Ciceros main point here is that Archias poem honours not just Lucullus but the Roman people as well: this is meant to show that Archias is useful to the Roman people, and so ought to be cherished by them. Literature and Persuasion in Cicero's Pro Archia I am grateful to Professor A. J. Woodman for drawing my attention to the Sallust passage. This twofold pattern of argument is a common one in Cicero, and is found most famously in Pro Milone:Milo did not set out deliberately to kill Clodius; but had he done so, it would have been justified.18 In Pro Archia, the first stage of the argument (enstasis) occupies 4b11, while the encomium of literature, occupying 1230, is formally the second stage (antiparastasis). Both poets were befriended by a leading family at Rome (Ennius by the Fulvii Nobiliores), taken on campaign by them, and granted citizenship through their influence; unlike Archias, however, Ennius was from Italy and wrote in Latin. In this chapter I shall briefly review the historical circumstances of Archias trial, and then discuss the speech itself and some of the issues it raises, especially that of why the encomium of literature is included, and how it contributes to the defence. Users without a subscription are not able to see the full content on 13.1.4).13 Secondly, Cicero had high hopes that Archias would immortalize his suppression of the Catilinarian conspiracy in Greek verse ( 28, 31), just as he had immortalized the achievements of Lucullus. While naming the law under which Archias was granted citizenship at Heraclea, Cicero begins with the verb to emphasize that citizenship was indeed granted (Data est). The narratio concludes with the vital facts relating to Archias acquisition of the citizenship. Self-Reference in Ciceros Forensic Speeches, A Volscian Mafia? The high stylistic level, secondly, serves to establish an atmosphere of culture and sophistication, and this too is something that was best done right from the start. As M. L. Clarke has pointed out, Archias was not the only one of Ciceros boyhood teachers whom he went out of his way to help: he had Diodotus to live in his house after he had become old and blind (Brut. The chapter examines the style used by Cicero in Pro Archia and asks what it was about this particular case that led him to adopt such a style. Si quid est in me ingeni, iudices, quod sentio quam sit exiguum, aut si qua exercitatio dicendi, in qua me non infitior mediocriter esse versatum, aut si huiusce rei ratio aliqua ab optimarum artium studiis ac disciplina profecta, a qua ego nullum confiteor aetatis meae tempus abhoruisse, earum rerum omnium vel in primis hic A. Licinius fructum a me repetere prope suo iure debet. Cicero und das rmische Brgerrecht: die Verteidigung des Dichters In Defense of the Poet Archias by Joshua Lee - Prezi Luc. At this point there is nothing further that Cicero can say that is directly relevant to the legal issue, and so the digressio ( 1230), consisting of the encomium of literature, intervenes. Again, in outlining the content of Platos Phaedo in Pro Scauro, he implies that he has not read the work, and adds, for the jurys benefit, that Plato was a great philosopher (Scaur. The effect on the jury of this roll-call of aristocratic names must have been considerable: it would make it abundantly clear that Archias, even allowing for some exaggeration on Ciceros part, enjoyed the patronage and favour of Romes leading families. In Pro Lege Manilia, admittedly a speech to the people, he pretends to be only vaguely aware that Athens was once a great sea power (Leg. C. also promotes invaluable reading strategies along the way. A letter from Cicero to Titus Pomponius Atticus in the year following the trial makes mention of Archias, but there is no conclusive evidence about the outcome of the trial. From every point of view, then, it would have been unthinkable for him not to take on Archias defence. In addition to the vocabulary at the back C. has chosen to provide a running vocabulary on the left-hand page, thus sparing pointless flipping through either this edition or a dictionary. 4. Cicero's client is not, as so often, a prominent Roman aristocrat accused of violence, bribery, or extortion, but a Syrian poet whose claim to Roman citizenship was disputed. Making a New Man, Oxford (2005). When he does choose to discuss an intellectual subject at length, in Pro Murena, he begins, as we have seen, by flattering the jury on their erudition, and then proceeds to describe the Stoic school of philosophy in a way which first of all assumes no prior knowledge whatsoever, not even the name of the founder, and secondly serves merely to reinforce, for his own ends, the jurys anti-intellectual prejudices.21 Cicero was to admit, many years later, that the jury that heard Murenas case were an ignorant lot (Fin. The poet was originally Greek but had been living in Rome for an extended period of time. That generation will be fortunate to begin reading the Pro Archia with this edition. Bryn Mawr PA 19010. The occasional note that relates sentence structure or vocabulary choice to larger themes both fulfills pedagogical needs and also reminds us of the tricky balancing act between simply teaching and inspiring real interest in sophisticated texts with a readership at this level: fit your line solely with technical syntactical and rhetorical terms or with explanations of subjunctive X in subordinate clause Y and students are less likely to take the bait. The commentary likewise alerts students to some hallmarks of Ciceros Latin (e.g. First, M. Lucullus arranged for him to be granted honorary citizenship at Heraclea. At its most basic, the speech itself constitutes the The authority of these great Romans (all were consuls and two were also censor) wins Cicero his point after all; the technique is the same as that used at 6. In Pro Archia Poeta, Cicero implied that Archias, a resident of Heraclea, might have qualified for citizenship under the Lex Julia and Lex Plautia 2 In this context, Cicero asserted that even lawyers lack a proper education, unless they possess a . In (p. xviii); there are two very similar notes on inde usque (p. 5); the cross-reference to 199-200 (on quae cum ita sint) should probably read 200-203 (p. 85). It could even be read as a sort of laudatio funebris for Archias, Cicero, and liberal learning. [4], Last edited on 23 December 2022, at 13:40, "M. Tullius Cicero, For Archias, chapter 7", M. TVLLI CICERONIS PRO A. LICINIO ARCHIA POETA ORATIO,, There was no official enrollment record for Archias as a citizen of Heraclea, Archias did not maintain a permanent residence in Rome. It will also give him a much larger pool of examples on which to draw, including the actor Q. Roscius Gallus ( 17), the rhetorician L. Plotius Gallus ( 20), and the historian Theophanes of Mytilene ( 24), none of whom would otherwise be relevant to his argument. The Art of Citizenship: Roman Cultural Identity in Cicero's Pro Archia Trump's defense grills E. Jean Carroll about old social media posts in Cicero is not, however, attempting to predate Archias acquisition of the citizenship: he is simply encouraging the jury to think of Archias in terms appropriate to a Roman citizen. It is the encomium of literature, however, for which Pro Archia is read and remembered, and which makes this speech a particular favourite among readers for whom the cut and thrust of late Republican politics is not a primary concern. The tone of the passage is philosophical; but it is popular philosophy of a straightforward nature, designed to reassure rather than intimidate the jury. The head of the family, L. Licinius Lucullus, went into exile, probably in 102, after being convicted of misconduct in Sicily the previous year, but he had two teenage sons at home, Lucius and Marcus, and Archias no doubt assisted with their education. as for the part of my speech which was out of keeping with the Forum and the tradition of the courtswhen I discussed my clients talents and literary studies in generalI hope that this has been received in good part by you, gentlemen, as I know it has been by the man who is presiding over this court. The 2023 NFL Draft is officially in the books. The speech then comes to stand as proof of Archiass great teaching, as Ciceros exceptional command of language and rhetoric illustrates his teachers vast influence. For other forms of mental relaxation are in no way suited to every time, age, and place. Abstract. He reinforces that proposition through the alliteration of Mars, manubiae, and the Muses: the language demonstrates the idea. Clark, Albert Curtis: in Oxford Classical Texts, Dugan, J. The third reason for the high stylistic level may be stated more briefly. D. 1.79), wrote a poem on Roscius (Div. Examples of hendiadys abound, and C. carefully explains and smoothly translates these tricky bits of Ciceronian fullness, as in section 3, where tanto conventu hominum ac frequentia is both translated literally and then rendered as with so numerous a throng of men. Students are taught to distinguish the literal meaning from Ciceros meaning. It is therefore impossible that Quintus should have assured Cicero in advance that an epideictic style would be well received or that Archias would be acquitted. Pro Archia - There were examples of this in our fathers time, the younger Africanus, a godlike man, and C. Laelius and L. Furius, men of the greatest moderation and self-control, also the elder M. Cato, a most valiant man and the most learned of his day. Name: Reading guide for Cicero's Speech in Defense of the Poet Archias (on Blackboard) Note: The defendant's birth name is Archias (a Greek name), Cicero refers to him as Aulus Licinius, the name he took once he moved to Italy and attained Roman citizenship. Callim. This chapter reviews the historical circumstances of Archias' trial, and then discusses the speech itself and some of the issues it raises, especially that of why the encomium of literature is included, and how it contributes to the defence. The argument here runs as follows: (i) even if we are not interested in literature, we should admire those who have literary talent; we admired the talent of the actor Q. Roscius Gallus; (and equally we should admire that of Archias); (ii) we loved Roscius merely because of the movements of his body; we should therefore respond to the movements of (Archias) mind. Without praise, he explains, men would have no incentive to perform great deeds (the point is repeated from 23). The digressio, then, is not simply an instrument of persuasion, it is also an elegant essay that would have been as appealing to its original audience as it has been to readers down the ages. It was, in short, beneath the consideration of a Roman. It was Metellus Pius who had enrolled him as a citizen and whose careful records provided the documentary evidence that he needed to establish his claim to citizenship. Saxa atque solitudines voci respondent, bestiae saepe immanes cantu flectuntur atque consistunt; nos instituti rebus optimis non poetarum voce moveamur? We should therefore begin by asking what it was about this particular case that led Cicero to adopt such a style.17 The question is especially pertinent in the context of the exordium, since stylistic brilliance was normally to be avoided in this part of the speech (Inv. Were it not for his study of literature, he says, he would never have stood up to Catiline. 12.73); Cic. Life of Archias. There he said that he intended to prove first that Archias is a Roman citizen, and secondly that, were he not a citizen, he ought to be one. But while the Roman people are honoured, Lucullus too is given a full share of the glory ( 21): Nostra semper feretur et praedicabitur L. Lucullo dimicante, cum interfectis ducibus depressa hostium classis est, incredibilis apud Tenedum pugna illa navalis, nostra sunt tropaea, nostra monumenta, nostri triumphi. Although technically delivered in a court of law, the speech possesses the unique characteristics of a more ornamental realm of oratory, epideictic, which includes speeches such as funeral orations, or laudatio funebris. The legal argument, that Archias is a Roman citizen, is divided into two roughly equal halves, the narratio ( 4b7) and the confirmatio ( 811). In reality Archias, if he ever wore a toga at all, which is doubtful, would not have done so until 89, by which time he had been settled in Rome for thirteen years. In a possible reminiscence of this passage, Sallust tells us that Q. Fabius Maximus Verrucosus and the elder Scipio were said to have been spurred on to virtuous deeds by contemplating the masks of their ancestors (Jug. There is then a confirmatio ( 811), which consists of arguments based on the facts as given in the narratio. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); 101 N. Merion Ave., Some time later, Archias accompanied M. Lucullus on a visit to Sicily, and on their return journey Lucullus arranged for him to be granted honorary citizenship at Heraclea in Lucania. The jury must be persuaded both that Archias is a Roman citizen and that he deserves to be one. First, whatever the jurors private views on poetry and culture, it is nevertheless flattering for them to be treated as intellectuals, as a select group of people who are well educated and superior to the common herd (cf. In both speeches Cicero encourages the jury to feel that they possess the cultural knowledge which will entitle them to pronounce on intellectual questions (and in both speeches he is extremely careful to place only minimal demands on that supposed cultural knowledge).

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in defense of archias summary