Up on the concrete ledge, Abe looked out for the motorcade. Im referring to Clint Hill, the man who jumped onto the trunk of the limousine to protect Jackie Kennedy who had gone out onto the trunk of the car. He re-cranked the mechanism of the camera to "full wind" so that it would run for the maximum amount of time. This is why the images don't line up in the frame and why the edges of the frame don't line up when the images do. So decisions made as to what could be seen in the composite had to be across-the-board convincing of the cover story, at least within the limits of argument. It just couldn't be done. --Michael J. Briggs , former editor-in-chief University Press of Kansas, publisher of The Zapruder Film and Breach of Trust "An impressive and staggering piece of investigative journalism. At first glance, the notion that the Zapruder film might have been tampered with seems far-fetched. I put my right foot, I believe it was, on the left rear step of the automobile, and I had a hold of the handgrip with my hand, when the car lurched forward. Then I saw a flash of pink like someone standing up and sitting down in the car." Title 8, Chapter 21, Demonstrative Evidence; Section 214: The principle upon which photographs are most commonly admitted into evidence is the same as that underlying the admission of illustrative drawings, maps, and diagrams. the biggest tragedy is that another version exists which none of us have seen. ( pg. A still photo taken by James Altgens of the Associated Press shows Marilyn and Abe in his hat and bow tie, holding the camera; they are faintly visible in the far background, having just gotten down from their perch. Below is an especially clear copy of Zapruder frame #375. [10][11], Brugioni said he was not aware of a second examination of the film at NPIC, the night of Sunday 24 November and the early morning of Monday 25 November, by a completely different team. All Rights Reserved. How did they know that the first shot was fired at Frame 210 when frame 210 isn't in the film ?If the Zapruder film was altered, why for example, does it still show a headshot throwing JFK to the left and backward, indicating the shot came from the right front ? Josiah Thompson, author of Six Seconds in Dallas, said in his book, The present study seeks to make proper use of the photographs inasmuch as they constitute the only inviolable form of evidence. I happened to be looking right at him when that bullet hit him the second shot it looked like it hit him somewhere along about a little bit behind the ear and a little bit above the ear. Additionally, Brugioni is adamant that the set of briefing boards available to the public in the National Archives is not the set that he and his team produced on November 2324, 1963. If the film was edited, the last step in the editing process, reducing it back from 16mm to 8mm, could only have been done at one of the commerical venues or, more likely, at the "Hawkeye Works" lab at Eastman Kodak in Rochester, NY. I couldnt reconcile those differences. History. He tried a few places, walking all along the curb on Elm Street, but could not find solid footing there. The natural inclination would be to step on the gas and accelerate as quickly as possible. 20 frames from the time Webb hit the dirt, until AC made contact. Editing a stop out is easy. (It shows up only as a white blur on the blue near the bumper.). Many witness stories suggest JFK was hit more than once in the head in a flurry of shots fired close together. So anyway, he walked in, and he handed me the camera. He didn't start filming again until he could see the president and the first lady coming toward him in the car. Others, notably David Josephs think the time might be 15 seconds. With fidelity to the true personality and essence of the man, the film also follows Abraham Zapruder, the businessman who filmed the shooting on his Super 8 camera, and who was devastated by what . The original Zapruder film is part of the Kennedy Collection and is in the custody of the Motion Picture Sound and Video staff, at the National Archives at College Park. She has also co-authored numerous peer-reviewed articles for medical journals. Just about as I reached it, there was another sound, which was different than the first sound. As I said earlier, this alteration method is based on the Elsie Dorman film. I just laid down over on the ground [urged by another witness to get down] and when that third shot rung out and when I was close to the ground you could tell the shot was coming from above and kind of behind. Other witnesses had the same impression. Abe Zapruder had no idea when he took his 8-millimeter camera down to Dealey Plaza on November 22, 1963 that he would record President Kennedy's assassination. When the lead motorcycles rounded Houston to Elm Street, he started filming, only to stop when he realized that it was not the president's car yet. Zapruders position indicated by yellow arrow on the Nix film below. The original film was retained by Zapruder, in addition to one of the copies. The force of the bullet drove my body over almost double and when I looked, immediately I could see I was just drenched with blood. Additionally, Brugioni was certain that the set of briefing boards available to the public in the National Archives is not the set that he and his team produced on November 2324, 1963. Then there is a following frame with the same two large black lines across the image. The view that the Zapruder film captured the shooting from beginning to end view was challenged by Max Holland, author of The Kennedy Assassination Tapes, and professional photographer Johann Rush in a joint editorial piece published by The New York Times on November 22, 2007. I then copied the video and edited out the 2 second stop. Changing the direction of the head was not. Asked about the origin of the second shot he heard: It was right, but I cannot say for sure that it was rear, because when I mounted the car it was it had a different sound than the first sound that I heard. The last view of the passenger side of the p. limo was Jay Skaggs at the intersection of Houston and Main. Foster testified before the Warren Commission but was never asked about what he told the FBI. But he testified that he did so immediately after hearing the first shot. While serving as chief analyst of military records at the Assassination Records Review Board in 1997, Douglas Horne discovered that the Zapruder Film was exa. This seems extremely unlikely, however, because the film itself may hold the answer to whether or not it was edited.More evidence of editing: blurred vs. sharp frames. Thats the only smoking gun in the film.. The problem is not . That gives one a lot of scenes to use elsewhere. The following excerpt from .css-gegin5{-webkit-text-decoration:underline;text-decoration:underline;text-decoration-thickness:0.0625rem;text-decoration-color:inherit;text-underline-offset:0.25rem;color:#9a0500;-webkit-transition:all 0.3s ease-in-out;transition:all 0.3s ease-in-out;}.css-gegin5:hover{color:#595959;text-decoration-color:border-link-body-hover;}Twenty-Six Seconds by Zapruder's granddaughter Alexandra details how he captured history, and what happened next. 2 hours ago, Jamey Flanagan said: Just a thought. I have postulated on another thread that what we now see is the remainder of a rear headshot (Rydberg drawing) causing the side blowout and a subsequent frontal headshot causing the rear blowout (excised). Incredibly, the Zapruder film was withheld from the American public for nearly 12 years. [1] In his 2001 book Tell Me A Story, CBS producer Don Hewitt said that he told Rather to go to Zapruder's home to "sock him in the jaw", take the film, copy it, then return it and let the network's lawyers deal with the consequences. There are 8 films in all that have been edited on Houston Street. In addition, the motion picture film experts who have had access to the Zapruder film in the past and pronounced it to be unaltered have all had connections to the suspected forger, the CIA. [4][5] In a 2015 interview on Opie with Jim Norton, Rather stated that the story was a myth.[6]. For decades, the Warrennati have cried out that the Zapruder film could not have been altered because it synchronizes with the Nix and Muchmore films. What would Americans say or think about conspiracy theories if they were to watch a film showing the Presidents car suddenly stopping to allow bullets to blow his brains out ? In his affidavit, Billy Lovelady, an employee of the Texas School Book Depository, said"I recall that following the shooting, I ran toward the spotwhere President Kennedy's car had stopped." [38] Kodak engineer Ronald Zavada ran experiments with the film Abraham Zapruder used and concluded that the film is authentic. But we know from all the films that JFK was shot in the head almost immediately after Hill got off the running board of the follow-up car. Hill, the woman in red in the Zapruder film, stood less than ten feet away from the presidential limousine facing the now-famous grassy knoll. The Zapruder film, silent but in color, shows a motorcade led by two open-top limousines proceeding at a stately pace through a street lined with people. Dino indicated in the interview that he was positive that they had the original film, and that when they projected it for the two members of the Secret Service, it was the first time they had viewed the film. I struggled with this notion for years. In his interview with the late Jim Marrs,William Reymond claimed that the limo came to a complete stop BEFORE the head shotand then took off. Can you visually identify anyone in the p. limo? OBTW, that's plenty of time for a limo stop. Foster was a Dallas policeman stationed on the railroad overpass at the corner of Elm, Main and Commerce Streets. However, the chance of a leaked version ever seeing the light of day showing images of the limousine stopping during the assassination would have been infinitely more devastating to the Secret Service and would have been proof of SS complicity. Orville Nix said that frames from the copy of his film are missing. 2023, A&E Television Networks, LLC. ( pronounced Itek ) He believed that this was a copy from an original film owned by H.L. Two days after the assassination he was quoted in the Houston Chronicle as repeating what he had told Baker; thatthe limousine stopped immediately after the first shot. These witnesses directly contradict the Zapruder Film and all of the frames past Z 133. You could even use film frames from Houston Street or Main Street. After having a nightmare in which he saw a sign in Times Square, New York City, with the phrase "See the President's head explode! In the Nix film, Jackie goes noticeably further out on the trunk. Sitzman said that,"He ( Zapruder ) started filming.just before they came around the corner.". Amateur films by Abraham Zapruder and Orville Nix do not agree with each other in at least one obvious way. The Act also created the President John F. Kennedy Assassination Records Collection at the National Archives. But you can tell a lot about where he stood from his film itself. By Simply the scene content of the inside of the p. limo. doubts surrounding the assassination of President John F. Kennedy remain unanswered. A small number of those witnesses said shooting occurred on Main Street and Houston Street. Now everywhere you read about it, you never read about the car stopping. Sorry if I missed it, but is there a list of people who claim to have seen the "other" film? Years later, in an interview she gave with my mother, Marilyn remembered, "When they started to make their first turn, turning into the street, he said, 'OK, here we go.' "I started shooting--- when the motorcade started coming in, I believe I started and wanted to get it coming in from Elm St." ( Testimony of Abraham Zapruder, 7 H 571 ) Changing the direction of the head was not. But, there are other things to consider. He and his team then made up two identical sets of briefing boards, one set for CIA Director John McCone and one for the Secret Service, but both were eventually delivered to the CIA Director who would in turn provide a set to the Secret Service. Find History on Facebook (Opens in a new window), Find History on Twitter (Opens in a new window), Find History on YouTube (Opens in a new window), Find History on Instagram (Opens in a new window), Find History on TikTok (Opens in a new window), Time Life Pictures/National Archives/The LIFE Picture Collection/Getty Images, https://www.history.com/news/jfk-assassination-grassy-knoll-theory-debunked, What Physics Reveals About the JFK Assassination. Holland and Rush suggest that the pause could have had great significance for the interpretation of the assassination. I proved that. The film has been featured in films and other media, such as the Oliver Stone film JFK. That person was a 58-year old Dallas dress manufacturer, Abraham Zapruder, who died in 1970. When Nalli studied the Zapruder film, he noticed that the presidents head snapped forward at the moment the bullet hit his skull. I think people remember when they are struck in the back with a bullet that knocks them forward, and that memory is confirmed on film. We strive for accuracy and fairness. Get a copy of the film, use good software, and look at each frame of the film. William Newman and his family were the closest to Kennedy when he was shot. b.) Leading experts explore the many theories of what happened on November 22, 1963. We strive for accuracy and fairness. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wGdM7ut-Kk4, http://assassinationofjfk.net/the-two-npic-zapruder-film-events-signposts-pointing-to-the-films-alteration/, https://gil-jesus.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/02/sitzman.mp4, https://gil-jesus.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/02/Rich-Dellarosa-The-Turn-onto-Elm.mp4, https://gil-jesus.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/02/Z-film-no-turn.mp4, https://gil-jesus.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/02/cronkite.mp4, https://gil-jesus.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/02/William-Reymond-The-Limo-Stop.mp4, https://gil-jesus.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/02/Rich-Dellarosa-The-Limo-Stop.mp4, https://www.maryferrell.org/showDoc.html?docId=40392#relPageId=82, https://gil-jesus.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/02/yarborough-car-stopped.mp4, https://gil-jesus.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/02/Rich-Dellarosa-blurred-vs-sharp.mp4, https://gil-jesus.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/02/motion-edit.mp4, https://gil-jesus.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/02/nix-altered.mp4, https://gil-jesus.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/02/Muchmore-Film.mp4, https://gil-jesus.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/02/muchmore1.png, https://gil-jesus.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/02/muchmore2.png, https://gil-jesus.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/02/muchmore3.png, https://gil-jesus.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/02/muchmore.png, https://gil-jesus.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/02/muchmore4.png, https://jfkfacts.org/rewinding-the-zapruder-film/. Mark Tyler on a thread here looked into the ear witness testimony and that points to two shots around the time of the headshot. She has worked as a creative editor at E.P. Her work has appeared in outlets like The Washington Post, National Geographic, The Atlantic, TIME, Smithsonian and more. He was interviewed after the assassination in the Dallas County Sheriff's Dept. It confirmed Nallis theoryand shows that its unlikely that the president was shot from the grassy knoll in front of him. [note 1], After Secret Service agent Forrest Sorrels promised Zapruder that the film would only be used for an official investigation, the two men sought to develop the footage as soon as possible. She has been a regular contributor to History.com since 2017. Also, if pains were taken to set up alternate photographers shooting from Zapruder's POV, then there would already be a plan as to where to do the composite work after the film(s) left Dallas. especially clear copy of Zapruder frame #375, frames from the copy of his film are missing, shooting a revolver into a hard object it seemed to have some type of an echo, Between the time I originally grabbed the handhold and until I was up on the car the second noise that I heard had removed a portion of the Presidents head, reaching for something coming off the right rear bumper of the car, the right rear tail, when I mounted the car it was it had a different sound, as though you were standing against something metal and firing into it, and you hear both the sound of a gun going off and the sound of the cartridge hitting the metal place, The right rear portion of his head was missing, Emmett Hudson, Dealey Plaza groundskeeper, Associated Press photographer James W. Altgens. But then suddenly Governor Connally was yelling . I recorded my index finger ( simulating the movement of the limousine ) from left to right. [7], The Zapruder film frames that were used by the Warren Commission were published in black and white as Commission Exhibit 885 in volume XVIII of the Hearings and Exhibits. Part of the motorcade route through Dallas. The Zapruder film gives a much closer view of the action, and of whatever may have landed on the trunk as a result of JFKs devastating wound which might suggest a shot from the front a possibility that would raise serious questions about the official narrative of the assassination, that JFK was shot from behind. I dont know if you have ever laid down close to the ground when you heard the reports coming, but its a whole lot plainer than it is when you are standing up in the air. "That . He tried negotiating with Life for the rights to print important individual frames in his book Six Seconds in Dallas. The Zapruder film, the only continuous chronological visual record of the assassination, is the best available photographic evidence of the number and timing of the shots that struck the occupants of the Presidential limousine. Zapruder was an active member of two CIA proprietary organizations, The Dallas Council On World Affairs, and The Crusade For A Free Europe.

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what happened to the zapruder film