithful until death? Before they lit the fire, he prayed, Oh Lord, almighty God, I thank you for counting me worthy of sharing the cup of Christ among the number of your martyrs. She said, Janene, lets just get down on our knees. (NASB). I cried and I prayed and I said, God, I do not think I can do this. Then, they would want to pray with us. More insights from your Bible study - Get Started with Logos Bible Software for Free! He died for one reason: his unyielding faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. Appreciation for this transcription work goes to Marilyn Fine. These actions would have given the believers could a measure of favor with the government and secured a much easier life. We cannot do that as a church of Satan! While there, the Holy Spirit spoke to John and instructed him to record everything Jesus was about to reveal via a vision. I came back that fall and I was so on fire for the Lord. Father, I just thank you for the privilege of knowing you personally. In fact, it has been said that more Christians have lived in this region than any other Turkish city in the world. Until recently, we who live in the United States and Canada have had many personal liberties, particularly the freedom to worship God.In the post-World War II era, most other modern Israelitish nations have also enjoyed such freedoms, and thus most in the church of God are not accustomed to widespread or severe persecution. Then, I got my purse and I drove home. He begins this like He did the last letter and every letter afterward with the words, I know. He knows everything. I know what it is like to face death at their hands. When fear grips the human heart, and our very life is threatened, nothing can bring tranquility like faith in Him who is both the first and the last.3. Revelation 20:14 and Revelation 21:8 tells us that the second death is the lake of fire and brimstone. Kingdom 103: Student or Disciple of the Kingdom? Jesus thus says in effect, you know what, I know what it is like to be persecuted by your enemies. I Peter 4:19 instructs those who suffer according to the will of God to entrust their souls to a faithful creator in doing what is right. Kingdom 103: The Governor is Meant For All, Kingdom 103: The Holy Spirit is Your Guide and Teacher, Kingdom 103: Your Legacy and the Kingdom, Kingdom 104: The Misrepresentation of the Kingdom, Kingdom 104: Earthly Holidays Misrepresent the Kingdom, Kingdom 104: His Name is All Authority and Power, Kingdom 104: His Law, the Source of All His Principles and Truth, Kingdom 104: Failing to Know Your Kingdom Assignment Brings Boredom, Kingdom 104: The Purpose of the Sabbath--Rest and Teach, Kingdom 104: The Sabbath or Seventh Day God's Way, Kingdom 104: The Sabbath or Seventh Day God's Way Pt 2, Kingdom 104: Living in the Kingdom Culture, Kingdom 104: Your Eternal Foundation Will Sustain You, Kingdom 104: The Diluting of the Kingdom Message, Kingdom 104: Being Deceived From Your True Identity Pt 1, Kingdom 104: Being Deceived From Your True Identity Pt 2, Kingdom 104: Being Deceived Without a Solid Foundation, Kingdom 104: What Profit Has Righteousness in the Kingdom? Anyone who has said I cannot earn salvation on my own so I put my faith in the blood of Jesus Christ to pay the penalty for my sins. The letter to the church at Smyrna is unique for several reasons. Throughout the history of the Church the more that the Church has been persecuted the greater its purity and strength. Kingdom 103: Where Does the Governor Reside? This is how we know that we love the children of God: by loving God and carrying out his commands. I lived in mainland China for four years and during those four years I studied the Chinese language of Mandarin. But instead, through their surrendered lives, the Holy Spirit empowered the Smyrnaean Christians to choose spiritual wealth over worldly gain. Kingdom 102: Surrendering Our Heavenly Passport, Kingdom 102: A Break in Diplomatic Relations, Kingdom 102: We Are Prisoners In a Foreign Land, Kingdom 102: Understanding His Mission, Purpose and Who He Is, Kingdom 102: His Original Mission and Purpose, Kingdom 102: Developing a Kingdom Concept, Kingdom 102: Meditate on These Kingdom Principles, Kingdom 102: His Assignment, Preach the Kingdom, Kingdom 102: Preach and Teach the Gospel of the Kingdom, Kingdom 102: Representing the King: The Power of Our Position, Kingdom 102: Restoring the Kingdom and Its Mission Statement, Kingdom 102: The Kingdom Reintroduced Pt 1, Kingdom 102: The Kingdom Reintroduced Pt 2, Kingdom 102: God's Plan to Restore Our Place, Kingdom 102: Preparation for the Counselor (Holy Spirit), Kingdom 102: Preparing for the Indwelling, Kingdom 102: A New Order is Here, in the Last Stage, Kingdom 102: The New Order and Its Citizens, Kingdom 102: The Final Process: Becoming One With the Holy Spirit, Kingdom 102: The Kingdom is the Good News Pt 1, Kingdom 102: The Kingdom is the Good News Pt 2, Kingdom 103: The King's Viewpoint of Giving. Judaism Into Thy Word Ministries. How does 2 Corinthians 6:10; 8:9 and James 2:5 shed light on this? It is because the soul is no longer there. With the warning comes the exhortation that they should not succumb to fear. We may not be worshipping Satan, but when we run the church by our ways and agendas, we are, in fact, worshipping Satan, because Christ is not only ignored, He is being opposed! 5. This is the victory that has overcome the world, even our faith. The only place the Bible mentions the Church at Smyrna is in Jesus letters to the churches: To the angel of the church in Smyrna write: These are the words of him who is the First and the Last, who died and came to life again. I sat outside and prayed. How does knowing that Christ, the Creator and Lord of the universe, approves you help you cope with "feeble mortals" telling you dishonorable things? He is like a lion prowling around looking for someone he could use. In this same verse, Jesus offers great comfort to His church by assuring them that He is the God who sees, knows, and cares about their troubles. She went on and on and on about my faith in Jesus Christ. 3:17); it is impossible for a person to be in Smyrna, before the Lord, yet at the same time be in Laodicea, before the world. The Cross And Unjust Suffering (1 Peter 2:19-25). 7. My entire senior year was spent at the hospital as we would rotate through labs. He says, Do not fear.. They will only last for a moment in life of the blessings that you will have for eternity. We would go and sit in their homes. . But every born-again Christian is called to die to the things of this world (Galatians 2:20, Luke 9:23), become a bondservant of Christ (1 Corinthians 7:22; Ephesians 6:6; 2 Timothy 2:24), and to consider all earthly things loss compared to the worth of knowing Jesus as Lord (Philippians 3:8). They would be thrown into prison probably for the purpose of forcing them to worship the Roman emperor. He fled briefly and then they caught him and he did not run that time. I had some coworkers in Dallas who used to joke about the parties they were going to have in hell. All rights reserved. They cannot coexist. The problem was that it bugged them that I did not drink. Finally, Jesus warns His people to expect more suffering, persecution, and testing. Pt 2, Kingdom 104: Christianity Misrepresents the Kingdom Pt 1, Kingdom 104: Christianity Misrepresents the Kingdom Pt 2, Kingdom 104: A Focused Representative of the Kingdom, Kingdom 104: Where Are the Masculine-Thinking Men? Look at the conversation between Jesus and the Jews in John 8:31-47. How Are the End Times Described in 2 Timothy? Jude identifies characteristics of the advisory. In Revelation, the Apostle John records Jesuss address to seven churches in Asia Minor. It would be fine if they just left me alone. The crown of victory belonged to the victor alone, and every other competitor was considered defeated. 1.2 Name. Or they could have agreed to call Caesar Lord, knowing they could later repent. 5. I was kind of scared. He is talking about that kind of pressure that comes from when you take a heavy rock and you put it on someones chest and you press down on their chest with all your force so that it suffocates the person. Well, they were under pressure from several forces. The Church in its "Ephesian Period" having lost its "First Love," the Lord is now about to "chastise" it, so as to cause it to return to Him. All Christians cannot stand on their own feet and you could not do this if you had to. 2 Corinthians 4:4, http://www.churchleadership.org/apps/articles/default.asp?blogid=0&view=post&articleid=43133&link=1&fldKeywords=&fldAuthor=&fldTopic=0, http://www.churchleadership.org/apps/articles/default.asp?blogid=0&url=10&view=post&articleid=43139&link=1&fldKeywords=&fldAuthor=&fldTopic=0, http://www.churchleadership.org/apps/articles/default.asp?blogid=0&url=10&view=post&articleid=43138&link=1&fldKeywords=&fldAuthor=&fldTopic=0, http://www.churchleadership.org/apps/articles/default.asp?blogid=0&url=10&view=post&articleid=43137&link=1&fldKeywords=&fldAuthor=&fldTopic=0. Maybe someone in your family is causing you some grief. Also, death is mentioned three times in these four verses. Its streets were wide and paved. I was just going through my mind of what I was going to say. First, we serve a God who knows, sees, and is with us through every fiery trial and dark night (Isaiah 43:2). It is not for you to carry around and have them saying, wow, look at my crown! Your crown is a little small there. Look how many I have. These crowns are not for the purpose of making you feel good about your life on this earth because we are told in Revelation 4:10 that we will go before the throne of God and we will go on our knees and our faces before Him and we will cast our crowns at his feet. The church in Smyrna and the church in Laodicea stand in stark contrast to each other (Rev. Yet, we tend to fill His call with the void of our stubbornness, recklessness, and selfishness. She began to just blast me for my faith. It was used to embalm the dead in the first century (Jn. California - Do Not Sell My Personal Information. Smyrna is the Greek word for myrrha sap-like substance extracted from tree bark. Whatever it is, it is a hard season of life. I do not agree with that. (Ephesians 1 is a good reminder of our riches in Christ.). I had a conversation Sunday morning before church with a good friend here. In the center of the ancient city, Mount Pagos (modern name: Kadifekale) stood 500 ft. high and was encircled by a garland of architecturally impressive buildings and templeswhich was probably why the hill was known as The Crown of Smyrna.. 9. My human flesh cries out and I will do everything I can to avoid it. Scripture does not give us any information concerning the founding of this church, nor is it mentioned in the book of Acts. They had no way to make a living. Are you secure concerning your eternal destiny? How do our stubbornness, recklessness, and selfishness contribute to a church's dysfunction? by David C. Grabbe Forerunner, "Prophecy Watch," January 2, 2009 . Ch 1 pt 3, Kingdom 104: Masculine-Minded Men of the Kingdom Government Pt 1, Kingdom 104: Masculine-Minded Men of the Kingdom Government Pt 2, Kingdom 104: The Benefits of Understanding the Simplicity of the Kingdom, Kingdom 104: The Benefits of Discernment, The Kingdom Is the Crux of the Problem Pt 1, The Kingdom Is the Crux of the Problem Pt 2. The Holy Spirit is Christ's presence on Earth, forever guiding and convicting to keep his followers on the right path. They were being slandered by those who say they are Jews and are not, but are a synagogue of Satan. These Jews were physical descendants of Abraham. Its system of coinage was old, and now about the city coins of every period are found. Absolutely nothing is hidden from our all-knowing, all-seeing God. It was exceptionally wealthy. He is aware of the enemys plans and the afflictions we face (Hebrews 2:17-18). They cannot coexist. As believers, we should expect persecution and suffering in this life. Thank you for the strength that You give us when our flesh just does not have it. Of course, all the other med techs are sitting there pretending like they were not listening. Life was hard for these Christians. What does this passage mean? 2. I noticed it and after a few weeks I thought you know I think I need to say something to her. Do not be afraid. He is with us fully. In verses 10 and 11, he makes two promises. How does this apply to me? Is there something difficult going on in your life today? Oh, youre too good for us. Their businesses were shut down. This was true of this church, all the seven churches, the church throughout the ages, and churches today. If you are only born once, you will die twice. If you are only born physically, you will die physically and you will die spiritually. And whenever we do, the vision of Jesus standing among us in all His glory, and the words of promise He speaks, will sustain and guide us.7, I hope you all have had a great week studying about suffering. He does not like it and he will unleash his wrath on this church or any group of believers because he does not want you to grow. The ultimate reward is life. I. Jesus' Resurrection Gives Us Hope. Well, Smyrna lay 40 miles almost due north of Ephesus. Kingdom 103: Your Faith is Essential in the Kingdom, Kingdom 103: They Praise Him, But Fail to Obey Him, Kingdom 103: The King's Will and the King's Word, Kingdom 103: Know Your Purpose While on This Earth. How is Jesus described in verse 8 and which attribute(s) of God does His description emphasize? Why would this description of Christ be especially encouraging for this church? Rest in the Lord and wait patiently for Him; do not fret because of him who prospers in his way, because of the man who carries out wicked schemes. - Psalm 37:7. Jesus wanted to encourage them to stand strong, even if it meant physical death. Faith and fear are opposites. They are cannibals. They accused them of immorality because they greeted one another with a holy kiss. If they kill you, they just ended your physical life. Be encouraged as you study the message sent to this church. 4. It's incumbent on us to listen up and give heed to what the Holy Spirit is saying to the churches. Lets pray. I thought, okay we can pray about this. Well, you know, God never promises us as a believer that life is going to always be fun. They despised and hated Jesus Christ. I know your afflictions and your povertyyet you are rich! 6. And finally, Smyrna was the only congregation besides Philadelphia that did not receive admonishment from Jesus. How do these verses affirm Christs equality with God? Today it is called Izmir, Turkey. The words of Jesus to the church in Smyrna in Revelation 2:8-11 offer insight into the life of a first-century congregation, and there are many applications for today's believers. The third thing we need to remember is that the ultimate enemy is Satan. The trials that you are going to go through will be brief. The name of Smyrna was equated with myrrh. So, I went into her office, which was at the back of the lab. Life is not going so great. But, the second type they were dealing with was poverty. That is the doctrine or the view of annihilation of hell. Nor will we suffer hardships like imprisonment for our faith, and very few of us will face the choice between our livelihood or a life with Christ. Jesus gave each one a short "report card." Ephesus had "abandoned the love it had at first," (Revelation 2:4, ESV ). The people loved the Roman government because it was strong. Christians are not exempt from suffering. Ancient coin inscriptions describe Smyrna as first of Asia in size and beauty, and The Ornament of Asia.. WEALTHY WITHOUT WEALTH In the church Ephesus, the Lords finds a decay of first love, in Smyrna, we see Him voiding Satan's malice to restore the former freshness. If they sought praise from menif they wanted to please the people around themthey would not be so readily targeted for persecution. She hated Christians. Learn more about the rapture, the anti-christ, bible prophecy and the tribulation with articles that explain Biblical truths. How can I be changed, so I can learn and grow? Trust me. Garlands of victory were bestowed only to the highest achieving athletes. Jesus gives them two instructions in verse 10 as to how to handle this impending suffering. This is the letter to the second church: the church of Smyrna. Many believe that this church represents the martyrs of all the ages and the sweet-smelling fragrance of their faithfulness until death. I walked out and thank goodness it was 3:30 which was the time to go home. She would totally ignore me. Kingdom 103: Trusting in Mankind While Believing in God's Word? How does this compare with the strong terminology Jesus uses in Rev 2:9? The fragrance from Myrrh is only released from the sap through crushing. It was almost as if the city was trying to starve them out. 2. So, I opened the door and walked through the lab. They already were in the midst of tribulation (v. 9) and Jesus had no rebuke or condemnation for them. 5. The first death means when we physically die and then go into eternity for rewards and to wait for the resurrection and the everlasting life. If someone slanders you, what do you do? The fourth thing we need to remember is that the ultimate solution is trust. Presumably, this church was founded during Pauls ministry in Ephesus (Acts 19:10).1, The Greek word translated Smyrna was used in the Septuagint (the Greek translation of the Old Testament) to translate the Hebrew word for myrrh, a resinous substance used as a perfume for the living (Matthew 2:11) and the dead (John 19:39). She would not spend one minute helping me, somebody who had thrown their life away believing in this fantasy of Jesus Christ. 4. This is true of the Evangelistic and . Perhaps there are people in the church who are just trying to make life hard for you, but they are not really your enemy. What was Jesus message to the church in Smyrna in Revelation? What Do We Know About the Ancient city of . Go ahead and turn with me to Revelation 2. 7. We will be rewarded for staying strong until death. 5 Chambers, My Utmost for His Highest, June 25. What season of life are you in today? I am so thankful. But, in the process, when I am in the middle of it, it is hard to find joy in why He has me there. But, we are going to experience suffering on this earth without doubt. You would listen to these believers pray and you would just think they are on a different level than we are. An aspect of maturity is being slow to respond to accusation-as our Lord did. "In Roman times, Smyrna was considered the most brilliant city of Asia Minor, successfully rivaling Pergamos and Ephesus. Jesus has no censure for the church Is there sin in my life for which confession and repentance is needed? Jesus Christ is the eternal God. So I kept my guard there, but I said, have I done something? She told me to shut the door. Kingdom 103: What Gospel Are You Preaching? That is a way of worshipping Him, showing honor to Him. Some people believe that people who are unbelievers will go to hell for a period of time. I do believe that hell is a literal place. They had no food. 12. . The Essential Inductive Questions (for more Inductive questions see Inductive Bible Study): What does this passage say?

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characteristics of the church of smyrna