Cicci has also disclosed this to the FBI. He was a top soldier in the regime of Peter Clemenza (Richard S. Castellano), and took over the regime after Clemenza's death. Vincenzo's guardianship. | The Corleones kept their word, and Frank's family was well provided for. So Fredo thought he was safe. Frank Pentangeli Others point out that, when Michael told Anthony at the last minute that they were leaving, Fredo was left in the boat with Al Neri. Analytical cookies are used to understand how visitors interact with the website. Pentangeli takes this as an insult and leaves in anger. His brother's presence [at the Senate hearing], as well as the stare they exchanged, serves as a threat that if Frankie follows through with his planned testimony, retribution will be taken against his children, who are living in Sicily under Vincenzo's guardianship. Should I re-do this cinched PEX connection? After the trial dissolves into chaos, Tom Hagen (Robert Duvall), the Corleone family's lawyer and adopted son, shows up at Pentangeli's compound to inform him in so many words that if he commits suicide as penance for speaking out against Michael at the trial, his family will be taken care of for life. As Fredo says a "Hail Mary", Neri shoots him in the head when he gets to the part about "pray for us sinners, now and at the hour of death." Roth had played Frankie against Michael with a feigned assassination attempt, as he knew Frankie was angry at Michael for banning him from moving against the Rosato brothers. Answer (1 of 7): The finished film leaves unclear exactly what about his brother's presence motivated Frank to change his story. Vito then arrives and everyone except Michael rushes off to greet him. The finished film leaves unclear exactly what about his brother's Believing that Michael ordered the Rosato Brothers to kill him, he had been in the custody of the FBI along with Willie Cicci since the murder attempt. Castellano for example did not appreciate the number of takes required of him climbing stairs for the climatic elevator assassination. In the video game adaption of The Godfather Part II, Pentangeli acts as a mentor to Dominic after he has been made the new Don of New York. Other uncategorized cookies are those that are being analyzed and have not been classified into a category as yet. Pentangeli arranges a meeting with the Rosato brothers. He has done ugly, ruthless things to protect himself things that once made him sick to his stomach to contemplate without even breaking a sweat. He is visibly angry with Michael when they are discussing Greene. At the beginning of the hearing, Michael Corleone, the organized crime figure whom Pentangeli is This got Frankie scared enough for his life to break omerta by talking to the FBI. It's safe to say any objections Connie has to Michael's ways and doings are easily solved by her need for financial support. This portion of the article discusses a character's suicide. Arriving at the meeting place, Pentangeli leaves his bodyguard outside and enters the bar alone. Pentangeli later secretly sided with Vito Corleone and continually reported back to Peter Clemenza what Mariposa was planning, keeping the Corleones one step ahead of the game. Gazzo was nominated for a Best Supporting Actor Oscar for his performance, which he lost to Robert De Niro, his co-star from the same film (as young Vito Corleone). to shame Frankie for betraying his family. His bodyguard is longtime soldier Willi Cicci. 5 Who ordered the hit on Frankie Pentangeli in the Godfather 2? His brother enters the room and Frankie to immediately changes his story. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Performance". The finished film leaves unclear exactly what about his brother's presence motivated Pentangeli to change his story. Did Michael Corleone ever get revenge against those who killed his wife? Michael V. Gazzo Gavin Hammon (voice). Stone's abusive texts to Credico were read out in court in which Stone called Credico a "maggot", a "rat", a "stoolie" and a "disloyal fuck", encouraging Credico to tell Mueller to "go fuck himself" and threatening to take the comedian's dog away (Credico relies on a medical support dog). He ran the family operations in New York when Michael Corleone was in Nevada . But opting out of some of these cookies may affect your browsing experience. Later, at a Senate hearing investigating organized crime and allegations of Michael's criminal activities, Michael learns that the committee intends to call Pentangeli as a surprise witness to contradict Michael's adamant denial that he is a crime boss. Ironically, only Fredo supports Michael's plan to drop out. Later, at a Senate hearing investigating organized crime and allegations of Michael's criminal activities, Michael learns that the committee intends to call Pentangeli as a surprise witness to contradict Michael's adamant denial that he is a crime boss. However, you may visit "Cookie Settings" to provide a controlled consent. Though not explicitly stated, it is implied that Roth wanted revenge for the death of Moe Greene (Alex Rocco), a friend of his who was assassinated on Michael's orders in the previous film. Edit, She probably reasoned with the "ubi maior, minor cessat" principle, thinking that if she had left without warning Micheal of it, he would probably have tried to kill her. Once Pantangeli started claiming he had no idea who Michael was or of any criminal activities, they immediately question who the man sitting next to Michael and Tom was. In an early draft of the script, it was mentioned that Frank had a mistress and child in Sicily under the care of Vincenzo, but he would kill them should Frank testify against Michael. He also moved into Vito's former estate in Long Beach, Long Island. It widens as Vito selects Michael over Fredo to head the family in the wake of Sonny's death. He knew that Fanucci's (Gastone Moschin) reign was primarily based on bluffs and intimidation, rather than a large, strong organisation backing him (there was even a deleted scene showing Fanucci getting attacked and wounded by a group of street kids, which showed how weak Fanucci actually was). Mariposa family Corleone family Upon seeing his brother in the committee room, Frank denied his written testimony and feigned ignorance of the Corleone family's criminal activities. However, he breaks his agreement with the FBI and denies all he had previously said. The Godfather Part II Roth secretly plans to assassinate Michael, partly to avenge Moe Greenes murder (as depicted in The Godfather). As for Michael asking "who had Frank Pentangeli killed": By that point in Havana, Michael and Roth were in a verbal sparring game. He ordered Pentangeli to do nothing, as he did not want a war to interfere with an upcoming deal with Hyman Roth, who supported the Rosato Brothers. Pentangeli took this as an insult and left in despair, saying "There will be no trouble from me". The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Other. The attempt on his life by the Rosato brothers is inspired by the murder attempt on Larry Gallo, who was garroted in a bar during a sit-down and narrowly survived when a policeman intervened. However, Michael had a history of "forgiving" people (such as Carlo) so that they would stay close, giving him an opportunity to kill them. Frank tells Hagen afterwards that Vincenzo is "ten times tougher" than himself, that he's "old fashioned" and that he could have had his own crime family if he moved to America. Having this information from the first movie makes it a lot easier to follow the second. Frank has his last conversation with Tom Hagen. Why didn't Saito kill himself when he was stuck in limbo? Michael asks if Roth would object to him having Frankie killed. Identify blue/translucent jelly-like animal on beach. He has nothing left in his life but the trappings of wealth and power, and the business of being the head of the Corleone family: a position he never wanted in the first place, always meant for the family-loving but utterly ruthless Sonny. Edit, There are several possible reasons. It also has the advantage of giving Fanucci a false sense of security, making it easier to catch the Don off guard for the assassination. This is correct. Stack Exchange network consists of 181 Q&A communities including Stack Overflow, the largest, most trusted online community for developers to learn, share their knowledge, and build their careers. The actor playing Clemenza, Richard Castellano, and the director FFC, reportedly did not get along all that well. Why core of the Earth is in a semi solid state? Was it just out of guilt or was there another less obvious reason? To do this, he uses Johnny Ola, his right hand man. Which language's style guidelines should be used when writing code that is supposed to be called from another language. In 1959, Michael Corleone got . How does Senator Geary know Michael Corleone's plan? Under Neri, it states that he killed the prostitute that was with Senator Pat Geary. Why did Michael Corleone only kill Carlo in the car? Frankie is portrayed as a crude man with only superficial respect to the mafia families and no deeper understanding. After the assassination attempt at Michael's house, Michael had a private meeting with Tom Hagen. Pentangeli is prepared to testify against Corleone and his criminal empire, but Michael brings Pentangeli's brother, Vincenzo, to the hearing. Because Pentangelis protective custody was so secure, Michael could not have him killed before the hearing. the backstory in the drafts which still had the Clemenza character. In the Godfather, did Paulie and Carlo actually join the conspiracies for which they are killed? Then, some theories as to who killed the would-be assassinations can be drawn. The final film only There are two theories as to why Frank did this. Cicci had testified to this as well, but was unable to directly implicate Michael in illegal activity because he never received direct orders from him. The final film only states that Vincenzo is himself a Mafia chieftain in Sicily. Even though at the end, Michael pretended to forgive Fredo, if Michael suggested that Fredo go fishing alone with Al Neri, Michael's personal hitman; Fredo likely would have been suspicious and not have gone along with it and gone back into hiding. In an earlier scene, Frankie, in a clear and obvious manner, shows his anger and disrespect to Michael because he is banning him from defending his own territory. Movies & TV Stack Exchange is a question and answer site for movie and TV enthusiasts. In the final scene, Michael sits alone in the family garden at Lake Tahoe. In the Godfather 2, Michael Corleone was put in an impossible situation, where his former Capo regime and close associate Frank Pentangeli, was going to appear before the senate and be a. Instead, he flew Vincenzo in from Sicily. Instead, the smooth charm he failed to use to quell Michael's questions earlier in the film comes to the surface once more. Vincenzo Pentangeli was the elder brother of Frank Pentangeli. He was believed to have been involved in the Sicilian Mafia. The Corleone family was like the Roman Empire. Fredo subsequently betrays Michael by teaming with rival gangster and former ally Hyman Roth (Lee Strasberg), which prompts a federal indictment, and Michael soon ties this back to both men. With his intense, distraught expression, Pacino communicates one simple message Michael has learned too late that a life lived without love is a life not worth living. [9] Stone was ultimately pardoned by President Donald Trump. Why did Frank Pentangeli not testify against Michael? His . presence motivated Frank to change his story. Hyman Roth probably wanted to avenge Moe, but more so, he just wanted Michael Corleone dead so he could run his businesses without Michael being in his way trying to take it all. Given Michael's low tolerance for treachery, it is highly probable that something along those lines did indeed happen to them. Hagen tells Pentangeli, a history buff, a story about how traitors in ancient Rome could spare their families if they committed suicide; the implication being that Michael will take care of Pentangeli's family if he kills himself. This is a valid answer as Frank's first thought was that it was Michael that placed the hit on him, which is exactly what Roth wanted him to think.However, when he realizes it was not Michael he feels shame for having betrayed the Corleone family. The soon to be ousted Cuban president; Fulgencio Batista. Acclaimed by film reviewers and beloved by viewers, the performances of Al Pacino and Robert De Niro, among others, have gone down in the annals of cinema history, gaining a legendary reputation as time has passed. As we know by the end of the film, Hyman Roth is behind the hit on Michael. However the deal was a set up and Tony Rosato himself garroted Pentangeli, claiming to have been sent by Michael. These cookies help provide information on metrics the number of visitors, bounce rate, traffic source, etc. An Because Pentangeli's protective custody was so secure, Michael could not have him killed before the hearing. His brother's To subscribe to this RSS feed, copy and paste this URL into your RSS reader. Why would the assassin say Michael Corleone says hello if Roth ordered the hit? How did Michael know that Roth was behind the assassination attempt at his home, not Frank Pentangeli? I was never quite sure about this, but some searching turned up this old thread on another board which discussed it in some detail. Would My Planets Blue Sun Kill Earth-Life? Piety forms Fredo's ultimate response his murder: He's shot to death by Michael's assassin, Al Neri (Richard Bright), while he prays the rosary in a rowboat in the middle of Lake Tahoe during a fishing trip. How did Michael figure out that Fredo betrayed him? Performance cookies are used to understand and analyze the key performance indexes of the website which helps in delivering a better user experience for the visitors. He holds court with the press, entertaining them, even making them crack up at his jokes, but his expression is one of knowing doom and uneasiness. External Reviews Frank Pentangeli meets with the Rosato Brothers. What happened to Clemenza in the Godfather 2? It is used as a form of honorable protest (see Cato the Younger). , Grew up in an Irish-Italian neighborhood. Michael concludes on his own that Roth was behind the assassination attempt. Anyway, it suggests the two most probable reasons are: to threaten Frankie, by showing him that his family isn't safe to shame Frankie for betraying his family. We use cookies on our website to give you the most relevant experience by remembering your preferences and repeat visits. The look from his brother also meant that Frankies entire life would stand for nothing. Why does Michael Corleone use Johnny Ola in Godfather 2? Learn more about Stack Overflow the company, and our products. Edit, The reason is mainly to keep his honor, and also to be sure that his family will be taken care of. Edit, Coppola and Puzo originally intended for the character Peter Clemenza (Richard S. Castellano) to return and to focus on his troubles managing the New York family and his betrayal of Michael Corleone. Pentangeli thinks that Michael wanted him murdered, so he initially turns on Michael and gives incriminating statements about him to the feds, who are trying to get Corleone on perjury.. Fredo says he's never met them. It is here that a much more idealistic Michael announces that he's quit college and joined the marines to fight for the Allied side during World War II. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. Both brothers know that Fredo must pay for his betrayal with his life, and both try to avoid the inevitable with various delays. Most damningly, he was prepared to testify that Michael personally murdered Captain McCluskey and Virgil Sollozzo in 1947, and made plans for a mass slaughter of the other New York Dons as early as 1950. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. Edit, The Godfather: Part II tells two stories in two different timelines. He had an Italian wife and children, as well as a mistress, whose children he sent to live in Sicily with his brother Vincenzo. Upon this realization, he recants on his statements against Michael that would have put him in prison for perjury (lying under oath) Knowing that now Frankie had broken his FBI deal, and was looking at a life sentence, he cuts a deal with Tom as so his family and possible Willy Cici's family could keep their fortunes as Frankie is the head of his own New York Crime Family. Connie, meanwhile, tunes out the drama and eventually leaves the room entirely as Michael and Sonny nearly come to blows. In contrast, since Pentangeli was a capo, there is no insulation between Michael and himself. Stone asked a "Person 2" to "do a Frank . Why did Michael Corleone not forgive his brother Fredo? But his involvement likely ended there. Edit, Michael was leaving Tom in charge of family affairs while Michael focused on the business in Cuba and Vegas. I got my own family, senator. He doesn't mention that Israel would offer him protection against the Italian mobster he tried to bring down. In the end, Mr. Credico did not testify, and invoked his Fifth Amendment right against self-incrimination. The first movie also provides many of the references to loyalties and disloyalties in the family and describes how Michael Corleone came to take over his father's position as Don. Alternatively it could just be he naturally has a raspy voice. Edit, First, the code of "omerta". Michael then introduces Johnny to Fredo, and they act like it's the first time they met. | Because Pentangeli's protective custody is so secure, Michael knows he will be unable to have him killed before the trial. Coppola, in his director's commentary on The Godfather Part II, mentioned that the scenes depicting the Senate committee interrogation of Michael Corleone and Pentangeli are based on the Joseph Valachi federal hearings and that Pentangeli is like a Valachi figure.[1]. Clemenza is still in the movie, albeit as a younger man in the scenes set in 1917, played by Bruno Kirby. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. Suspecting that Hyman Roth was behind the assassination attempt, Michael met with Pentangeli and asked him to help take his revenge. User Ratings Edit, It's more likely they were standing guard and simply caught Michael's body guard in the act. The family leaves Michael alone to brood at the dinner table while they rush to greet the newly-arrived Vito at the doorstep, while Michael takes a fortifying sip of wine. Why did Michael Corleone not forgive his brother Fredo? Because Pentangeli's protective custody was so secure, Michael could not have him killed before the hearing. Once again, family loyalty undoes one of Puzo and Coppola's characters. Puzo and director Francis Ford Coppola wrote the screenplay for The Godfather Part II. presence, as well as the stare they exchanged, serves as a threat that Title(s) Pentangeli prefers open warfare against Roth and the Rosatos, but reluctantly obeys Michael's order. (2) Frank Pentangeli is found dead in his bathtub, having slit his wrists. Cookie Notice In this scene, Frankie was just acting drunk, the crude man he is, but this behaviour was a display of disrespect, and it had the consequence that his angry and dissatisfied feelings were revealed. When he collaborates with the FBI telling them about the Corleone family, he also reveals his implications, the crimes he had committed for the family. Credico said an impression of Pentangeli was not in his public repertoire. And we was like the Roman Empire. Because Pentangeli's protective custody was so secure, Michael could not have him killed before the hearing. Why did Frank Pentangeli not testify? Edit, Michael knew from the start that it was Hyman Roth that tried to have him killed. That was a lucky break for Frankie--Roth wanted Frankie dead. Frankie said it himself that his life wasn't worth a nickel. Violation of this was considered the ultimate form of disgrace. He also said he couldn't believe that somebody would listen . [8] On November 15, Stone was found guilty on all seven counts, obstruction of proceedings, five counts of false statements, and one count of witness tampering. 9 10 comments Best He thanked Hagen, returned to his room, and slit his wrists in the bathtub with his shaving razor, killing himself. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Analytics". How are engines numbered on Starship and Super Heavy? rev2023.5.1.43405. (According to Fredo's wife, their bodies were found right outside her and Fredo's room.) The government will continue . For more information, please see our He was an old associate and friend of Vito Corleone, having worked with him in the early days of the olive oil business. But you were just being strong for us. Michael responded by bringing Frankie's brother in the courtroom signifying they have his family. However, you may visit "Cookie Settings" to provide a controlled consent. What happened to that? This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. It ends in 1925 when Vito (Robert De Niro) returns to Sicily with his wife and four young children-Sonny, Fredo, Michael, and Connie-in order to kill the man who killed his parents. From Wikipedia: The finished film leaves unclear exactly what about his brother's presence motivated Frank to change his story. Michael told them to wait, to which Clemenza reluctantly agreed, but Tessio did not and made a deal with Barzini, which resulted in his death. He immigrated to New York, United States. As Connie is transformed by Carolo Rizzi's physical abuse, so does Fredo change after falling under the sway of hitman Moe Green (Alex Rocco). Contents 1 Biography 1.1 The 1930s 1.2 Moving up in the family Additionally, some believe that the scene is meant to take place in the future and that Michael is picturing a time he can never get back or that he is reflecting on how he tried to separate himself from the rest of his family (evidenced by the fact that he remains behind in the dining room while everyone else goes to greet Vito) but was inevitably drawn into their business, losing several of them permanently in the process. Michael brought Frank Pentangeli's older brother Vincenzo (Salvatore Po) from Sicily. 6 What is the ending of the Godfather movie? You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. He was also deeply fond of his family and of young children, giving Anthony Corleone a reasonable sum of money at his Communion Party at Lake Tahoe. Sonny (James Caan) introduces Connie (Talia Shire) to her future husband Carlo Rizzi (Gianni Russo). Caporegime Street boss Coppola had previously received much criticism for allegedly "glorifying the mafia". Finally, Michael is reluctant to invest in Roth's Cuban business, whereas Fredo seems much more interested. [4] "The indictment contains a reference to a character from 'The Godfather: Part II' who is intimidated into not testifying against a mafia boss. He was prone to making rash decisions and would not readily back down from a fight when challenged, particularly on matters of honour, such as his disputes with the Rosato Brothers. It's been suggested that once Fredo realized that the hitman had attempted to kill Michael and Kay, Fredo killed the gunmen. Which language's style guidelines should be used when writing code that is supposed to be called from another language? Roth's wariness does not protect him. Can you still use Commanders Strike if the only attack available to forego is an attack against an ally? Even at that age, young Vito was intelligent and known that having loose lips got his father and his brother killed. So you'd know that I could hurt you. Advertisement cookies are used to provide visitors with relevant ads and marketing campaigns. Vito's mother was also saying he was slow-witted to downplay Vito's intelligence and therefore his potential threat to Don Ciccio, in the hopes the Don would be merciful. The third one that was always in the back of my mind is that it clears up in Frankie's head that Michael didn't arrange to have him killed. The cookies is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Necessary". What caused Vito's raspy voice as an adult? Why don't we use the 7805 for car phone chargers? Why is it shorter than a normal address. other than having an additional scene where one of Pentangelis men informs Pentangeli that it was, in fact, Michael who ordered the hit. Why did Frank Pentangeli kill himself in Godfather 2? I always interpreted this along the lines of his brother sitting with. Aug. 10, 2016. Michael knows that Pentangeli's protective custody is too secure to make an attempt on his life before he testifies. ca. Michael tells Kay afterwards that what happened at the hearing was a personal matter between the brothers. Michael went to Roth, saying that he knows Frankie tried to have him killed because Michael tried to have him make a deal with the Rosato brothers. (3) Neri, Fredo, and Anthony are about to go fishing when Michael calls Anthony back, leaving Neri and Fredo to go out alone. Journey with us as we explore the ending of this legendary piece of cinematic history and figure out who sleeps with the fishes and who was smart enough to leave the gun and take the cannoli. Both men have a stronger loyalty to their father and their country; Michael even points out that Sonny sounds like a clone of their father. Roth demands to know if Michael is pulling out of . After the [Senate] hearing, consigliere Tom Hagen (Robert Duvall) visits Frank in custody. I would assertively say that the capture of Pentangeli's brother by Michael may very well serve as a sign that Hyman Roth is on the dead list. Analytical cookies are used to understand how visitors interact with the website. Instead, he flew Vincenzo in from Sicily. Michael mentions Hyman Roth and Johnny Ola. Pentangeli discussed how tough his brother was, much tougher than himself. Michael carrying out the murder of his brother also carries additional weight: in the flashback, Fredo is the only one who is supportive of Michael's plans.The scene is also one final indicator of Vito's impact throughout the events of the film series, even though he doesn't physically appear in the scene: Michael notes that Sonny is speaking like Vito while Tom mentions that he and Vito have had conversations about Michael's future. Edit, The flashback scene is significant for several reasons.For one thing, consider the fact that it takes place immediately after the hit against Fredo is carried out. He's beaten the rap the feds had against him, and he's eliminated all of his enemies. A policeman steps inside, and the attack degenerates into a shootout in the street. and our Hagen subtly told Pentangeli that he did the right thing by recanting, and that if he accepted responsibility for turning on the Corleone family, his own family would always be taken care of and remained unharmed, as had happened with insurrectionists against the Roman Emperors.

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why did frank pentangeli not testify