Hot blast was the single most important advance in fuel efficiency of the blast furnace as it greatly reduced the fuel consumption for making pig iron, and was one of the most important technologies developed during the Industrial Revolution. 6) Scientific Revolution. Improved versions were used to stabilize automatic tracking mechanisms of telescopes and to control speed of ship propellers and rudders. The second most important reason was the improvements in health in sanitation. Conversely, the states in the South with the best actual rates of employment, North Carolina and Georgia, had roughly 2 percent less of the workforce than one would expect from their population. These changes included a wider distribution of wealth and increased international trade. The first of Mushet's steel rails was sent to Derby Midland railway station. [29][34] The savings from mass production methods allowed the price of the Model T to decline from $780 in 1910 to $360 in 1916. Many worked 14 to 16 hours per day six days per week. The Second Industrial Revolution continued into the 20th century with early factory electrification and the production line; it ended at the beginning of World War I. Applied science opened many opportunities. Advances in the accuracy of machine tools can be traced to Henry Maudslay and refined by Joseph Whitworth. [78] Unlike earlier steam engines, the turbine produced rotary power rather than reciprocating power which required a crank and heavy flywheel. Use this chart to identify the causes and effects of these events in the North, South, West, and Midwest. Each of these states had roughly 5 percent more of the total US workforce than would be expected given their populations. The second industrial revolution also known as the technological revolution was a period of breaking advancements in the aspects of manufacturing, technology, and the methods of industrial production which particularly took place in the United States from 1870 to 1914. The rails were laid at part of the station approach where the iron rails had to be renewed at least every six months, and occasionally every three. This was successfully completed on 18 July 1866 by the ship SS Great Eastern, captained by Sir James Anderson after many mishaps along the away. Within just a few decades, the Second Industrial Revolution transformed the United States from a mainly rural agricultural society to a booming industrial economy centered in major cities. Ball and roller bearings also began being used in machinery. Recent flashcard sets. Great swaths of land that had once whispered grass now screamed corn and wheat.". Woodhead Publishing. Although the machines made work easier in some ways, factory work created many problems for the laborers. [52], "The economic changes that have occurred during the last quarter of a century -or during the present generation of living men- have unquestionably been more important and more varied than during any period of the world's history". James Clerk Maxwell wrote a paper mathematically analyzing the actions of governors, which marked the beginning of the formal development of control theory. Among the new conditions, more markedly evident in Britain, the forerunner of Europe's industrial states, were the long-term effects of the severe Long Depression of 18731896, which had followed fifteen years of great economic instability. While it was a period of unprecedented progress and innovation that propelled some people into vast wealth, it also condemned many to poverty, creating a deep social chasm between the industrial machine and the working middle class that fueled it. Invented in 1856 by Sir Henry Bessemer, the Bessemer process allowed for the mass-production of steel. During the 1880s, Americas railroads laid more than 75,000 miles of new track, the most anywhere in history. The Industrial Revolution brought about sweeping changes in economic and social organization. The AC motor (Induction motor) was developed in the 1890s and soon began to be used in the electrification of industry. The story of the Industrial Revolution begins on the small island of Great Britain. One of the first machine tools was John Wilkinson's boring machine, that bored a precise hole in James Watt's first steam engine in 1774. [34] Henry Ford is quoted as saying that mass production would not have been possible without electricity because it allowed placement of machine tools and other equipment in the order of the work flow. Sir Charles William Siemens developed his regenerative furnace in the 1850s, for which he claimed in 1857 to able to recover enough heat to save 7080% of the fuel. [64] His most prominent achievement was to formulate a set of equations that described electricity, magnetism, and optics as manifestations of the same phenomenon, namely the electromagnetic field. Vassiliou, M. S. (2009). It also used an innovative oscillating engine for power. 40 terms. Yet after World War I, the railroad would be replaced by the automobile. Being a much more durable material, steel steadily replaced iron as the standard for railway rail, and due to its greater strength, longer lengths of rails could now be rolled. [29] The solution that Ford Motor developed was a completely redesigned factory with machine tools and special purpose machines that were systematically positioned in the work sequence. Learn. The screw propeller was introduced in 1835 by Francis Pettit Smith who discovered a new way of building propellers by accident. Wilson, Arthur (1994). The enormous expansion of rail and telegraph lines after 1870 allowed unprecedented movement of people and ideas, which culminated in a new wave of globalization. Chemicals 6. The changing world of the Second Industrial Revolution also led to fears by social critics about the loss of freedom, autonomy and independence that is replaced by boredom, repetition and toil, according to Freeman. Young found that by slow distillation he could obtain a number of useful liquids from it, one of which he named "paraffine oil" because at low temperatures it congealed into a substance resembling paraffin wax. Electrification allowed the final major developments in manufacturing methods of the Second Industrial Revolution, namely the assembly line and mass production.[29]. It was in the 1840s, that Charles Fenerty in Nova Scotia and Friedrich Gottlob Keller in Saxony both invented a successful machine which extracted the fibres from wood (as with rags) and from it, made paper. Through his research on the magnetic field around a conductor carrying a direct current, Faraday established the basis for the concept of the electromagnetic field in physics. In some cases, the advancement of such mechanization substituted for low-skilled workers altogether. These scientific principles were applied to a variety of industrial concerns, including improving the efficiency of boilers and steam turbines. For example, industrial standardization marked an evolution in the arms industry, says Satia, author of Empire of Guns: The Making of the Industrial Revolution. ", Roberts, Wayne. Match. Thus, the depletion of resources and environmental pollution aggressively started around the first revolution. Factory employees did not earn much, and the work was often dangerous. Following Germany's annexation of Alsace-Lorraine in 1871, it absorbed parts of what had been France's industrial base. Stronger and cheaper to produce, steel soon replaced iron in the building industry. Between 1865 and 1916, the transcontinental network of railroads, Americas magic carpet made of steel, expanded from 35,000 miles to over 254,000 miles. [6], It was Italian inventor Guglielmo Marconi who successfully commercialized radio at the turn of the century. 02.01 Regions Chart and Written Response There were several events during the Second Industrial Revolution that had profound effects on each of the major regions in the United States. Previously, the management of most businesses had consisted of individual owners or groups of partners, some of whom often had little daily hands-on operations involvement. Perkin's accidental discovery was that aniline could be partly transformed into a crude mixture which when extracted with alcohol produced a substance with an intense purple colour. The large number of stages of the turbine allowed for high efficiency and reduced size by 90%. With his emphasis on vertical integration of parts and assembly line manufacturing, Henry Ford was its king. Kerosene lighting was much more efficient and less expensive than vegetable oils, tallow and whale oil. Practice Identifying Causes & Effects of the Second Industrial Revolution with practice problems and explanations. 1. Sponsored by Sen. Robert F. Wagner of New York and signed by its ardent supporter, President Franklin D. Roosevelt, the FSLA prohibited the employment of minors in oppressive child labor, established a mandatory minimum wage, and limited the number of hours employees should work. But during the testing of a boat propelled by one, the screw snapped off, leaving a fragment shaped much like a modern boat propeller. The first commercially available steel rails in the US were manufactured in 1867 at the Cambria Iron Works in Johnstown, Pennsylvania. Belgium thus became the railway center of the region. The process of industrialization continues around the world, as do struggles against many of its negative effects, such as industrial pollution and urban crowding. Print. They write new content and verify and edit content received from contributors. The iron chariots also changed the human and natural environment of the West, and of course led to conflicts with Native Americans who had lived there for generations. Retrieved from By the middle of the 19th century there was a scientific understanding of chemistry and a fundamental understanding of thermodynamics and by the last quarter of the century both of these sciences were near their present-day basic form. When social activist Jane Addams threw a Christmas party at the group home she had just founded in Chicagos slums in 1889, she passed out candy to the impoverished girls who lived there. The causes of the Second Industrial Revolution were: Natural resources (coal,iron, oil) Abundant Labor Supply (immigration) Strong Government Policy (Laissez Faire) New Sources of Power ( electricity,petroleum,steel) Railroads American Inventors and Inventions Your welcome. His first model was connected to a dynamo that generated 7.5kW (10hp) of electricity. Industrial Revolution, in modern history, the process of change from an agrarian and handicraft economy to one dominated by industry and machine manufacturing. This allowed the use of more powerful locomotives, which could pull longer trains, and longer rail cars, all of which greatly increased the productivity of railroads. Mechanical innovations such as batch and continuous processing began to become much more prominent in factories. This meant that products were cheaper to make and also cheaper to buy. For many, the shift from rural to factory life was gruelingespecially for children. 7) Governmental Policies. Liebig is considered the "father of the fertilizer industry" for his discovery of nitrogen as an essential plant nutrient and went on to establish Liebig's Extract of Meat Company which produced the Oxo meat extract. "From Rostow to Chandler to You: How revolutionary was the second industrial revolution? Longmans, London. Built on an unprecedented scale and pioneering the use of high voltage (10,000V) alternating current, it generated 800 kilowatts and supplied central London. By 1900, the process of economic concentration had extended into most branches of industrya few large corporations, some organized as "trusts" (e.g. Both were replaced by electricity for street lighting following the 1890s and for households during the 1920s. Henry Ford built his first car in 1896 and worked as a pioneer in the industry, with others who would eventually form their own companies, until the founding of Ford Motor Company in 1903. By the 1860s, the increased availability and lower cost of Bessemer process steel finally allowed the railroads to utilize it in quantity. It was John Penn, engineer for the Royal Navy who perfected the oscillating engine. Longley, Robert. Early 20th-century films like Fritz Langs sci-fi dystopia Metropolis or Charlie Chaplins assembly line comedy Modern Times capture this fear of the factory worker as a human robot. Encyclopaedia Britannica's editors oversee subject areas in which they have extensive knowledge, whether from years of experience gained by working on that content or via study for an advanced degree. Rapid advances in the creation of steel, chemicals and electricity helped fuel production, including mass-produced consumer goods and weapons. We discovered that for six weeks they had worked from seven in the morning until nine at night, Addams later wrote, and they were exhausted as well as satiated. Toronto: The Garden City Press Co-Operative, 1947. "Second industrial revolution" has been used in the popular press and by technologists or industrialists to refer to the changes following the spread of new technology after World War I. [citation needed], One author has called the period from 1867 to 1914 during which most of the great innovations were developed "The Age of Synergy" since the inventions and innovations were engineering and science-based. #1 Political and Economic competition in Europe The shift away from agriculture toward industry had occurred in Britain by the 1730s, when the percentage of the working population engaged in agriculture fell below 50%, a development that would only happen elsewhere (the Low Countries) in the 1830s and '40s. As mechanism reduced the demand for labor, many people who had first been drawn from farms to cities to work in the factories lost their jobs. It featured wire wheels (unlike carriages' wooden ones)[59] with a four-stroke engine of his own design between the rear wheels, with a very advanced coil ignition [60] and evaporative cooling rather than a radiator. Sidney Gilchrist Thomas developed a more sophisticated process to eliminate the phosphorus from iron. HISTORY reviews and updates its content regularly to ensure it is complete and accurate. Practically every aspect of everyday life had altered dramatically over the past century. At the same time, however, industrialization and urbanization drastically reduced the share of the population engaged in agriculture. When the averages of all southern states and all northern states are taken, the trend holds with the North over-performing by about 2 percent, and the South under-performing by about 1 percent. This was set out as a formal strategic goal, which became known as the All Red Line. Using the documents in this primary source set, students can create a timeline of important events in the Industrial Revolution. Evelyn_Farbman. In England, he attempted to implement his theories commercially through a fertilizer created by treating phosphate of lime in bone meal with sulfuric acid. The Devastation-class turret ships were built for the British Royal Navy as the first class of ocean-going capital ship that did not carry sails, and the first whose entire main armament was mounted on top of the hull rather than inside it. The railroad soon became the main way by which companies transported raw materials to their factories and delivered final products to consumers. It was an era when industrial growth created a class of wealthy entrepreneurs and a comfortable middle class supported by workers who were made up by immigrants and arrivals from Americas farms and small towns. [56] Dunlop's development of the pneumatic tyre arrived at a crucial time in the development of road transport and commercial production began in late 1890. The use of machine tools began with the onset of the First Industrial Revolution. Thanks to the development of sewage systems in cities along with the passage of drinking water safety laws, public health improved greatly and rates of death from infectious diseases fell. Developments such as steel, electricity, increased mass production, and the building of a nationwide railroad network enabled the growth of sprawling cities. It took several years to perfect and become popular, but found application in shipping before powering locomotives. For example, to calculate rates they needed to know the cost of a ton-mile of freight. Standard Oil), dominated in steel, oil, sugar, meatpacking, and the manufacture of agriculture machinery. It planned and funded a simple cruciform system that connected major cities, ports and mining areas, and linked to neighboring countries. The first large scale central distribution supply plant was opened at Holborn Viaduct in London in 1882[27] and later at Pearl Street Station in New York City. Long-distance transportation networks connected by rail, steamship and canals opened new markets for farmers, factory owners and bankers who could bring Americas natural resources to a global marketplace. The Bessemer process, invented by Sir Henry Bessemer, allowed the mass-production of steel, increasing the scale and speed of production of this vital material, and decreasing the labor requirements. The Living Rock: The Story of Metals Since Earliest Times and Their Impact on Civilization. The SiemensMartin process complemented rather than replaced the Bessemer process. Matthew, H.C.G. The great inventions and innovations of the Second Industrial Revolution are part of our modern life. The first factories were built in the 18th century, with British textile mills that spread to the United States, a time known as the First Industrial Revolution. What Caused the Second Industrial Revolution? The Gilded Age in America was based on heavy industry such as factories, railroads and coal mining. In 1924 2 million T-Fords were produced and retailed $290 each.[61]. The Industrial Revolution first began in Britain in the 18th century but soon spread throughout Europe and North America. ThoughtCo, Dec. 6, 2021, By the 1870s superphosphates produced in those factories, were being shipped around the world from the port at Ipswich.[71][72]. Mass production fostered the concept of capitalism which had been raised by Adam Smith . The Second Industrial Revolution was a period of groundbreaking advancements in manufacturing, technology, and industrial production methods, particularly in the United States, from around 1870 to 1914. katmeli_raven. Collaborating with his cousin, Percy Gilchrist a chemist at the Blaenavon Ironworks, Wales, he patented his process in 1878;[13] Bolckow Vaughan & Co. in Yorkshire was the first company to use his patented process. Together with rapid growth of small business, a new middle class was rapidly growing, especially in northern cities. Taylor's core principles included:[citation needed], The period from 1870 to 1890 saw the greatest increase in economic growth in such a short period as ever in previous history. Mass Production & Assembly Line 2. Match. By clicking Accept All Cookies, you agree to the storing of cookies on your device to enhance site navigation, analyze site usage, and assist in our marketing efforts. In this more recent scenario, they would render the majority of today's modern manufacturing processes obsolete, transforming all facets of the modern economy. Archive maintained by 'The Pedal Club'. The revolution in naval design led to the first modern battleships in the 1870s, evolved from the ironclad design of the 1860s. While some historians quibble over the exact boundary between the First Industrial Revolution, that began inthe mid-18th century, and the second, that started aroundthe mid-19th century, a primary difference is that the second saw the beginning of mass production in manufacturing and consumer goods. You could produce all the parts of a gun and assemble any set and make a gun, Satia says. [101], In the early 1900s there was a disparity between the levels of employment seen in the northern and southern United States. Trials with Smith's SS Archimedes, the first steam driven screw, led to the famous tug-of-war competition in 1845 between the screw-driven HMSRattler and the paddle steamer HMSAlecto; the former pulling the latter backward at 2.5 knots (4.6km/h). Products More Affordable 2. The Second Industrial Revolution was a period of rapid industrial development, primarily in the United Kingdom, Germany and the United States, but also in France, the Low Countries, Italy and Japan. What were the causes and effects of the Second Industrial Revolution in Western Europe? This made many nations experience economic growth, becoming richer and more developed every day. [98], During the Gilded Age, American railroad mileage tripled between 1860 and 1880, and tripled again by 1920, opening new areas to commercial farming, creating a truly national marketplace and inspiring a boom in coal mining and steel production. Businesses in practically every industry suffered from lengthy periods of low and falling profit rates and price deflation after 1873. (accessed May 2, 2023).

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causes and effects of the second industrial revolution