. [=have you met before?] He was well acquainted with the literature of France(Sentencedict.com), Germany and Holland. In 1886-1887 a German expedition under Dr Koldewey explored the cemetery of El Hibba (immediately to the south of Tello), and for the first time made us acquainted with the burial customs of ancient Babylonia. The autograph has been disputed, but divers passages, and especially one in The Tempest, show that at first or second hand the poet was acquainted with the essayist. A number of adult board games can help people get to know one another if the guests are not acquainted and can double as party ice breakers. Devotees will, of course, be well-acquainted but for newcomers the 13 tracks should be a small revelation. He is well acquainted with all the researches that have been made, but tries to save Tell's refusal to do reverence to the hat, his leap from the boat in the lake, and his slaying of the bailiff in the "hollow way.". At Bruges he became acquainted with the famous Spanish scholar, Juan Luis Vives, with whom he lodged. You and your family can spend the day getting acquainted with a town you might have overlooked in the past. Boris, during the campaign, had made the acquaintance of many persons who might prove useful to him, and by a letter of recommendation he had brought from Pierre had become acquainted with Prince Andrew Bolkonski, through whom he hoped to obtain a post on the commander-in-chief's staff. I am pretty Internet-savvy, and had become acquainted with blogs through Trent Vanegas' Pink is the New Blog. In 1398 he was chosen by the Bohemian "nation" of the university to an examinership for the bachelor's degree; in the same year he began to lecture also, and there is reason to believe that the philosophical writings of Wycliffe, with which he had been for some years acquainted, were his text-books. Democracy in Pakistan Congressman, although rooting for rule of law is generally a good thing but #pakistan courts routinely sentence people to death for blasphemy You'd do well to acquaint yourself better about pakistan before making foreign policy statements. Besides all this he was probably more profoundly acquainted with the literature and bibliography of medicine than any one before or since. Harnack, who was the first to show that these Acts were Catholic in character and not Gnostic as had previously been alleged, assigns their composition to this period mainly on the ground that Hippolytus was not acquainted with them; but even were this assumption true, it would not prove the non-existence of the Acts in question. On the whole, Gustavus cannot be said to have been well educated, but he read very widely; there was scarce a French author of his day with whose works he was not intimately acquainted; while his enthusiasm for the new French ideas of enlightenment was as sincere as, if more critical than, his mother's. They were, on the other hand, probably acquainted, a couple of millenniums before Meton gave it his name, with the nineteen-year cycle, by which solar and lunar years were harmonized; 1 they immemorially made observations in the meridian; regulated time by water-clocks, and used measuring instruments of the nature of armillary spheres and quadrants. Wen is not the easiest product line to become acquainted to if you are used to a heavy and bubbly suds and lather when you shampoo. What does auld lang syne even mean, and why is it so special on New Years? Pontellier was too well acquainted with fever symptoms to be mistaken. They imply the existence of a community with which Paul was personally acquainted, and to which he felt himself bound and free to address keen, authoritative reproaches. He was so well acquainted with the contents of the volumes which he exposed for sale that the country rectors of Staffordshire and Worcestershire thought him an oracle on points of learning. For example, a home inspector from a Chicago suburb would probably not be as acquainted with the special requirements of property in the city of Chicago as would a Chicago-based home inspector. After an absence from Corsica for a period of five years, during which he visited England and the Low Countries, and became acquainted with Erasmus and More, he returned to Nebbio, about 1522, and there remained, with comparatively little intermission, till in 1536, when, while returning from a visit to Genoa, he perished in a storm at sea. Well acquainted in a sentence: well acquainted sentence examples Among the imposing train who went with the cardinal - including, as it did, several noblemen and privy councillors - Gardiner alone seems to have been acquainted with the real heart of the matter which made this embassy a thing of such peculiar moment. ; informed (usually followed by with): to be acquainted with law. For nine years Prussian delegate at the diet of Frankfort, Bismarck was intimately acquainted with all the issues Bis,narck. It is important to find an inspector who is acquainted with the special building codes and requirements in the city where the property is located. Economists are well acquainted with the dynamics of shrinking populations. The Priestly Writer in the Pentateuch also a p pears to be acquainted with this doctrine; it is the first of four ages which begins with the Creation and ends with the Deluge. In Rome he became acquainted with the Syrian Gnostic Cerdo, whose speculations influenced the development of the Marcionite theology. Fans of AMC are well acquainted with Pine Valley's most colorful character Erica Kane played since the debut by Susan Lucci. Whether you've been samba dancing for years, or are just getting acquainted with the dance form originating in Brazil, you'll want a wide repertoire of samba dance moves in order to keep the time you spend dancing full of fun. There are many retirement jewels out there, but unless you are personally acquainted with them, you may never discover all that these small towns and communities have to offer. Colbert, now aged' thirty-two, was engaged to keep him acquainted with what should happen in the capital during his absence. A faint light was thus thrown upon the puddles, and those who were well acquainted with the street could pick their way dryshod. Viper on Twitter: "Democracy in Pakistan Congressman, although Look it up now! With Prince Hippolyte Kuragin, who was a secretary to the embassy, Bolkonski was already acquainted. It was Amalric also who set him to write the history of the Crusades which we still possess (in twenty-two books, with a fragment of a twentythird) - the Historia rerum in partibus transmarinis gestarum. There are plenty of sites devoted to singles, and while some are more erotic in nature, others are simply designed to allow people of like cultures, beliefs, interests, and/or hobbies to meet, get acquainted, and maybe even fall in love. In Asia they held Asia Minor and Syria, had sent expeditions into Arabia, and were acquainted with the more distant countries formerly invaded by Alexander, including Persia, Scythia, Bactria and India. Musclemag doesn't only focus on the man who's well acquainted with his biceps and triceps. In most essential points he was a model bishop, and he acquainted himself with Welsh, so as to preach and conduct service in that language. Some time before this, perhaps as early as 1588, Bacon appears to have become acquainted with the earl of Essex, Elizabeth's favourite. The house is considered to be the original of "Castlewood" in Thackeray's Esmond; the novelist was acquainted with the place through his friendship with the Rev. He was well acquainted with the works of the ancient physicians, and probably fairly so with chemistry. Like you, I am not intimately acquainted with Truth. By his eighth year he had read Aesop's Fables, Xenophon's Anabasis, and the whole of Herodotus, and was acquainted with Lucian, Diogenes Laertius, Isocrates and six dialogues of Plato (see his Autobiography). Harvard student Zachary Rothstein is well acquainted with postoperative nausea. He studied at Venice, where he became acquainted with Erasmus and Aldus Manutius, and at an early age was reputed one of the most learned men of the time. By this time he had visited several of the principal museums on the Continent, among others Leyden (where Temminck resided) and Paris (where he had frequent intercourse with Cuvier), thus becoming acquainted with a considerable number of exotic forms that had hitherto been inaccessible to him. I believe you are acquainted with Miss Rowe. God cannot interrupt His own work by miracles; nor can He favour some men above others by revelations which are not granted to all, and with which it is not even possible for all to become acquainted. In 1782 he journeyed through France, Germany, Holland and England, and became acquainted with many scientific celebrities. Played everywhere from birthday parties to board game conventions, the rules can seem a bit complex at first, but once you get acquainted with the game, you won't want to walk away from it. The verb " to be acquainted with " means to have knowledge or experience of something or someone. 53. Burning-glasses were in common use, and spectacles it does not appear he made, although he was probably acquainted with the principle of their construction. Archaeologists are acquainted with objects of early art and craftsmanship, rude clay pipkins and stone weapons, which can only be classed as " human," and which do not bear much impress of any one national taste and skill. Ministers are continually referring to the importance of energy and self-sacrifice on the part of the industrial population, who cannot be expected to display these qualities unless, generally speaking, they are acquainted with the facts.'. Everyone cheers, smooches their loved ones, and hopes for better times ahead, all while that special song plays in the background. 39. They were well-acquainted with the effects of a musket, although not the least alarmed at having one fired off near them. Mrs Stanton, who had become intimately acquainted in London with Mrs Lucretia Mott, one of the women delegates barred from the anti-slavery convention, devoted herself to the cause of women's rights. It was noted for the first time in this February speech, but the most striking instance was in a speech on Mr Osborne Morgan's Burials Bill in April 1875, in which he described a Quaker funeral, and protested against the "miserable superstition of the phrase `buried like a dog.'" Acquainted in a sentence up(5) down(5) Sentence count:148+19Posted:2016-09-27Updated:2020-07-24. . The world's wickedness was intolerable, he wrote; throughout Italy he beheld vice triumphant, virtue despised. In 1832 the Registro Trimestre, a literary and scientific journal printed at Mexico, contained a communication by Dr. Pablo de la Llave, describing this species (with which he first became acquainted before 1810, from examining more than a dozen specimens obtained by the natural-history expedition to New Spain and kept in the palace of the Retiro near Madrid) under the name by which it is now known, Pharomacrus mocino.3 Quezal, male and female. Meadow Mouse was too well acquainted with old Mr. Crow to get himself into any such fix as that. In spite of the silence of our records, Dr Stubbs thinks that kings so well acquainted with foreign usages as Ethelred, Canute and Edward the Confessor could hardly have failed to introduce into England the institution of chivalry then springing up in every country of Europe; and he is supported in this opinion by the circumstance that it is nowhere mentioned as a Norman innovation. There are grammar debates that never die; and the ones highlighted in the questions in this quiz are sure to rile everyone up once again. It is also generally allowed that he was acquainted with the fourth Gospel, though some think that he used it with a certain reserve. The emperor was, moreover, imperfectly acquainted with the degree of preparation of his adversaries' designs, and when he dictated his preliminary orders he was still unaware of the direction that the allies' advance would assume. The horse cantered briskly along, and king and boy were soon quite well acquainted. Speaking generally, the cancioneiros form monotonous reading owing to their poverty of ideas and conventionality of metrical forms and expression, but here and there men of talent who were poets by profession and better acquainted with Provencal literature endeavoured to lend their work variety by the use of difficult processes like the lexaprem and by introducing new forms like the pastorela and the descort. But the work of distribution and the adaptation of the supply to the demand of the consumer naturally fall to those who are best acquainted with native wants. Some of the most effective exercises are those which you are undoubtedly well acquainted. These tendencies had been fostered by his tutor Zhukovsky, the amiable humanitarian poet, who had made the Russian public acquainted with the literature of the German romantic school, and they remained with him all through life, though they did not prevent him from being severe in his official position when he believed severity to be necessary. volume_up more_vert. Well-acquainted definition at Dictionary.com, a free online dictionary with pronunciation, synonyms and translation. (15) We should get acquainted with our parents earlier. If youve ever seen a moving picture online, chances are good that youve experienced the modern wonder of the GIF (graphics interchange format). Acquainted Definition & Meaning | Dictionary.com Goussen (though members of the Archbishop of Canterbury's Mission to the Assyrian Christians had previously been acquainted with the book). Other proposals, made by men well acquainted with the East, are more definitely practical and less political in their intention. Police said the thieves were obviously well acquainted with the alarm system at the department store. volume_up more_vert. [=I have read his books] 2. : having met : knowing each other in a personal or social way. I speak understandingly on this subject, for I have made myself acquainted with it both theoretically and practically. Osiris introduced civilization into Egypt, and then wandered over the world, making men acquainted with agriculture and the arts, as Pund-jel in his humbler way did in Australia. Afterwards he became acquainted with the young Castilian, Diego Laynez, who had heard of him at Acala and found him out in Paris. Privacy Policy. Bibby is well acquainted with danger. This form of organization ultimately became universal, and already before the end of the 2nd century it was established in all the parts of Christendom with which we are acquainted, though in Egypt it seems to have been the exception rather than the rule, and even as late as the middle of the 3rd century many churches there were governed by a plurality of officers instead of by a single head (see Harnack, Mission and Ausbreitung des Christenthums, pp. If you are acquainted with the hiring manager, I would love to give him a copy of my resume. Well acquainted with the doctrines of Galen, he rejected them as thoroughly as Paracelsus did, and borrowed from the latter some definite ideas as well as his revolutionary spirit. What does acquainted mean in a sentence? Heller, Keith. ACQUAINTED Synonyms: 12 Synonyms & Antonyms for ACQUAINTED - Thesaurus His writings, which include some Latin poems, prove him a man of learning, and he appears to have been acquainted not only with the Latin classics, but also with Greek, and even Hebrew. Meaning: adj. The difficulty is increased by the fact that the geographical descriptions given in the Old Testament, the Apocrypha and the writings of Josephus are very short, and, having been written for those who were acquainted with the places, convey insufficient information to historians of the present day, when the sites are so greatly altered. Instructed in the Greek language by his mother, he prevailed upon the king to entrust him with an embassy to Athens about 589 B.C. To get better acquainted she asked that one of the young ladies should come into her box for the rest of the performance, and Natasha moved over to it. Free government grant forms can be completed in the comfort of your own home, or filled out by a professional grant writer if you happen to be acquainted with one. These committees comprise not only real experts, such as retired veteran missionaries, and retired civil and military officers who have been active friends of missions while on foreign service, but also leading clergymen and laymen who, though not personally acquainted with the mission fields, become almost equal experts by continuous attendance and careful study. By persistent trapping and shooting, its numbers have now been considerably reduced, with the result, however, of making it exceedingly wary, so that it is not readily caught in any trap with which it has had an opportunity of becoming acquainted. Example sentences with Well-acquainted - Power Thesaurus From these special studies of human structure the knowledge of the anatomy of animals has proceeded, the same investigator who had made himself acquainted with the structure of the human body desiring to compare with the standard given by human anatomy the structures of other animals. and Whether you want to add a little extra flavor to your conversations or simply need to show your friend a cartoon cat giving a thumbs up, the GIF has transformed into one of the most flexible and useful image formats on the internet. After seventeen months he resumed his former religion, and, to avoid persecution, fled to Geneva, where he became acquainted with Cartesianism. Johnson might easily in a few months have made himself well acquainted with every old play that was extant. acquainted meaning: 1. knowing or being familiar with a person: 2. to know or be familiar with something, because you. well acquainted in a sentence - well acquainted sentence 9. Berg, closely buttoned up in his new uniform, sat beside his wife explaining to her that one always could and should be acquainted with people above one, because only then does one get satisfaction from acquaintances. Sarah and Jackson spent the night becoming acquainted as well as discussing plans for escape. The Malays, also, would seem to have been acquainted with the northern coast; while Marco Polo, who visited the East at the close of the 13th century, makes reference to the reputed existence of a great southern continent. But though intimately acquainted with every nook and cranny of the English law, he never carried his studies into foreign fields, from which to enrich our legal literature; and it must be added that against the excellence of his judgments, in too many cases, must be set off the hardships, worse than injustice, that arose from his protracted delays in pronouncing them. volume_up more_vert. English I was personally acquainted with your father and met him at meetings in . Here Hippolytus gave a second exposition supplemented by fresh Gnostic original sources with which he had become acquainted in the meanwhile. Homer was acquainted with tin and other articles of Indian merchandise by their Sanskrit names; and a long list has been made of Indian products mentioned in the Bible. Chinese translation of 'acquainted' - Collins Dictionary How to use get better acquainted in a sentence. Harcourt, Palma DOUBLE DECEIT. 2. . Learn how to use well acquainted in a sentence and make better sentences with `well acquainted` by reading well acquainted sentence examples.. English example sentences with "acquainted" Examples of 'acquainted' in a sentence acquainted. Meyer is of opinion that the writer of the Iliad was probably acquainted with the lion, but this does not prove its former existence in Greece. Athenagoras is a powerful and clear writer, who strives to comprehend his opponents' views and is acquainted with the classical writers. However, anyone who has gone to the pool or beach sporting a one piece is well acquainted with the awkward bathroom dance. : I will acquaint you, as you desire, with . Agur's dictum is one of pious agnosticism directed, apparently, against certain theologians who talked as if they were well acquainted with the ways of God. His boss, who he admires, is waiting to meet with him about the big project. I am acquainted with the chairman of the committee. How to use Well-acquainted in a sentence? The second work of Leonardo, his Practica geometriae (1220) requires readers already acquainted with Euclid's planimetry, who are able to follow rigorous demonstrations and feel the necessity for them. Sarah and Jackson spent the night becoming acquainted as well as discussing plans for escape. Regardless, he was invited by Mick Jones, with whom he was acquainted with. English I am well acquainted with His Grace's generosity. 9. A wish to become intimately acquainted with a state of society so utterly unlike all that he had ever seen frequently crossed his mind. The author of 1602 was probably acquainted either directly or indirectly with the story as given by Matthew Paris, since he gives almost the same account. Examples of 'well-acquainted' in a sentence | Collins English Sentences Cicero remarks on the existence among the Gauls of augurs or soothsayers, known by the name of Druids, with one of whom, Divitiacus, an Aeduan, he was acquainted. Wii Play, in case you didn't know, is very similar in nature to the hugely popular Wii Sports in that it contains a wide range of games that help you get acquainted with the Nintendo Wii's unique controller. He was well acquainted with the use of magnifying glasses and suggested a kind of telescope for viewing the moon, but does not seem to have thought of applying a lens to the camera. Flexner and C. Hunter Stewart, pointing out that the evidence, so far from showing that Mr Haffkine's laboratory was to blame, made it clear to those acquainted with bacteriological work that it could have had nothing to do with the occurrence. Anyone who you are acquainted with who feels they know you well enough to comment on what kind of person you are is a good choice for writing a character reference letter. When your guests arrive, they probably won't all be acquainted. Sentences. These work best in a church setting or other mid-sized community group where families are acquainted with each other. 24. We are/became acquainted. from the south-west ports of India to Babylon, and that there they became acquainted with a Semitic alphabet, which they brought back with them, and from which all the alphabets now used in India, Burma, Siam and Ceylon have been gradually evolved. On the other hand, while phonetically the above explanation was not inconsistent with such cases as rka dkah, bkah, bska, and nga, rnga, ngag, sngags, lnga, ngad and brtse, brdzun, dbyar, &c., where the italicized letters are pronounced in full and the others are left aside, it failed to explain other cases, such as dgra, mgron, spyod, snyan, sbrang, sbrul, bkra, k'ri, krad, k'rims, k'rus, &c., pronounced da, don, cod, or swod, cen, Bang, deu, ta, t'i, tad or teh, tim, tu, &c., and many others, where the spoken forms are obviously the alteration by wear and tear of sounds originally similar to the written forms. How do you use the word acquainted? - TimesMojo : He ordered the Doctor fei hung chow to acquaint the pirates with his design. He was thoroughly acquainted with the routine work of the office and the established armament of the navy, but he had not the power of adapting himself to the changes which were being called for, and still less of initiating them; so that during his period of office the armament of the ships remained sadly behind the general advance. I need to acquaint myself with the new regulations. To which Clarendon replied that he had been before acquainted with the secret and had often wished he had remained ignorant of it. The author was well acquainted with the labours of his predecessors, as his list of over one hundred of them testifies. James Mill, who was intimately acquainted with him, says (in a letter to Napier of November 1818) that he knew not a better man, and on the occasion of his death published a highly eulogistic notice of him in the Morning Chronicle. His boss, whom he admires, is waiting to meet with him about the big project. She was to a considerable extent selftaught; and her love of reading made her acquainted first with Plutarch - a passion for which author she continued to cherish throughout her life - thereafter with Bossuet, Massillon, and authors of a like stamp, and finally with Montesquieu, Voltaire and Rousseau.

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well acquainted in a sentence