Yahweh has made it clear that He is willing to relent in His judgment if a nation repents of its sins and changes its ways ( Jer. And I say contemporary because children werent regarded as highly in the Ancient Near East as they are today. 32:4; Colossians 3:25; etc.). In Deuteronomy 20:18, God gave Israel an explicit reason why it was necessary to wipe out the Canaanites: that they may not teach you to do according to all their abominable practices that they have done for their gods, and so you sin against the LORD your God., It was merciful for God to limit the scope of the. Much of what follows is horrific, but if we refuse to look, will we really understand the reasons for Gods judgment? Although Abraham was Gods friend and the Lord wanted to give to him the land of Canaan for an inheritance. Their task was to prepare the way for the arrival of the Messiah. But why should we take seriously the skeptics advocacy for Canaanite children? The Amorites' sin had not escaped God's notice. In the worship of their gods, the Canaanites committed other evils. 7:1-2). After the defeats of both Heshbon and Bashan, Moses noted that they had devoted to destruction every city, men, women, and children (Deut. Their sacrificial laws pointed to our need for atonement. God mercifully provides time and opportunity for repentance from idolatry and spiritual fornication with this world ( II Peter 3:9 ). Isnt there an inconsistency here? The Canaanites took seriously the testimony of the Old Testament witness of Yahweh and His revelation, if for no other reason than intentionally to transform the scriptural depiction of Yahweh into a castrated weakling who likes to play with His own excrement and urine.4. They are insisting that God and Christianity are in fact poisonous and must diligently be resisted and defeated. . Kerby Anderson provides an overview of some ancient Christian heresies that are still being embraced today: legalism, gnosticism, mysticism, and marcionism. Christians believe that all authority belongs to God (Matthew 28:18, Romans 13:1, Colossians 2:10). Abraham decides to bargain again okay, okay but what about if Im 5 people short? 3. There is only one true God, and that God deserves all honor and worship. 7. Bernhard Anderson, Understanding the Old Testament (Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall, 1957), 93-94; 96-103. God was patient with the Canaanites If they had sex with just about every living thing they could get their hands on, and they did, then all had to die. The most disturbing part of the conquest of Canaan for most people is the killing of children. Please make sure all fields are filled out. In phase two, God fought against Israel when it broke its side of its covenant with God (cf. Also, this wasnt the entire destruction of a race as God didnt order that every Canaanite be killed but only those who lived within specific geographical boundaries (Josh. God is love (1 John 4:16) and He is also just (Psalm 25:8). 6. Covenant Theological Seminary) serves as an assistant pastor at Riveroaks Reformed Presbyterian Church in Germantown, Tennessee. genocidal . There were absolutely no prohibitions against bestiality in the rest of the ANE.21 In fact, in an Egyptian dream book it was a bad omen for a woman to dream about embracing her husband, but good things would happen if she dreamed of intercourse with a baboon, wolf, or he-goat.22 In short, their sexual fantasies involved everything that breathes. . . The peoples of the land did not repent, just as the survivors of God's plagues will not repent. Leviticus 27:29 says very plainly that every person devoted to destruction was to be killed. He will come and kill those tenants and give the vineyard to others. Then, in AD 70, forty years after Jesus was crucified, the Roman emperor Titus destroyed Jerusalem. This is an online-exclusive Viewpoint from the Christian Research Journal. And then these same skeptics turn around and say if there is a God of justice, why does He permit the wicked to rule the world and bring sorrow and suffering on the innocent? Plano TX 75075 Also, God made it clear in His conversation with Abraham regarding the Canaanite cities of Sodom and Gomorrah that He knows who would or would not repent, and in the case of those cities, not one person would heed the warning and even Lots family had to be forcibly pulled away from the coming destruction. The part that concerns us herethe real culmination of Yahweh waris called herem. At first, the Israelites tried to compromise and worship God the way the Canaanites worshiped their gods. Hittite Laws: 199 states, If anyone has intercourse with a pig or a dog, he shall die. 23:33; Deut. It was merciful for God to bring an end to the. This article first appeared in the CHRISTIAN RESEARCH JOURNAL, volume 33, number 04 (2010). God says its going to be a while before you all enter the promised land, because the Canaanites arent beyond saving.. It is reasonable to believe that other people had heard what Rahab (and Jericho) had heard, thus giving them the opportunity to repent and be spared. They could have repented of their evil, followed God, and been spared judgment. (Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1974), 550. How could the Israelites intermarry with the Canaanites if they killed them all? Had there been repentance, there would have been no need to execute wrath on evildoers. . For further information Este artculo es una exclusiva en lnea de Christian Research Journal. Yahweh is a God of justice as well as mercy. In our pluralistic age, its easy to forget what an offense that is to the true God. But God has no such prohibition. Para ms informacin o para http://www.equip.org/christian-research-journal/, Overcoming the Enemy of Education: A Review of Pete Hegseth with David Goodwin, Battle for the American Mind: Uprooting a Century of Miseducation., Who Was Adam? A biblical example of this would be Gods treatment of the city of Nineveh. Would a governor of a state who refuses to pardon a criminal and instead hands him over to the justice system be considered a heartless cruel man? Phase five of Yahweh war will be the final battle of history when Jesus returns and will once again be military in nature. When a community sins, there are consequences for every member of the population, even children. This was Gods judgment carried out on the people of Canaan using the chosen people of Israel. 10 Biblical Steps Towards Restoration After Sexual Sin, Baptism Quotes: 27 Inspirational Christian Sayings, 25 Encouraging Bible Verses About Strength, Words of Encouragement: 30 Uplifting Quotes. Israel was not commanded to deal with all other nations the same way they dealt with the Canaanites. However, the city repented, turned to God, and God did not judge them. (972) 941-4565 H, e teaches theology at Westminster Academy in Memphis, Tennessee. Probe fulfills this mission through our Mind Games conferences for youth and adults, our 3-minute daily radio program, and our extensive Web site at www.probe.org. Read them in the archive below. Based on the Biblical evidence, however, this objection dissolves away for two reasons: 1. 23:12-13 where Joshua also warns the people against intermarrying. Longman writes: The war against the Canaanites was simply an earlier phase of the battle that comes to its climax on the cross and its completion at the final judgment. When the LORD your God brings you into the land that you are entering to take possession of it, and clears away many nations before you the LORD your God gives them over to you, and you defeat them, then you must devote them to complete destruction. This is one of the most morally troubling passages in all of Scripture. 18:28; Deut 4:2329, 8:1920). What Does It Mean for the Saints to Judge Angels? Affiliate disclosure: As an Amazon Associate, we may earn commissions from qualifying purchases on Amazon.com. In Leviticus 18 God then warns Israel that if they commit similar sins that the land would similarly vomit them out. Atheists use this fact to condemn the character of God. Can these be put together? Rick Wade provides an expanded discussion of the issues around the Israelites battles against the Canaanites. 1. He believes the latter is the correct interpretation. They were fully aware that God had chosen Israel to be a tool in His hands in bringing judgement to the nations. 33:56; Lev. 10:6; 1 Kings 14:22; 2 Kings 17:10). Baal has sex with his mother Asherah,6 his sister Anat, and his daughter Pidray,7 and none of this is presented pejoratively. It was merciful for God to allow individual Canaanites to repent and join the people of God. This was especially true of the Canaanite societies steeped in abominable practices like child sacrifice and cult prostitution. 13-14), but in nearby cities they were to save nothing alive that breathes (v. 16). 7). On an individual basis, when a father sinned, his son wasnt to be punished for it. 20:16-17). All rights reserved. According to the Bible, the Canaanites were so vile that the very land spued them out (Lev. 11:31; Jas. The Israelites intermarried with them which eventually drew Gods judgment on them as well. The Hebrew word means to devote something to total destruction.. www.probe.org. In Genesis 15:16 the LORD made reference to the Canaanites when he said, "the sin of the Amorites (Canaanites) has not yet reached its full measure." God was waiting to fulfill his justice against this people. 18 records briefly the moral degradation of the Canaanites. To answer these questions, we must understand the place of the erem laws in the history of redemption. It seems from God's promise to Abraham that they were wicked and idolatrous people. Genesis 15:13-16 God tells Abraham that his descendants will be enslaved for 400 years. Kerby Anderson provides an overview of wokeness, critical race theory, and their effect on the Christian church. Even so, many who acknowledge Gods existence still have trouble accepting the morality of Scripture. For the Canaanites, it was time for Gods judgment. But no one repented so all but Noah and His family were destroyed. Those on whom God pronounced judgment were wicked, God had given the Canaanites opportunity to repent, are storing up wrath for [themselves] on the day of wrath when Gods righteous judgment will be revealed, The Canaanites were the only people God commanded the Israelites to destroy, God always offered the possibility of redemption. in communications (radio broadcasting) from Moody Bible Institute, an M.A. The victims were not only infants; children as old as four were sacrificed.15 Kleitarchos reported that as the flame burning the child surrounded the body, the limbs would shrivel up and the mouth would appear to grin as if laughing, until it was shrunk enough to slip into the cauldron.16, Homosexuality. As a result, they eventually received the same judgment the Canaanites experienced ( Deut. 4:26; 7:4). For example, God commanded the Israelites, in Deuteronomy 20:10-15, to offer conditions of peace rather than extermination to all others. 1:27-2:5, we read that tribe after tribe of Israelites did not drive out all the inhabitants of the cities they conquered. Paul Copan, How Could a Loving God Command Genocide, in Thats Just Your Interpretation (Grand Rapid: Baker, 2001), 165. This is why it is so important for us to get our doctrine of humanity right. Skeptics have claimed that God was unjust when He ordained Israel to destroy the Canaanites. There are several aspects of Yahweh war. No worldly government can exist unless it uses every necessary means to punish law breaking. 15:5). As a result, they eventually received the same judgment the Canaanites experienced (Deut. 2:25) and even included in the genealogy of Jesus (Matt. Every forecast of prophecy of doom came with an implied unless attached to it: If at any time I declare concerning a nation or a kingdom, that I will pluck up and break down and destroy it, and if that nation, concerning which I have spoken, turns from its evil, I will relent of the disaster that I intended to do to it. They are all part of an inherently wicked culture that, if allowed to live, would morally and theologically pollute the people of Israel.[1]. Because of that advance warning, it is possible that some people abandoned their cities. Keil and F. Delitzsch, trans., James Martin, Commentary on the Old Testament, vol. He gave them the law so that they may know Him and His ways. So theeremlaws still apply, but in a spiritual sense rather than a physical sense. it was an act of the judicial holiness of God manifesting itself in righteousness and judgment.{6}. Under the sanctuary in the ancient city of Gezer, urns containing the burnt bones of children have been found. This document is the sole property of Probe Ministries. After all, the Old Testament unequivocally commands that those who do any one of these things deserves to die. The people believed that re-enacting these unions themselves played a part in the fertility of the land.{9}. Curiously, this simply relates back to the entire dialogue of God with Abraham. This article is a slightly adapted version of the program that aired on the Probe radio program. However, it is crucial to note that in the same passage, God declares the Israelites no less wicked than the Canaanites, deserving the same fate: However, according to Kline, sometimes we get snapshots of Gods final judgment intruding into the flow of history, foreshadowing the reality to come. Richard Dawkins, The God Delusion (Boston: Mariner Books, 2008), 51. Second, if the Canaanite children were allowed to live and remain in the land, they could very well act to avenge their parents when they grew up, or at least to pick up again the practices of their parents. From the Canaanite epic poem The Baal Cycle we learn: Mightiest Baal hears / He makes love with a heifer in the outback / A cow in the field of Deaths Realm. Although prophets warned the northern kingdom (usually referred to as Israel or Samaria) of impending doom, they didnt repent, and in 722 BC the king of Assyria killed or deported most of them, and filled the land with conquered peoples from other nations. God was patient. The people of the land had heard about all that had happened with the Israelites from the time they escaped Egypt. If you like what you're reading, you can get free daily updates through the RSS feed here. All reproductions of this document must contain the copyright notice (i.e., Copyright 2023 Probe Ministries) and this Copyright/Limitations notice. What if there are fifty righteous people in the city?Far be it from you to do such a thingto kill the righteous with the wicked, treating the righteous and the wicked alike. A miracle child heralded by divine announcement, he grows up to become a one-man army against Israel's enemies. Bible Verses, Quotes, Christian Answers, Songs and More. However, once the biblical doctrines of God and of sin are taken into consideration, the background scenery changes and the picture looks very different. However recently an atheist friend told me God was cruel and unloving and used examples from the old testament to prove it. Then they would simply abandon worship of the true God. Humans do not have the right to do whatever we want. Bereishit 19:4:. 4:1314; Ezek. 18:17 and 25:28. The passages that record Gods command to slaughter the Canaanite cities have even caused many Christians some confusion. God gave us life, and He has the right to take it away. In Genesis 15:16, God told Abraham that his descendants would have to remain slaves in Egypt for 400 years before taking possession of Canaan, "for the iniquity of the Amorites is not yet complete." Gods first inclination is to save Canaan rather than destroy it. But there is a major difference. {8} In addition, the Israelites would be tempted to imitate Canaanite religious rituals because of their close connection to agricultural rhythms. Speaking with Abraham, God predicted that the Canaanites would eventually become so evil that He the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places (6:12). The term genocide means a major action committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnic, racial or religious group. {3} Some twentieth-century examples are the extermination of six million Jews by the Nazis and the slaughter of 800,000 Tutsis by the Hutus in Rwanda in 1994. God sent Jonah to Nineveh, and spared the nation because of their repentance towards God. About UsContact UsPrayer RequestsPrivacy Policy, Latest AnswersBible LessonsBibleAsk LIVEOnline Bible. Can the actions of the Israelites legitimately be called genocide? They were corrupt and depraved to the core. God knows what is best for humankind, but He allowed free creatures to rebel and find out on their own that He is right. It makes no sense to say that the erem laws are unjust unless there is an objective standard of justice to which they must conform. God had given the Canaanites more than four hundred years of probation, during which He sent prophets and warnings. An even more detestable practice was that of child sacrifice. The Spirit of God comes on Jephthah, but the military leader's efforts still end in tragedy. Was John the Baptist the only person that understood Christs mission. And so for 400 years more, the Amorites were allowed to live and do as they pleased. God promised Abraham (Genesis 15), that his seed would inherit the land of Canaan. He is convinced that the hope of the world lies in men and women having a saving relationship with God through faith in Jesus Christ. Conclusion: What does this tell us about God? {14} The only test we can put to God is consistency with His own nature and word. An obvious objection to the idea that God was judging the Canaanites is that it would be unfair for Him to do so if they had no opportunity to repent and be saved. Paul wrote to the Ephesians, For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against . The people have rebelled against God and spend 40 years in the desert. They are dated to somewhere between 2000 and 1500 BC, between the time of Abraham and the Exodus.{7}. Thanks to his obedience unto death, our own sins are forgiven, and we can now stand in Gods favor by faith alone. What the Israelites are told to do to the Amalekites is exactly what the Amalekites had been doing to Israel. That atheists are incapable of judging spiritual matters leads some Christians to wonder why we even need to answer them at all, especially if they lack any objective, moral, or epistemological foundation for their claims. Lets look at something God told Abraham before all this started. The first fact This document may not be repackaged in any form for sale or resale. Robert believes that the Bible contains the truth that God wants us to base our lives upon. Subsequently, God sent prophets to warn Israel of their coming destruction, but they didnt repent and God said that they became like Sodom to me and He visited destruction on Israel for committing the same sins. God allowed Israel to become slaves in Egypt (more on this in a moment). This explains why, in certain cities, Yahweh sentenced to death everything that breathes. They engaged in temple prostitution which was thought to be a re-enactment of the sexual unions of the gods and goddesses. Peter Singer Heavy Petting: Review of Midas Dekkers, Dearest Pet: On Bestiality (London, 2000), Nerve.com, 2001, http://www.nerve.com/opinions/singer/heavypetting/main.asp. (Deut. But this sort of response does not fit with Jesuss own view of the Old Testament. Other ungodly acts routinely engaged in by the Canaanites included adultery, bestiality, and homosexuality (Leviticus 18:20-30). Convention on the Punishment and Prevention of the Crime of Genocide, Article II, University of the West of England, at: www.ess.uwe.ac.uk/. The object of warfare moves from the Canaanites, who are the object of Gods wrath for their sin, to the spiritual powers and principalities, and then finally to the utter destruction of all evil, human and spiritual.[2]. You shall make no covenant with them and show no mercy to them. (Deut. Thanks for stopping by! 22 Christian Quotes and Sayings About God. He is passionate about understanding the Bible and helping others do the same. In Deuteronomy 20:16, Moses said the Israelites were to save alive nothing that breathes in the cities in their new land. I think God meant it quite literally. ", Jesus Resurrection: Fact or Fiction? Long after the conquest of the land, when God decided He would have to destroy Moab, according to Isaiah God wept bitterly over her cities (Isa. In both Testaments we see that God hates sin and will punish it. And how are Christians supposed to apply the erem laws today? In Genesis 15:16, God told Abraham that his descendants would have to remain slaves in Egypt for 400 years before taking possession of Canaan, for the iniquity of the Amorites is not yet complete. So God was patient in dealing with the Canaanite nations, waiting until they reached the point of no return. God sought to reveal His standards of righteousness to a thoroughly corrupted humankind, and He chose Israel out of the nations to exhibit the requirements for relationship with Him (Deut. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); IGRG: Did God Give The Canaanites aChance. Kyle, Canaan, in The International Standard Bible Encyclopedia, James Orr, ed. Who is more qualified than the Creator to decide how long one lives? Then they would simply abandon worship of the true God. . He blogs at Allkirk Network. In his article Yahweh Wars which was written after Is Yahweh a Moral Monster?, Copan presents two scenarios, one in which everyone was put to death, and the other in which the targets were military leaders and soldiers. Another biblical story that is similar to the story of Ananias and Sapphira is the story of Elisha's servant, Gehazi greedily wanting money for Naaman's healing . The judgment that they foreshadowed was demonstrated decisively on the cross of Christ, who received the full measure of Gods wrath for the sins of his people. Notes 6:23), and ultimately every unrepentant sinner will have to face Gods judgment. If He wanted to strike me dead right now, thats His prerogative (Reasonable Faith . He points out 2023 Probe Ministries | Designed and Managed by Adquest Creative. God did not just decide to command the Israelites to destroy all the inhabitants of Canaan simply because he promised Abraham that his descendants would inherit it; he commanded them to do it because the Canaanites were wicked, evil, sinful people. Though rebellion must be put down and rebels must be punished for the wages of sin is death (Romans 6:23), God displays mercy for He is longsuffering to us-ward, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance (2 Peter 3:9). 12. No matter what God does, all of His actions are guided by His sovereign will and the fact that He, so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life (John 3:16 ESV). The Bible calls Noah a preacher of righteousness thats because before the flood Noah tried to save others by preaching repentance! In other words, we now wage war in prayer and in the realm of ideas. Concerning the destruction of the Canaanites, atheists especially like to exploit the Christian condemnation of genocide. Women were no less guilty than men, and in many cases they were the principal instigators. After all, he spoke approvingly of the destruction of Sodom, a pagan city that also included men, women, and children (Luke 17:28-29). What Do the Four Soils in the Parable of the Sower Represent? 1 (2009): 73-92; www.epsociety.org/library/articles.asp?pid=63. God gives nations a chance to choose that which is right and to mend their ways but if they refuse godliness and adopt immorality, idolatry, covetousness, sexual impurity, etc., then God has no alternative but to let them reap the consequences of their own wickedness. Herem literally means ban or banned. It means to ban from human use and to give over completely to God. Since Canaanite sin was regular and systematicthe entire adult population participated in the idolatrous systemGod judged the entire nation. If Ananias and Sapphira were new Christians/immature Christians then we might have asked why they did Not have a chance to repent( i.e., some kind of gracious period of time to repent). Clay Jones is assistant professor in the Master of Arts in Christian Apologetics program at Biola University and specializes in issues related to why God allows evil. James B. Pritchard, Harry A. Hoffner, Jr., Incest, Sodomy and Bestiality in the Ancient Near East, in. If God was not behind the conquest of Canaan, then the Israelites were no different than the Nazis and the Hutus. I consider Jesus the be the perfect example of how to be good, Jesus would never hurt anyone. And as a consequence, God used Israel to bring judgement upon them. wars instituted by and fought with the, My eldest daughter and I have been discussing portions of the Bible with which she is struggling. God destroys Sodom. Israel had been enslaved in Egypt for 400 years. Then He says something very Interesting your descendants will come back in the fourth generation, because the sins of the Amorites hasnt been fulfilled. The Amorites in this case are the Canaanites. Thus, the Lord said to Abraham in Genesis 15:16, "the sin of the Amorites has not yet reached its full measure." In a recent debate with William Lane Craig, Hitchens exhorted the Christians in the audience, Emancipate yourself from the idea of a celestial dictatorship and youve taken the first step toward becoming free.32, Although Dawkins nowhere endorses sex with animals, he does endorse Princeton atheist and ethicist Peter Singer as an eloquent advocate for our need to become postspeciesist.33 According to Singer, to claim that one species is better than another is to invoke grave implications because, after all, We are animals.This does not make sex across the species barrier normal, or natural, whatever those much-misused words may mean, but it does imply that it ceases to be an offence to our status and dignity as human beings.34. Consider one basic example of how new atheist rationalizations echo the propensities of Canaanite sin, and indeed, echo the rationalizations of the human heart. The Canaanites were the only people God commanded the Israelites to destroy Israel was not allowed to treat other nations as they treated the Canaanite cities. But He said to Abraham that the promise would take a long time to be fulfilled for the iniquity of the Amorites, or the people of Canaan, is not yet full (v. 16). 13. He points out how Yahweh Wars, i.e. In fact, the Hebrew wars with other nations (except Canaan) were designed to be only in self-defense (Toward Old Testament Ethics, Walter Kaiser, Jr., p, 267, Zondervan, 1983). (LogOut/ Help train Christians to boldly share the good news of Jesus Christ in a way that clearly communicates to this secular age. What place should they have in our preaching and practice? Recently I asked some of the mamas of littles in our church, What God questions are your kids asking? Dr. Michael Gleghorn provides good reasons to believe that the stories about Jesus were reliably preserved by his followers Dr. Zukeran presents five major reasons to believe Christianity is the truth. God didnt. A Clear Christian Perspective, The Apologetics of Jesus: A Defense of His Deity, Bridging to Common Ground: Communicating Christ Across the Cultural Divide, How I Know Christianity Is True A Defense of the Gospel, Yahweh War and the Conquest of Canaan A Biblical Worldview Perspective, Personal Development/Relationships Emails, Trusting God on the Other Side of Bizarre, Cohfessions of a Missionary Addicted to Porn. The Bible is explicit concerning the sins of the Canaanites: idolatry, incest, adultery, child sacrifice, homosexuality, and bestiality. Tugis life was full of dignity and worth. Christian Answers, 7:22). Robert is happily married and lives in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. . THE CANAANITES- God's Justness in Perspective It's clear from history, God gave them ample time to repent, but they refused (Gen. 15:16; Deut. 1: The Pentateuch (Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, n.d.), 484-485. He was keeping track of the measure of their sins, and, during Abraham's time, it was not yet "full." So the Amorites were warned that judgment was coming. I have two questions: 1. God loves each of us as if there were only one of us"- Augustine. 11. In Ezekiel 18:23 we read, Have I any pleasure in the death of the wicked, declares the Lord God, and not rather that he should turn from his way and live? (see also Ezek. Will More People Go To Hell Than Go To Heaven? Rick Wade provides a biblically informed perspective of these Old Testament events, looking back at them with a Christian view of history and its significance. Kyle Dillon (MDiv, Covenant Theological Seminary) serves as an assistant pastor at Riveroaks Reformed Presbyterian Church in Germantown, Tennessee. God had warned them against that ( Deut. 12:4, 30, 31 ). When God told Abraham He was going to destroy Sodom and Gomorrah, Abraham pleaded for them, and God agreed in his mercy that if but only ten righteous people were found, He wouldnt do it. And they even sent their own children into the fires of the god Molech as living sacrifices. God is a God of . The third goal of the conquest was the protection of Israel. Nevertheless, those that choose to reject Gods love will be lost (2 Peter 3:7). Although these laws express Gods judgment, they also show us Gods mercy in several important ways: Now that Christ has come, the way in which we understand and apply theeremlaws has radically transformed. When a nation starts burning children as a gift to the gods (Leviticus 18:21) and practices sodomy, bestiality and all sorts of loathsome vices (Leviticus 18:25, 27-30), they, are storing up wrath for [themselves] on the day of wrath when Gods righteous judgment will be revealed (Romans 2:5 ESV). What it Means to Become a New Creation in Christ.

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did god give the canaanites a chance to repent