B. laryngeal edema *C. CT pulmonary angiography occurs when chronic hypoxemia elevates the pulmonary vascular resistance and puts a strain on the right C. pulse oximetry Which of the following of the following inspiratory/expiratory ratios would indicate an abnormally You should always seek clarification from the physician if the order does not, A. appear radiolucent (dark on X-ray image) The ER physician asks you to evaluate a trauma patient who was the victim of a house fire. You can also increase PEEP level to match Auto-PEEP if other measures do not resolve the issues. Which of the following is the most likely underlying problem? 5 L/min B. Inspiration of fresh respiratory gas During the course of therapy, the patient becomes very dyspneic. D. TLC, 22. Water and Hydrogen Peroxide can be used to soak the inner cannula of a Trach to loosen dried and tenacious secretions and then cleanse it with a brush, but it does not disinfect the equipment. A. Bronchiectasis downstream resistance, less air is entrained and the delivered FIO2 rises. 1. Which of the following could cause this problem? Pneumonia of breathing, typically resulting in dyspnea and tachypnea, In addition, physiologic shunting causes severe into the gas, heat is lost and both the gas and the water are cooled. Sensitivity Take this free Respiratory Therapist practice exam to test your knowledge of respiratory therapy subjects. D. Replace the tube, 7. you would need to measure the pulmonary artery wedge pressure (PAWP or PCWP). B. B. central vein Mechanical Ventilation | Pharmacology | Pathology | Patient Assessment | Neonatal Care | PFT | Fundamentals | ABG | Therapeutics | Airway Management | Cardio A&P | Calculations | Case Studies | TMC Exam | Clinical Sims. Increasing the I-Time increases the time the flow is entering the lungs which will increase the airway pressure. Upon admission for any procedure, it is important to ensure that an informed consent has been signed and the patient verifies they understand what is going to happen to them. C. 5-6% or more General Feedback: To verify a good pulse oximeter signal, you can (a) observe the displayed waveform During inspiration, air is heard at the mouth. B. Suction the patient Please consult with a physician with any questions that you may have regarding a medical condition. The decrease in lung volumes and compliance increases the patient's spontaneous work There are four reasons why Creatinine is used to determine kidney function: the rate of production is fairly constant; it is eliminated only by the kidneys; it is not-protein bound so it is easily filtered by the kidneys and the rate of elimination is almost the same as the glomerular filtration rate. Use of generic vs brand name medications An arterial blood sample is obtained and sent to the laboratory for gas analysis and hemoximetry (CO-oximetry). Respiratory therapists are facing the relatively new challenge of evaluating patients with COVID-19. Mosbys Respiratory Care Equipment. D. Lower the PEEP valve level, General Feedback: If a pressure pop-off continually activates when ventilating a patient with a bag-valve The alveolar ventilation per minute will increase D. Spinal cord injury, 25. C. decrease the delivered O2 concentration C. Patient understanding of controllers vs_ relievers The normal apical impulse (PMI) usually is identified where? C. Pulmonary edema Provide 100% oxygen for 1-2 minute before extubation Which result(s) give the best indication of the patients oxygenation? What type of error is represented by the series of points labeled B on the plot? severe enough to compromise O2 delivery to the tissues, anerobic metabolism and a metabolic acidosis, Strategic Learning Associates All Rights Reserved, *A. sputum culture and sensitivity Shield or cover the probe Decreased Nor mal Nor mal A. A. *B. If the rate of breathing increases without any change in total minute ventilation (VE constant): The other patients all exhibit varying degrees of compensated Pulmonary emphysema B. Faarc, Gardenhire Douglas EdD Rrt-Nps. The case worker is responsible for ensuring the patient has what they need when they go home to ensure proper care is continued. Pressure The Therapist Multiple-Choice (TMC) exam is a standardized certification exam administered by the National Board for Respiratory Care and used to certify respiratory therapists. Right heart failure who have received the BCG TB vaccine is indicated because these individual consistently exhibit an, A. peak expiratory flow rate monitoring D. Control media verification, 73. Which of the following is the most likely problem? B. end of a normal resting inspiration D. 470 mL, 65. Late inspiratory crackles are thought to be caused by sudden opening of collapsed C. Aspiration These findings are most consistent with which of the following diagnoses? Physical examination and X-rays suggests that a patient has a right-sided pleural effusion. following figure. respiratory acidosis, and are thus suffering from chronic (as opposed to acute) hypercapnic respiratory, A. poor patient effort during the test media), have smooth walls and gradually taper as they continue to branch. Respiratory alkalosis Neither the outside diameter, component, Portable O You are called to assess an intubated COPD patient who is receiving humidified O2 via T-tube and A. measure pressure during an end-inspiratory pause In the presence of a low, A. ventilator disconnection C. Infection with pneumococcus If your FiO2 is over 60% and your PEEP is over 5, lower the PEEP first. You note an SpO2 of 100% and measure an FIO2 of 0 at the T-tube. The sum of correct responses is called your raw score. Your raw score determines your pass or fail status after comparison to the cut score. signature of the physician. B. Until the proximal (mouth) end of the tube is at the teeth B. In most blood gas analyzers, what media is used to calibrate the pH electrode? C. Carboxyhemoglobin B. condensation partially blocking the delivery tubing. The following figure is a statistical quality control plot for PCO2 measurements made by a blood gas analyzer using a control value of 40 mmHg. A. systemic artery Standard two-wavelength pulse oximetry is unable to measure carbon monoxide As compared to predicted normals, a patient has an increased TLC and a decreased FEV1%. All content on this website is Copyright 2023. 21-23 cm marks at teeth A "normal" chest wall would have no feelings of bubbling, cracking or vibration with speech beneath your hands or fingers. Patient B CVP The values are erroneous with a PaO2 > 100 torr at an FIO2 of 0. C. The patient has partially compensated respiratory alkalosis either built-in or attached to the ventilator. Looking for TMC Practice Questions? C. The radial artery has the highest systolic pressure available D. The large 41 pharyngeal cuff must be deflated before laryngoscopy, 23. Adjust the vacuum level on the suction regulator The capnograrn indicates hyperventilation D. The alveolar ventilation per minute will remain constant, 43. D. Contraindications, 20. C. Yes No Yes Which of the following would you recommend? However, the preferred approach is either Increasing the E: Time allows for a longer period of time for the patient to exhale air from the lungs. Which of the following are FALSE regarding oropharyngeal airways? A. Cdyn= Vt/(PIP-PEEP). You cannot leave the webcams view during your exam, use other monitors, or talk to anyone. For both delivery methods (on-site and remote), you should arrive or be logged in 30 minutes before your testing appointment. D. arterial blood gas (ABG), General Feedback: A chest X-ray and an ABG might be useful in detecting an abnormality, but not What maximum flow would you apply to an 8 year-old child receiving O2 therapy via a high flow nasal cannula? Start Test Respiratory A & P chapter 1 flashcards (127 cards) 2022-07-03 7 . D. diminish in gravity-dependent zones, General Feedback: On a normal pulmonary angiogram, arteries should appear opacified (due to contrast lower than the preset FIO2. Which of the following actions would you take at this time? You are monitoring a recent postoperative craniotomy patient who is being mechanically ventilated and has an ICP of 22 mm Ng_ The latest ABG results are as follows: Blood Gases pH 7.35 PaCO2 47 mm Hg HCO3 25 mEq/L BE 0 Pa02 89 mm Hg Sa02 96% Based on this information, which of the following is the most acceptable action? A. duration of administration (for some aerosol treatments), 6) the route of administration, and 7) the The capnogram indicates rebreathing Ensure you can move the webcam around for the proctor so they can view your area. A pulse oximeter reveals an Sp02 of 99%. Drug name and dose A. Pleural effusion B. Bacterial pneumonia C. Pulmonary edema D. Atelectasis, 32. pressure, consider other potential causes (e., pneumothorax, endobronchial intubation) before, A. aerosol is interfering with the O2 analyzer C. Chronic airways obstruction Secretions from pulmonary edema are often thin and frothy. Remember that the lungs are normally compliant. A patient has a minute volume of 7.50 L/min and is breathing at a rate of 16 breaths/min. The criteria for RR, VT, VC, and Minute Ventilation have been determined through observation and study of the best techniques and parameters to obtain successful weaning. (E), with an I:E ratio of between 1:2 to 1:3. The patients stomach contents should be aspirate through the #2 tube *B. B. *B. the reservoir will be cooler than room temperature A. The most common method is to repeat the sleep study, using different levels of CPAP, i., a titration This approach helps ensure we are assessing the most current and in-demand clinical skill sets for excellence in respiratory care. D. Bright ambient light, 44. D. Acute bronchospasm, 62. The NBRC evaluates the competency of respiratory therapists and ensures that graduates of accredited respiratory care education programs have every opportunity to earn the RRT credential. D. increased cardiac output, Patient Pre-Program 6MWD Post-Program 6MWD A. If the FiO2 is already 60% or over, then gradually increase the PEEP. D. < 10 cm H2O. B. Hemorrhage C. 7.9 L/min All of the following are common causes of fluid overload (overhydration) in patients EXCEPT: Passing this exam is the first step to earning a registered respiratory therapist (RRT) credential. A patient rescued from a house fire is being monitored in the intensive care unit Due to suspected CO poisoning, the patient is on a nonrebreathing mask at 12 L/min. During auscultation of a patient's chest, you hear intermittent "bubbling" sounds occurring toward the A. significantly. D. Metabolic alkalosis, 8. A small apneic child is receiving pressure-oriented SIMV with PEEP via a ventilator at a preset rate impairment in a patient with Guillain-Barre syndrome? To confirm this, an, A. serial end-expired PCO2 measurements D. measure expiratory flow before and after bronchodilator, General Feedback: One can quantify the amount of auto-PEEP present by measuring the airway pressure, A. While using an ICU ventilator with its optional air compressor running, you note that the low air pressure alarm suddenly sounds. The total number of these desaturation events per hour is the oxygen Inspection of a PA chest radiograph reveals a CT ratio of 60%. Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like When did the designation "respiratory therapist" become standard?, The majority of respiratory care education programs in the United States offer what degree?, Which of the following are predicted to be a growing trend in respiratory care for the future? You can assess respiratory muscle strength by measuring the patient's maximum Steaming and boiling the equipment can sometimes damage equipment and is not recommended. A. The patient would say a word like "nine" and the vibration would increase through the chest wall. Present your ID and scratch paper for inspection and follow any directions provided. 1 atmosphere B. inflammation Medical Disclaimer: The information provided by Respiratory Therapy Zone is for educational and informational purposes only. Which of the following best describe the key rationale for intubating nasally rather than orally? B. C. 2 and 3 only A prescription for an aerosolized drug for a patient under your care is missing the actual prescribed C. This therapy will help you take deep breaths and expand your lungs C. Precision gas mixtures (02/002) C. The tube chosen is too small for the patient Clinical Application of Mechanical Ventilation. Relias Assessments provide data-driven evidence to support your pre-hire, onboarding, and post-hire decision-making. B. A patients respirations are characterized by a gradual increase and then a gradual decrease in the depth of breathing, followed by a period of apnea. A. *B. CO-oximetry A COPD patient is receiving sustained-release theophylline Adverse effects of this therapy that you should be on guard for include all of the following EXCEPT: All of the following cause false HIGH Sp02 readings when using a pulse oximeter EXCEPT *C. serial vital capacity measurements 1. a large leak in the cuff of the tube 2. obstruction of the tube that is unrelieved by suctioning 3. separation of the pilot tube from the endotracheal tube cuff A. Dark nail polish You can also select the uncuffed ET tube with an internal diameter of 2.5 mm tube for infants less than 1 kg weight, 3.5 mm for neonates up to 1 year of age. When a patient's equipment is broken it is important to have both of you speak to the patient's case manager to arrange procuring a new one for home use. You can launch the examination up to 30 minutes before your scheduled appointment. D. Yes Yes Yes, General Feedback: Variable FIO2s during ventilatory support are normally provided by an O2 blender, 10 to 20 cm H2O 5 minutes C. 10 minutes D. 15 minutes, A patient with a recent . D. postpone the therapy until the following day, General Feedback: The minimum requirements for a proper drug prescription include the following: 1) Straight with the torso, with the neck hyperextended A. Venturi mask The kidneys have not started to adjust the Bicarb level by holding onto it. diameter (ID) and its length, with the ID being the most important factor. C. Right ventricular hypertrophy Meclizine can also be used for the treatment of vertigo or other conditions including nausea, vomiting, and insomnia. procedure would be which of the following? 120 mL microorganisms, or chyle are found, or when a transudative effusion is present in patients with heart B. Which of the following statements regarding CENTRAL cyanosis is FALSE? crackles (or rales). expands during inspiration. A. Tracheal granuloma B. *B. A. Based on this change, you should The methylene blue test is used to confirm: The Therapist Multiple-Choice (TMC) exam is a standardized certification exam administered by the National Board for Respiratory Care and used to certify respiratory therapists. D. Decreased Nor mal Decreased, *A. A. Tracheomalacia 0 cm H2O shorter the tube length), the lower its resistance to flow. D. serial total lung capacity measurements, General Feedback: Guillain-Barr syndrome is an acute inflammatory neuropathy affecting the spinal root Which of the following is the most effective diagnostic test to quantify the amount of ventilatory C. 52 L/min drug dosage. HCO3 10 mEq/L LRP requirements include the following: On the day of your exam, you must present one form of valid government-issued photo identification with your signature. D. Standardized buffer solutions, 66. . DNR status/Advance Directives are also important to verify as they will determine what actions will be taken if something were to happen to the patient during the procedure. Breath sounds and Bilateral Chest Expansion can be considered subjective. Trauma, Obesity, Near Drowning, and Burns, Quality, Patient Safety, Communication, and Recordkeeping, Delivering Evidence-Based Respiratory Care, Intermittent Positive Pressure Breathing (IPPB), Ventilation vs Oxygenation vs Respiration, Mechanical Ventilation Practice Questions, Respiratory Multiple Choice Review Questions, Sample Practice Questions (with Rationales). Pneumothorax, pleural effusion, atelectasis all can affect the position of the heart, but not its, A. a patient who asks a lot of care-related questions A. RSBI =(f/VT) which helps to identify the breathing pattern associated with an unsuccessful weaning. Raus Respiratory Care Pharmacology. for confirming ('rule in') a diagnosis of pulmonary embolism. The patient most likely has: When assessing a patient, you observe inward motion of the abdomen as the rib cage uniformly Rrt, Des Terry Jardins MEd, and Burton George Md Facp Fccp Faarc. need mechanical ventilation. B. The equipment needed is the same as for endotracheal intubation Respiratory Therapist Review Practice Questions for the TMC Exam: 1. If you have an unstable patient, it is important to get the information you need quickly. By increasing the flow rate, you can decrease the I: Time. C. the reservoir temperature will equal room temperature of 40/min. One thing is certain: The TMC Exam is definitely not easy! 1. the O2 delivery tubing is obstructed 2. the O2 flow is too high 3. the water reservoir jar lid is screwed on too tightly 4. the water reservoir jar lid is missing an O-ring C. 760 cm H2O Be sure to access the free guide if you want to check the correct answers. However, volumes and compliance. This maneuver should decrease dyspnea. This will increase sensitivity decreasing the work of breathing. Reassess the cuff pressure during expiration B. You hear a high-pitched sound coming from the pressure relief valve on a patients bubble-type humidifier. In reviewing a sleep study, you note 20 to 25 episodes per hour like that depicted in example 'A' in the of ventilatory impairment due to muscle weakness. Too high a PEEP can decrease lung compliance as the lung cannot properly deflate. C. Apply the probe more tightly The cuff pilot balloon and line is obstructed What is the patients physiologic deadspace? C. The body of the tube normally must be positioned in the trachea actual rate being about 76/min. Proper technique in the auscultatory method of measuring blood pressure includes which of the following? B. VC support. *D. condensate is blocking the delivery tubing, General Feedback: The most likely cause of the discrepancy between set and analyzed FIO2 is Click Start Test below to take a free TMC practice exam! Administer Acetylcysteine Concentrations of 10-20% via a nebulizer after pre-treating the patient with a bronchodilator. B. A wick humidifier B. Expiratory time would be considered abnormally long when, A. D. 1, 2 and 3, 63. The Standard Weaning Criteria (SWC) uses the respiratory muscle strength and endurance by using the negative inspiratory force (NIF) and positive expiratory pressure (PEP) to determine how well a patient will do when weaned from the ventilator. B. C. 80-90% A. Once your application is approved, you will receive instructions on how to schedule your exam appointment. Too high a level of PEEP can cause a decrease in Cardiac Output by decreasing Venous return to the heart and decreases Urine Output due to the decrease in Cardiac Output. The B.Sc. Only patient B has more, A. Based on this information, which of the following can be correctly concluded? A. FRC B. an IgE-mediated allergic disorders Patient A C. Cap the syringe quickly D. The change will have no effect on flow, 72. by Mometrix Test Preparation | This Page Last Updated: February 16, 2023. D. water will condense on the inside of the delivery tubing, General Feedback: In all humidifiers, heat is lost due to evaporative cooling. A. unknown origin. As downstream pressures rise, air-, A. outside diameter (OD) Which of the following is the most common problem associated with the removal of an esophageal obturator airway? The pharmacological action of meclizine is that it can be used for the treatment of a variety of upper respiratory tract infections such as laryngitis, acute and chronic rhinosinusitis, and otitis media. desaturation index (ODI). B. ventilation-perfusion scan To be eligible for the RRT test, you must be at least 18 years old and meet ONE of the following requirements: The TMC exam contains 160 multiple-choice questions, 20 of which are unscored, and you will be given a time limit of 3 hours. B. administering oxygen via partial rebreathing mask C. sputum acid fast stain We are trying to improve your lung volume B. Hb02% B. *C. rebreathing 1-2% or more B. Nasal tubes offer less resistance to gas flow A. to respiratory failure. D. sputum Gram stain, General Feedback: Sputum culture and sensitivity will provide not only what microbe is growing in the, A. infiltrates In In patients with chronic respiratory disease, pedal edema is a sign of: D. Cystic fibrosis, General Feedback: Most often, patients with asthma will cough up thick, white (mucoid) secretions. B. Airway Clearance Therapy Lung Expansion Therapy Medical Gas Therapy Humidity and Bland Aerosol Therapy Flexible Bronchoscopy Intermittent Positive Pressure Breathing (IPPB) Smoking Cessation Hemodynamic Monitoring Extracorporeal Life Support Ambulation Cardiopulmonary Rehabilitation Chest Physiotherapy (CPT) Acapella Flutter Valve the vital capacity requires muscular effort and is thus the best choice for determining the patient's degree You can download them now for FREE! 10th ed., Mosby, 2019. Observed changes in the apnea-hypopnea index (AHI) are then correlated with the various CPAP C. Increase the flow to a higher level When sealing the cuff to achieve a minimal occluding volume, you note a cuff pressure of 45 cm H20 What is the most likely problem? You are permitted two pieces of blank paper and a writing utensil for writing notes. A non-compliant lung can contribute to Auto PEEP occurring. C. 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