The meaning of TAANITH ESTHER is fast of esther. The Finder Family Educational Center. Instead, they stem form a unique hazard that the avel poses to the Tefillin. I had never heard of Taanit Esther prior to reading your post. "Delivered to Over 6000 Registered Recipients Each Day". A second important question surrounds tefillin for an avel who is not suffering the despair typically associated with the first days of aveilut. The Fast of Esther (Taanit Ester, Hebrew: ) is a Jewish fast from dawn until dusk on Purim eve, commemorating the three-day fast observed by the Jewish people in the story of Purim. When the aveilut commences after Yom Tov, the full intensity of the first day of aveilut emerges. Ta'anit Esther for Hebrew Year 5784 occurs at dawn on Thursday, 21 March 2024 . I think that JOFA's campaign is really important for spreading awareness about the "plight of agunot". Mishna Brurah 566:19 says if one was already called up everyone agrees that he may go up. In other words, is the prohibition to wear tefillin limited to the early part of the day based upon the rule of miktzat ha-yom ke-kulo? Yerushalayim. Rabbi Soloveitchik (Shiurei HaRav, pp. Or litzion 3:25:7 disagrees and says in that case she would only be exempt within thirty days of giving birth. For these four fasts, the beracha of aneinu is recited during chazarat hashatz as a beracha on its own as long as there are six or more fasting. The fascinating story behind many people's favori Test your vocabulary with our 10-question quiz! ), to fast on the . This website includes location data created by GeoNames Today is Taanit Esther (the Fast of Esther), a minor Fast day commemorating the three day fast observed by the Jewish people in the story of Purim. Taanit Esther is the only time in the Jewish calendar that wholly commemorates the power of a single woman to exercise courage in changing the course of Jewish history. Bob Barocas is the author of Legacy of Light: Revealing the Torah's Eternal Relevance. Since an avel must exhibit mourning, he may not wear tefillin, which create a majestic experience of peer. Typically, the term of an avel is truncated based on the principle of miktzat ha-yom ke-kulo expressing aveilut for a part of the day is equivalent to expressing it the entire day. Therefore, Rashi explains the case of a fast of hours is where one happen to fast until midday and then after he midday he decided to fast the rest of the day. Subscribe to America's largest dictionary and get thousands more definitions and advanced searchad free! Click Here to Sponsor Daily Halacha. A Jew's best weapon is the recognition that strength and victory come only through God (see Exodus 17:10). This website includes location data created by GeoNames Rav Shlomo Zalman Auerbach quoted in Nishmas Avraham (v. 5, p. 46) and Halichot Shlomo Moadim pg. Where can I find more information on Taanit Esther? When letters make sounds that aren't associated w One goose, two geese. In this case, to generate aveilut (a Rabbinic institution), they ordered the suspension of the mitzva of tefillin. If an avel is prohibited from wearing tefillin as an expression of elegance that disrupts his aveilut, perhaps this person should also be forbidden to wear tefillin. Purim Sheni Readings. Mishna Brurah 571:4 adds that if a talmid chacham has certain sins for which he needs to fast in order to do teshuva it is permitted to fast. An avel responding to a report of death may be obligated to obey the classic rules of aveilut, but he may not experience the raw pain and dejection of a classic avel who experiences the death and burial firsthand. Several gemarot (Berakhot 11, Ketuvot 6 and Sukka 25) cite a statement of Rav identifying the one mitzva that an avel (mourner) is excused from the mitzva of tefillin. Mortals have limits, but God can achieve the impossible. Rabbi Eliezer Melamed PR photo. Aruch Hashulchan 549:2 quotes the Avudarham that even if Asara B'Tevet fell out on. redemption. Yalkut Yosef Moadim page 530 permits washing one's body with hot water, but adds that one who is strict is praiseworthy. Atah ha-El Oseh Fela'ot, a seliah for Taanit Esther by Shimon bar Isaac . after which she will approach the king, even though this means risking her life. A restaurant or store owner should preferably refrain from giving out food unless it is known that it is for sick people or for after the fast, and even if there are other places where people can access food. Mishna Brurah 550:5 and Beiur Halacha "hakol" Yalkut Yosef Dinei. However, the Masechet Sofrim 17:5 writes that there were different minhagim whether or not to say a haftorah of Dirshu Hashem at mincha on a fast day or no haftorah. Since an avel is incapable of achieving pe'er, he is excused from the mitzva. However, Yalkut Yosef and Tzitz Eliezer 7:49:12 are lenient but still say its preferable not to. Rama Orach Chaim 550:1, Shulchan Aruch Orach Chaim 554:5, Pri Megadim Eishel Avraham 550:1, Aruch Hashulchan 550:3, Yechave Daat 1:35. Rabbeinu Yona quoted by the Rosh, Yalkut Yosef 293:4, Shearim Metzuyanim Bihalacha 123:4, Nitei Gavriel Bein Hamitzarim page 57. Our fasting is designed to arouse us to do teshuvah and help us realize that we can be so much greater than we currently are. (see Law #4 below). However, this is (as noted) the most lenient fast, so that somebody who doesn't feel well (even a little), and certainly a pregnant or nursing woman, should not fast. The Aish Rabbi Replies The Gemara Pesachim 54b implies that only Tisha B'Av is treated like Yom Kippur and it is forbidden to eat during Ben Hashemashot, however, it would be permitted to eat during the Ben Hashemashot. Mishna Brurah 566:12, Chazon Ovadia Arba Taaniyot pg. His aveilut responsibilities simply override his mitzva to study Torah. Mishna Brurah 562:10 quotes the Eliya Rabba for someone who is weak. Even if Asara B'Tevet falls out on a Friday one should fast until. It is actually this one-day pre-battle fast that we commemorate every year before Purim. Yabia Omer YD 1:14:8 says you can only recite aneinu if you have eaten less than a, Chazon Ovadia Arba Taaniyot pg. Furthermore, the mitzva of tzitzit is tadir, i.e., it is performed more frequently as the tallit is worn on both Shabbat and Yom Tov. He notes from the Korban Netanel that we can't be lenient both to allow eating during Ben Hashemashot and also to follow the Ben Hashemashot of Rabbi Yehuda. Jewish Holidays: A Guide & Commentary, Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. Several comments of Rashi suggest a different concern: Tefillin is not suspended merely to allow an avel to preserve the mentality of mourning and prevent the experience of peer. On a weekday other than a Monday and Thursday, somebody who is not fasting may not receive an aliya to the torah. If one ate by mistake on a fast day he should nevertheless continue fasting afterwards. The Shulchan Aruch 562:2 quotes this opinion as some say and the Rama 562:2 accepts it so that an individual can recite anenu in shema kolenu but not to change any bracha. An onen, who is preoccupied with attending to the burial of the deceased, is excused from mitzvot based on the principle of osek be-mitzva patur min ha-mitzva. The father, mother, and Sandek may even eat during the afternoon of the fast day, since it is considered like their "holiday." Because a fast helps to lower the volume on our physical pursuits in order to focus more acutely on our spiritual selves. If the date of the Fast of Esther falls on Shabbat (Saturday), the fast is instead observed on the preceding Thursday. If, however, tefillin is suspended because the avel, in his state of dejection, cannot achieve the necessary experience of tefillin, we would not apply the aveilut-based principle of miktzat ha-yom ke-kulo. The Presence of an Absence: a Public Reading for the Fast of Esther, the dark side to Purim, by Rabbi Arthur O. Waskow. One shouldn't skip Aneinu in Shemona Esrei to say it after Shemona Esrei so that one can answer kedusha. The Rema notes that the custom is to wear the tallit gadol first in any case. The very source for why we fastEsthers own plea to the Jewish Peopleuses the word tzom, not taanit. See the explanation of this on the. Rama 550:1 writes that pregnant or nursing woman are exempt from the three fast days (except, Shulchan Aruch 554:5, Mishna Brurah 550:5, In Yechave Daat 1:35, Rav Ovadia Yosef concludes that if the woman feels sick she may eat, but if she feels like she can fast, she should try to fast. Most Americans eat some kosher food every day, but chances are they're not aware of it.Take a walk down the aisles of any supermarket and you will see that certification appears on over 60% of America's produced foods that are certified kosher, from the coveted Oreo to the thirst-quenching Coca-Cola.Over $150 billion of kosher certified products are consumed annually, and . Even rabbis or teachers whose fasting may cause their learning to be of lower quality should fast on these fast days including. The Beur Halakha (OC 25 s.v. Piskei Teshuvot 550:6, Rivevot Ephraim 1:363:1 and 3:368, Sht Bear Moshe 3:77, Rav Moshe Feinstein quoted in Moadei Yeshurun page 108. He explains that the tefillin should be put on after the tallit due to the principle: One elevates in sanctity and does not descend (maalin be-kodesh ve-ein moridin). The Levush (ibid.) We also do not abstain from eating and drinking for three days (the number of days Esther decreed the Jews in her day fast for) because our Sages knew that we would not be capable of having the proper mindsets and intentions for more than one day. A fast of hours (Tanit Shaot) is only effective if a person didn't eat in the morning and then decided not to eat the rest of the day. Clip Length: 5:35 (mm:ss) (File size: 1.28 MB) (File size:5.16 MB) Purim- Taanit Esther. According to Ashkenazim, one shouldn't brush one's teeth on a fast day unless one will be in pain by not brushing, such as someone who brushes daily. 1 Answer. It is noteworthy that the Aruch Hashulchan 549:5 writes that it is obligatory today from the words of the Navi. You must have JavaScript enabled to use this form. Erev Shabbat. Meorot (Sources) TaNaKh (Torah, Nevi'im, Ketuvim) Targumim (Translations) . According to Ashkenazim, on the fasts other than Tisha B'av the Haftara of Isaiah 55:6-56:8 is read during. He explains that the Shulchan Arukh reflects a reality in which it was not customary to wear the tallit, publicly, to shul, and therefore wearing the tallit katan sufficed. Some poskim permit taking caffeine suppositories during the fast, to avoid caffeine related headaches. There is no INTERNAL reason that he is EXEMPT from Torah. Daat Torah (of the Maharsham) 568:1, Sht Mishneh Halachot 7:80, Sht Shevet Sofer OC 25, Shulchan Aruch 568:1, Chazon Ovadia Arba Taaniyot pg. In an earlier shiur [Maintaining Tefillin Awareness], we discussed the mental/emotional layer of tefillin as essential to the mitzva performance. Bob strives to unearth deeply inspiring and life-altering messages in everything he learns and passionately share them with others. Just as Mordechai told Doing so would run afoul of numerous halachot (all of which we are not permitted in our generation to annul). He is instructed to wear his peer, literally magnificence, a reference to tefillin. Then deposit your grogger in the collection box in the lobby after Megilla. Ester, we know that the geula will eventually come to Israel. All Jews fast on the four fast days mentioned by the prophets which are: Tzom Gedalya (the third of Tishrei), Asara B'Tevet (tenth of Tevet), Shiva Asar BeTamuz (seventeenth of Tamuz), and Tisha BeAv (ninth of Av). Commemoration of the Destruction of the Temple, Rav Hershel Schachter (Piskei Corona #42), Rabbi Eli Mansour in the names of Rav Moshe and Chacham Ovadia Yosef, Please try again or choose an option below. (Viewed on May 1, 2023) . In this context, he notes the Gemara's discussion concerning the requirement to read the Megilla twice, both by night and during the day ( Megilla 3b ). adds that tzitzit precede tefillin as they are meant to be worn immediately upon rising and getting dressed. 175-80) suggested that Purim and Taanit Esther commemorate two distinct themes of Purim, which are rooted in the different themes of the Megilla itself. Since an avel is incapable of achieving peer, he is excused from the mitzva. Maharik 9:5, Shulchan Aruch O.C. u'tzedaka" - repentance, prayer, and tzedaka. The Rambam (Taniyot 1:13) learns that the gemara is saying that one can have a fast of hours for the end of the day even if ate in the morning. Piskei Teshuvot 567:1 and Sht Minchat Yitzchak 4:109 hold that brushing teeth has the same status as rinsing one's teeth. Thus even women fast on Taanis Esther. The Arukh Ha-shulchan (25:3) concurs. This is also the ruling of Eishel Avraham Butchatch 550:1. The Gemara Brachot 17a records that Rav Sheshet would pray before Hashem that today when there's no Bet Hamikdash He should accept our fasts as though they were korbanot since by fasting a person loses a slight amount of his flesh and blood in order to attain atonement. Ta'anit Esther doesn't end that late, but another hour goes by until the synagogue finishes the Megillah, especially with all the carrying on. Since the avel is incapable of achieving that state, he is excused from tefillin. On 2023, Ta'anit Esther starts on Monday March 06, 2023 - Adar 13 5783. Halichot Shlomo Moadim 2:page 399:footnote 11. Taanis Esther is different than the other fast days because it is unrelated to the destruction of the Bais Hamikdash. 1) rules that this principle only applies if one touches the tefillin first. "Fast of Esther and Marriage Enslavement." waiting for us to pray to him and ask for His help. Nitei Gavriel page 34 allows children to swim. Chazon Ovadyah (Arba Taniyot pg 28) rules that those who regularly brush their teeth with toothbrush and toothpaste may brush on a fast day with less than a, Yalkut Yosef (Moadim pg 534) writes that for all fast days besides, Sht Minchat Yitzchak 4:109:2 rules that someone who has bad breath on, SA 567:3 writes that its improper to rinse ones mouth on a fast day. But we, You may litsen to music on Taanis Esther. S'U Siach Yitzchok 360, Piskei Tshuvos 686:2:6. Is it possible to eat and drink after nightfall right before going to hear the Megillah? He sends Gemara Berachot 6b writes that the reward for a fast day is from the tzedaka that one gives. The prophet Zechariyah (8:19) stated that in the future the fast of the fourth, fifth, seventh, and tenth will become days of happiness for the Jews. Se'udat Yom Shabbat. The Beur Halakha (25) notes that one who is in shul, in front of other people, may be embarrassed to put his tefillin on before his tallit. For the other fasts please see the following links: Tisha BeAv, Tanit Ester, and Tanit Bechorim. However, the Yalkut Yosef (Hilkhot Tefillin 25:28) rules that the principle of ein maavirin is Rabbinic, and he therefore invokes the principle of kavod ha-briot (human dignity), which sets aside Rabbinic prohibitions, applies. One can even say Avinu Malkeinu when davening without a minyan. The Talmud ( Menachot 36a) teaches that the tefillin shel yad should be donned before the tefillin shel rosh, based on the order in which the tefillin are mentioned in the verse: It is further taught: When one dons phylacteries, he first dons the phylacteries of the arm and afterward dons the phylacteries of the head. verachatz) seems to agree. Shulchan Aruch 550:2, Yalkut Yosef Moadim page 530, Aruch Hashulchan 550:2. 67. The statement that an avel is obligated in every mitzva including Torah - but with the exception of tefillin makes sense if gauged at a fundamental and not a practical level. Some Sephardim had the minhag to wear tefillin on fast days at Mincha so as to complete 100 Brachot, however this minhag isn't very widespread. 8) If a Brit Milah falls on the Fast of Esther, the Seudat Mitzvah should be be postponed until the evening. What is the secret of his immortality?". In addition to mere mechanical donning, tefillin demands a corresponding inner state of expanded religious consciousness. She would not have needed to say vtzumu alei if that were the case. Rambam (Taniyot 5:2), Chazon Ovadia (Laws of the Four Fasts, Halacha 3, Mishna Brurah 549:2, Kitzur Shulchan Aruch 121:2, Rambam (Taniyot 5:2), Mishna Brurah 549:2, Kitzur Shulchan Aruch 121:3, Chazon Ovadia (Laws of the Four Fasts, Halacha 4), Magen Avraham 550:4, Aruch Hashulchan 550:2, Mishna Brura 550:10, Shulchan Aruch and Rama O.C. Ta'anit Esther is the only time in the Jewish calendar that wholly commemorates the power of a single woman to exercise courage in changing the course of Jewish history. 82-83. Our fasting is designed to. Please use the following structure:, Send me The Times of Israel Daily Edition. Tefillin in Mincha. The Gemara asks: Granted, the ruling that when one dons phylacteries, he first dons the phylacteries of the arm and afterward dons the phylacteries of the head, is understood, as it is first written: And you shall bind them for a sign upon your arm, and then it is written: And they shall be for frontlets between your eyes (Devarim 6:8). Our existence The Blessings for Wrapping and Crowning Oneself with Tefillin, Greek translation by Yosef Namuli (1885) Contributor(s): Yosef Namuli. . However, Mishna Brurah 550:6, Shaar HaTziyun 550:8, Kaf Hachayim 550:13 write based on earlier acharonim that a baal nefesh should be strict not to wash with hot water. Regarding the communal practice changing see the Rashba (Rosh Hashana 18b s.v. Learn more about JOFAs Agunot Advocacy Campaign and about what you can do to spread awareness about this crisis. Minah l'Shabbat. For public readings selected for Taanit Esther, visit here. Click a date on the calendar displays the schedule for that day. Asara B'Tevet is the only fast that can fall out on a Friday. Looking for something else? Shulchan Aruch 562:1 accepts Rashi as the primary opinion. The Torah prescribes that whenever a Jewish army goes to war, the soldiers should spend the previous day fasting. 2023. and MaxMind, also licensed under Creative Commons. Modernly, we do not fast on seder night. And with God's help, next Adar we [1] The significance and background of these fasts are explained below. (And it paid off!). The Taz (OC 684:4) disagrees. If a person wants to fast he must accept it upon himself the day before. Tomorrow, Monday, March 17 th, is Taanit Ester, the fast which commemorates Ester's fast before approching the king. We also discussed times when tefillin are not worn (night, Shabbat, Yom Tov), whether one must wear tefillin on Chol Ha-moed, and whether the tefillin should be worn for the entire day. Yisroel Vhazemanim 1:pages 573-578, Nitei Gavriel bein hamitzarim page 58. Moreover, a tzom is a joyous day, which is precisely why we bring the Fast of Esther closer to us when it falls out on Shabbatwe look forward to it. You must there are over 200,000 words in our free online dictionary, but you are looking for one thats only in the Merriam-Webster Unabridged Dictionary. Incredibly, the Midrash in Esther Rabbah (8:7) reveals that eating on seder night of that year was abolished! And when he removes his phylacteries, he first removes the phylacteries of the head and afterward removes the phylacteries of the arm. In previous shiurim, we introduced the mitzvah of tefillin, exploring its reasons and whether the donning the two phylacteries is one mitzva or two separate mitzvot. Purim is often compared to Yom Kippur, so to borrow a phrase from Chazon Ovadia Arba Taaniyot pg. He adds that for, Kitzur Shulchan Aruch of Rav Rephael Baruch Toledano, Volume 1, Page 106, Chesed Lalafim 109 writes that one shouldn't skip aneinu in shemona esrei in order to catch answering kedusha with the congregation. As such, the Fast of Esther lacks many of the trappings of a typical taanit (fast day). Yabia Omer OC 2:34 and 9:66 discusses this topic at great length and agrees with the Chesed Lalafim. Yalkut Yosef Moadim page 536 adds that one recites aneinu at night on tisha bav. In the 1835 edition, it . Episode 91: Israel at 75: Voices of Protest. This is the approved revision of this page, as well as being the most recent. Gregorian advanced yeshiva site making this calendar have been invested great efforts both from the technical side and in terms of laws and political calendar and times for not printing a calendar from the website for commercial use without written permission. Chazon Ovadia (Laws of the Four Fasts, Halacha 3), Shulchan Aruch 549:1, Rambam Taaniyot 5:2. The unique kedusha of tefillin mandates mental and emotional focus, and a dejected avel spoils the kedusha of tefillin. However, the secondary opinion he quotes is the Rosh (Tanit 1:12) who explains that it is always necessary to accept the fast of hours a day in advance for it to count. He adds that for Taanit Esther it is preferable to get 10 people fasting but if not, . As Mark Twain wrote, "All things are mortal but the Jew; all other forces pass, but he remains. Indeed, the Levush rules that one should first put on the tefillin, and the Shaagat Aryeh rules that one may choose which to wear first! It is better to daven inside by oneself than daven outside if one is afraid that because of the heat he won't be able to fast or dehydrate. It sheds a new light on how this fast day helps us prepare for the holiday of Purim. If the date of the Fast of Esther falls on . In both Shacharit and Mincha, the chazan inserts Aneinu as a separate blessing between Geulah and Refuah. On a personal fast day, one is permitted to rinse out his mouth, even with more than a Reviit of water since he plans to spit it out. The Fast of Esther ( Ta'anith Ester, Hebrew: ) is a fast on Purim eve commemorating two communal fasts undertaken by the Persian Jewish community of Shushan in the Book of Esther, for the purpose of praying for salvation from annihilation by an evil decree, which had been the instigated by the . Esther called for a fast, knowing that through soul-searching the Jews would forge a spiritual connection necessary to make her mission successful. This was the day selected by Haman to commit genocide against the Jewish people. In several ways, the Fast of Esther is an outlier of sorts. Mordechai responds forcefully, warning Ester not to think that she will escape The Gemara asks: Granted, the ruling that when one dons phylacteries, he first dons the phylacteries of the arm and afterward dons the phylacteries of the head, is understood, as it is first written: And you shall bind them for a sign upon your arm, and then it is written: And they shall be for frontlets between your eyes (, Next week we will continue our discussion of the, Publications: Philosophy and Current Affairs, Revava - The Riva Koschitzky z"l Torah Enrichment Program, Hanachat Ha-tefillin Donning the Tefillin. Rather, she says, Fast on my account or Fast for me so she could be successful when going before king Achashverosh to plead on their behalf for salvation. We return to our essential state of purity. Purim Qatan Readings. Tefillin.

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