Life on Krobo Mountain The Ga Mashie community of the Ashiedu Ktk District of the Greater Accra region is believed to have been established by the Wo Sagba group of the Ga-speaking emigrants that begin to arrived and settled among the lagoon-worshipping Kpshi aborigines in the hinterlands and along the coast, probably at the end of the Seventeenth Century. In the Book of numbers, the Bible had made extensive references to the children of Israel, which includes Gad and Dan and their children (Numbers 1:1-54). River). The largest tribe in the Volta region (in which Globe Aware operates) are the Ewe. These symbols are considered sacred, and not everybody is allowed to view them. They believe that they did not have any crops left in the past centuries due to the inadequate seasonal rains that made the people experience severe hunger. Updates? So who could actually be called a pure Ga? It is also to be noted that the tribe of Ga are no longer just found in Africa. Animal-shaped coffins often represent the totem of the deceased clan. These were the people who lived South of Goshen along the eastern parts of the Nile river. I searched the name in Google and found they are descendants of the Ga tribe from Accra Ghana. A war captain among the Ga is known as Asafoiatse derived from the Akan Asafo (war company), and the asafo songs are mainly in Akan. Africa Guide - People and Culture of Ghana. This is by far the largest tribe in Ghana numbering about seven million in total and nearly half the population of the entire country. Elmina is conveniently located at the shore line providing a means of transporting the slaves at the time. Ga is the name applied to a particular ethnic group of people living along the shoreline of the Gulf of Guinea. The Ga-Adangbe people have a unique culture with many traditional economic and social benefits, which is still observed to date. Coins placed in the coffins of the deceased believing that. war. Due to this, the Ga and Hebrew cultures greatly influence each others. Succession to most offices held by women and inheritance of womens property are by matrilineal descent. Omissions? Stay tuned. The Ga language as compared with other spoken words in etymology according to Greenberg (UNESCO, Vol.1, p.304), is classified among the Kwa group of languages found on the African Continent. The Ashanti Kingdom controlled much of the present Ghana using Kumasi as the central base. It is believed that one of the Among them is the Kpakpatse We Royal Family, whose history we shall discuss in this discourse. These areas stretched northwards to the boundaries of the plains of Accra and were under the control of their own governments and administrations. It was situated between the Sahara and the headwaters of the Sngal and Niger rivers, in an area that now comprises southeastern Mauritania and part of Mali. There six major ethnic groups in Ghana - the Akan, Ewe, Ga-Adangbe, Mole-Dagbani, Guan, Gurma. Meanwhile, Astley (1968, pp.615-616) in describing the Ga towns said It stands six leagues inland, and it is called Great Akkra to distinguish it from Little Akkra situated on the coast, half way between Kormantin and Rio Volta. Corroborating Romers assertion, Henderson-Quartey (2001), citing from the work of Bruce-Myers (1927, pp.70-72) quoted him as saying, the Gas came all the way from the central part of the Continentand they are kinsmen to the Benins, who by their own choice, kept back in the course of the migration. This gives credence to the assumption that the Ga ethnic groups were once part of the people of Benin from the mid-western part of Nigeria. Bible(Numbers 1 vs 26-47). Ubangi (found on the north of Congo). suffering of his people at the hands of God almighty. There are several ethnic groups in Ghana with unique traditions. On that journey, they crossed Ethiopia and moved into Nigeria. (also only done after the 8th day); Patrilineal nature of Gas (inheritance from father side); The importance of There are many foods and drinks, and everyone comes in their choicest attires, even though burials are supposed to be filled with sadness and long faces. Ghana is among the West African countries with rich traditions and cultures. In the words of Professor Odotei, oral traditions collected by various authors indicate that most of the Ga peoples trace their origins to the east of the Accra plains. They even borrowed some of the vocabularies from Guan, particularly the words relating to statecraft and economic activities. So that is where the name T shi- They travelled south- The gas travelled along these rivers until the came to another river called The largest population of Ewe people is in Ghana (6.0 million), and the second largest population is in Togo (3.1 million). According to Odotei, other languages such Ewe, Hausa and those of European origins, have also contributed words such as Aboo garden in Ewe, and Abotsi friend in Hausa. Built in 1482 by the Portuguese in the area they called Mina de Ouro (the gold mine), after they found vast quantities of the precious metal there, the castle is the oldest European structure in sub-Saharan Africa. [2] They make up 3.7% of the population of Ghana. Who is the blackest person in the world, and is there a Guinness World Record for it? Each group's divisions are united by a common origin, history, language, and cultural legacy. In the early days, they wore this cloth for happy occasions only. For example, the coffin's shape used to bury a person in this culture could tell of their profession and social status. Unlike other scholars and historians, Amartey tracing the itinerary of the Nubians indicted that this group separated into the Ethiopian and Ga ethnic groups after they had left Egypt, with each group following different direction. The Asr group of people comprises of five different clans which relocated to the coastal settlements of Little Akra (Ga Mashie) after the destruction of Great Akra (Ayawaso) by the Akwamus in the early Sixteen Century. Henderson-Quartey on his part observed that, prior to the Ga domination of the Accra Plains the Guan settlements within these areas might have been considerable. Slavery is heavily documented in The Bible and Quran and historical documents breathe life to the story. They were once defeated and ruled by the Akwamus (1680-1730); the Akyems (1730-1742) and the Asantes (1742- 1826). (Exodus 12 vs 19); Hmw celebrations on the 2nd Sunday of august. The following forts: Crevecoeur (the Present Ussher fort), James Fort and Christiansborg, belonging to the Dutch, English and Danes, had been respectively, built. Every office among the Ga was, and still is, vested in the We, and it is members of the We who decided who should hold office, subject to the approval of elders of the town. The Ga peoples also traded with Dutch, English, Swedes, Danes, French and what Professor Odotei describes as a host of interlopers of all nationalities. The Ga-Adangbe tribe's culture is also reflected in their sportsmanship spirit. A wise man will most likely be buried in a coffin-shaped like an antelope, while a dead fisherman (the predominant occupation of the Ga people) will mostly be sent to the ancestral realm in a fish-shaped coffin. A personal account of St George Castle in Elmina is below by the New York Times, GCD210267, Watts and Zimmerman (1990) Positive Accounting Theory A Ten Year Perspective The Accounting Review, Subhan Group - Research paper based on calculation of faults. Create a free website or blog at After two unsuccessful attempts to take it, the Dutch captured the castle in 1637 with an assault from the land. Nguyen Quoc Trung. However, because much of the land was of thick bush inhabited by wild and dangerous animals, hunters who opened up tracts of these forests were recognized as owners of such places. Consequently, these extended family groups comprising of both emigrants and aborigines either through intermarriages or through assimilation, formed settlements that lived by farming and to some extent hunting. Fort James was built in 1673 in Accra as a trading port. Each Ga town has a number of different cults and many gods, and there are a number of annual town festivals. Is Ga a tribe in Ghana? These are the languages that they speak in that area. In researching my heritage I identified that my paternal line traces back to Accra Ghana. It was in the We that a child was welcomed into the world through the custom of kpojiemo (outdooring), marriage transactions are made in the We and it was in the We that a member was laid in state and the last rites performed for him when he dies. Encyclopaedia Britannica's editors oversee subject areas in which they have extensive knowledge, whether from years of experience gained by working on that content or via study for an advanced degree. It might be of interest to learn that when the mediums of these gods are possessed, kple medium, per Prof Odotei, speaks Ga, Me medium speaks Fante and Akrong medium speaks Akuapim Twi. The Hebrews ie Heeboes, THE HEBREW ISRAELITES AND THE TRANS-ATLANTIC SLAVE TRADE CONNECTION, THE YORUBA AND OTHER HEBREW ISRAELITES OF NIGERIA, George Wells Parker - The African Origin of the Grecian Civilization, Black Hebrew Israelites some truths and Falsehoods opinion. The Ga and Dangbe people are grouped respectively as part of the Ga-Dangme ethnolinguistic group. Besides, in Ga religious expressions, mpai (libation), otutu (a mound of shrine) etc, are also of Akan origin. So he decided to let them go with Moses so that his people Through my own research I have found that the Ga-Dnagmes believe in one supreme being and an evil being who we would call Satan in Europe society. Its not known how many years it took the Gas to get to Boma, neither do we know how long they stayed here Commenting further on the evolution of the Ga language, Henderson-Quartey postulates that though it is closest to the Adangme and share a great deal of similarities not only in root-words but also in language structure; it has under gone some form of changes by borrowing words from the Yoruba, Guans, Akans, Portuguese, and English languages to enhance the Ga vocabulary. Merchants in Accra acted as middlepersons in the trade of slaves, gold, and other commodities between the Europeans and the Asante kingdom to the north. The Ewe people (/ e. Many people would have you believe that all of these people worship deities and animals and spirits which is not the case. The Asr group of people comprises of five different clans which relocated to the coastal settlements of Little Akra (Ga Mashie) after the destruction of Great Akra (Ayawaso) by the Akwamus in the early Sixteen Century. Thus, the arrival of the refugee emigrant families changed the landscape when the people of Wo Sagba, Wo Doku, Wo Krowor and Wo Kpele established the coastal towns of Ga Mashie, La Boni, Nungua, Tema and later on Osu and Teshie respectively. w e /; Ewe: Eeaw, lit."Ewe people"; or Mono Kple Volta Tsisiwo Dome, lit."Ewe nation","Eenyigba" Eweland;) are a Gbe-speaking ethnic group. The female spirit mediums usually communicate with their voices, unlike in the case of male mediums. Of those, 10,000 left Elminas shores when the castle was operating at full capacity, according to Ghanas Museums and Monuments Board. Although relatively small in area and population, Ghana is one of the leading countries of Africa, partly because of its considerable natural wealth and partly because it was the first black African country south of the Sahara to achieve independence from colonial rule. mashi who helped Nuumo Tr bi of Nuua to find and make/form Tshi. These and ancient traditional customs still observed by Ga-Dangmes clearly lend credence to their claim that they are of Hebrew Israelites origins. Required fields are marked *. Ga-Dangmes custom of circumcision of their male born and their patriarch traditions further lend support to their Hebrew Israelites origins (Genesis 17: 1-12). He further posits that while in Nigeria, these groups once again separated, with one part moving west to the land of the ancient Benins, while the rest moved north-west to Ife in the Yoruba land. In order to protect themselves from slave raiding that has become rife, these settlements which were threatened with extinction, had to combine forces to establish towns for mutual protection; and the setting up of military organizations to fight off these invaders. They usually make carved stools, jewellery, richly woven cloth, brass gold weights, and gold aircraft. After what is believed to have been a very long stay in Boma, the Gas decided once again that it was time to This was the 3rd group that left Egypt, and it consisted of all the other tribes who lived South of Goshen along the In 1850, they bought the Danish forts and possessions and in 1872 the Dutch possessions on the Gold Coast. It is argued that whereas the systems of marriage and the naming of children are uniform among the Akans, this differs from the traditions virtually common to the Ga-Adangbe and Ewe peoples. Ga is the derivation of Gaga (soldier ants) which according to Reindorf (1895, p.24) is the names of the big black ants which bites severely and are dangerous to the white ants. [10] Marion Kilson, Kpele Lala: Ga Religious Songs and Symbols, 1971. The Ga women also make accessories using beads, gold, and wood and then wear them during these important occasions. can see evidence of some of these in : The naming of children on the 8 th day (Exodus 12 vs 19); Male circumcision James Town. This in his opinion is the case of the coastal town of Kpone, once Adangme, is now Ga speaking.. Bonny Island, not far from Opobo Township; located on the south of Port Harcourt-Nigeria. writing all their history down so they were all oral traditions. According to oral traditions, the migration of the various groups of Ga-speakers into the Accra plains took place at different times. This castle was used in Ghana to ship the slaves across the continent. [2] D. K. Henderson-Quartey, The Ga of Ghana: History and Culture of a West African People, 2001. Asante Fordjour ABSTRACT From the mystical Akan historical accounts of the Ga peoples; and not until I had the privilege of reading from Professor Irene Odotei (External Influence on Ga Society and Culture), all that I knew about Nkranfuo [the Gamee] was the empirical belief that their ancestors, mysteriously, fled from Ilfe, in the ancient Nigeria, in their columns like soldier-ants along the Gulf of Guinea to their present settlements, in a date which is hard to be traced. of the similarities in Ga and Hebrew cultures. At puberty, the girls go through a training called Dipo, which is known to be the formal rite of passage. In this way, to quote Bruce-Myers (1927, p.168), the humble fishing villages which the Portuguese saw from their ships in the 1490s developed into the capital of the independent Republic of Ghana. Thus, this community which until the beginning of the twentieth century was limited to the confines of the Ga traditional settlements along the coast; between the Christiansborg Castle, Ussher and James Forts, and the Korle lagoon, has grown in leaps and bounds despite its chequered history. But then we can find evidence of, down orally in the history of others like the Hebrews, Ethiopia and Egypt t, It is believed that Gas may have also undergone the hash treatment the Hebrews had to en. Inheritance of other property and succession to male-held public offices are by patrilineal descent. They left Egypt and migrated to Ghana via Nigeria and Ethiopia there is much discussion around this on the internet. After successfully passing all these tests, they are taught by ritual mothers how to give birth, nature, housekeeping, cleaning, seduce, and treat their husbands well. There are tribes in Africa, whose Hebraic customs and oral histories identify them as authentic descendants of the nation of Israel. The Ga-speaking peoples were organized into six independent towns (Accra, Osu, Labadi, Teshi, Nungua, and Tema). These are but a few examples we can talk 1. Nana Ansa Sasraku [King of Akwamu] also played an important role in the life of the King Osei Tutu of Asante. The Akan might yes, boast of its linguistic might over its territorial space and landholdings but what makes its cultures attractive? Guang people. The Nungua Mantse, in consultation with the Ga Mashi Mantse gave Osu lands to the KADI GBOI as people of Osu were referred to. Be the first to get hottest news from our Editor-in-Chief, Check your email and confirm your subscription. They once had a very famous and strong Kojo Ababio became so power-drunk that he refused to accept that Sempe had a right to elect a mantse for her own akutsoThe head of Sempe was the Mankralo of the AlataThis so infuriated the representative of the Sempe that at a Commission of Enquiry in 1907, he asked, I am a Ga, did come from Lagos and make me mankralo here? They write new content and verify and edit content received from contributors. The girls shave their hair and wear short clothing up their knees on the first day. SHEIKH MUSTAFAS INTRODUCTION IS BELOW type his name into Google to find his blog or check out my re blogs. I have a friend who prefers his name to be spelt and called Ampofu; instead of the traditional Ampofo. [9] Margaret J. It must also be noted that, in those days, Gas didnt have scholars They are also taught how to dance Klama dance. Then they are made to sit on the sacred stone to check if they are virgins. down orally in the history of others like the Hebrews, Ethiopia and Egypt the super power. With this loss some of the Ga with their king fled from Accra and founded another state with its capital Glidzi across the Volta in the modern republic of Togo. The tribe also believe there are good and bad spirits. Immigrants could also attain certain positions through achievements. The cited examples: Sakisi saks (Danish) scissors; klakun klakun (Danish) Kalkoen (Dutch) turkey; Duku Doek (Dutch) Scarf; Flonoo Forno (Portuguese) Owen; Atrakpoi Trappe (Danish) Stairs. For example, the Otublohum of Ga Mashie originally settled in Accra as representatives of the Akwamu government. While every effort has been made to follow citation style rules, there may be some discrepancies. They further indicated that the coastal towns established by the wandering Ga tribes from west to east are Accra, Osu, Labadi, Teshie, Nungua, Tema and Kpong. The Kpehi of Tema and other Guan groups are said to be among the earliest groups who lived in the Accra plains. Others posit they are one of the cherished lost sheep of Israel. African Linguistic Classification in General History of Africa 8 Vols. The Dagaaba people (Dagarti or Dagara, singular Dagao) are very sociable, hardworking agriculturalist and highly educated ethnic group in the Northern Region of Ghana. They are mostly found at the Eastern part of Ghana and speak Akuapim Twi, Krobo, among other dialects. Cook Loaf) to Fla i.e. This was at the time when the Israelites had settled on the land of Goshen, from the eastern part of the River Nile to its estuary. Please refer to the appropriate style manual or other sources if you have any questions. There are many rules and regulations that girls pass through during this period compared to boys. Mindful of similar threats, they built Fort Coenraadsburg on St. Iago Hill, where it keeps watch to this day over St. Georges rear. Needful to note also is that Ga women have been traders since the sixteenth century. They are known to change their shapes at their will at any time. So why worry if settlers, without offence, decide to communicate in a language they feel comfortable? Henderson-Quartey on his part noted that the Ga Mashi, Ga Wo, and the Ga Boni in association with some Guan groups having formed part of the emigrants that re-grouped at Tetetutu, crossed over from the east of the Volta into the Accra Plains. When Leah noticed that she had passed child-bearing age, she gave her maid servant, ZILPAH to wife. The rites of passage events for boys and girls in the Ga-Adangbe tribe are not conducted in the same way. Meanwhile, Adote Nii Ashare and Tete Kpshi who with their retinue made their abode beyond the Korle lagoon returned and settled by the same Fort; and their descendants also established the Sempi quarters. HISTORY & TRADITIONS- (Re External Influence on Ga Society and Culture) The English; probably might pride themselves of and indeed feel lazy in learning other European Languages all because of their dominant language in global affairs but they can hardly escape the dilutions of French words such as restaurant and rendezvous, in their vocabularies. These are the languages that they speak in that area. They compete in sports like football, basketball, handball and lawn tennis, as witnessed in the Ga Adangbe Youth Sports Festival and Tourism launched in 2019 in Accra, Ghana. Bereku quarters. The Gas are yes, diverse peoples. Therefore, this festival is celebrated to overcome starvation. Quarteys all over the world are descendants of the Royal Family of Kpakpatse We clan of the Asr group of the Ga speaking people, which is one of the seven quarters (Akutsii) that constituted the Ashiedu Ktk District within the Odododiodioo Constituency of the Ga Mashie Community in Accra. Then they began to leave Egypt during 672-525 B.C. In a case of D.P. In ancient Israel of the Bible, the deceased were said to be buried across the river Jordan. According to him, the Ga refers to the Guans as Shits mi (landowners) and on this basis, acknowledged seniority to them for being first to settle in the territory. Origins of the Afro-Brazilian community in Ghana[ edit] The Afro-Brazilian descendants and community in the south of Ghana dates back to one study from the 19th century that between an estimated 3,000 and 8,000 former slaves decided to return to Africa. This group was further split into 2 groups; with the first group travelling straight Each town had a stool, which served as the central object of Ga ritual and war magic. South of Sudan. 27, 1927. On the other hand, Ga has occupied the towns around Tema and Accra. What is the traditional dance of Ga-Adangbe? It is interesting that Queen Dode (Dodi) Akabis name DODI is a Hebrew Name. The Ga-Adangbe people came from a city in Egypt called Goshen. Corrections? Moses and his brother Some of them include Ga-Dangme, GaDangme, Ga-Adampa, Ga-Adangme, Ga-Danmeli, Ga-Adampe, Ga-Adangbe, Ga-Adanme, and Ga-Ada. One of the most curious aspects of this tribe's culture is their elaborate and colourful celebration of the death of a relative. However, some Ga people became Christians after being introduced to them in 1835 by Joseph Rhodes, a Christian missioner who lived near them, while others have also become Muslims. However, as early as 1557, Ga Mashie had already developed a well-organised trading system. Having accepted that in examining the true historical triumphs of the Ga country and its peoples, some historical events remain unchallenged: Like many emerging smaller states surrounded by powerful neighbours, during state formation, the Gas did not escape the threats of cultural dilutions and contaminations. Between 1700-1250 BC, the then Egyptian king, King Thuthmos 2 ruled over the Hebrews who were slaves of Several questions have been asked about the Ga-Adangbe people. today its part on Angola. Wulm (Chief Priest) among the Gas; Gbii kpaanyo anina w,an extract from from Hmw greetings [12] T. A. Astley, New Collection of Voyages and Travels, Vol. The Akan, Ewe, Mole-Dagbane, Guan, and Ga-Adangbe are prominent Ghana tribe. According to oral tradition, the whole structure of the Asante army that was started by Nana Osei Kofi Tutu l and helped the Asantes through many wars, was a replicate of the well organised Akwamu army. their spirits will use it in paying for their passage across the River Jordan. She further posits that the Nai We people who were worshippers of the Nai deity established their settlement at Tumat, the present site of the Ussher Fort. Thanks for your comment. INTRODUCTION There had been [reoccurring] reported sorry state of the Ga State and the feared scenario of its bonafide Ga Language, on the ebb of extinction due to massive occupation of various ethnic groups, especially, the Akan peoples- many of whom their preferred spoken languages in Accra, to the dismay of the puritan traditional Ga, had always been the Akan Languages, instead of learning the indigenous Ga Language. Examples are: NIIKOILAI (Rev:2, 6, 15); AMASA (2 Samuel 17, 25; 1 Chronicle 33 20-21 DJAANI/JANNE, 2 Timothy 3: 8; AMON, 2 Chronicle 33: 20-21; ASHALE (ASAHEL), 1 Chronicle 2:16, 2 Samuel 2: 18-19.King AYI KUSHI, spelled Cush in Hebrew, Genesis 10: 6 Jeremiah 13:23, Isaiah 18:12) led the Ga-Dangmes from Cush in Jerusalem to Ayawaso and was the founder of the GA DYNASTY. Modern historians more or less agree that since time immemorial the Guans have been "the original inhabitants" of Ghana, because unlike the Akan who arrived from Bouna in the north-west, the Ewe from Notsie in Togo about 1720, the Ga-Adangme from certain parts in Nigeria, and the Mossi-Dagomba group of states who migrated from the north . Among them is the Kpakpatse We Royal Family, whose history we shall discuss in this discourse. A severe earthquake in 1939 destroyed much of Central Accra and gave added impetus to settle in new suburban settlements such as Kaneshie and Adabraka. But then, although there are different Gbe languages, the common one is the Ewe. According to historians, the mighty leader, King Ayi Kushi (Cush), who led the Ga-Adangbe tribe during this period, lived between 1483 and 1519. Field (1937, p.142) associating with Reindorf noted that the Ga speaking emigrants began to arrive and settle among the lagoon-worshipping Kpshi aborigines probably at the end of the sixteenth century. The activities require a lot of knowledge and are labour-intensive. Copyright 2023 StudeerSnel B.V., Keizersgracht 424, 1016 GC Amsterdam, KVK: 56829787, BTW: NL852321363B01, Oral history traces our ancestry from the old Egypt empire (ie Egypt, Ethi, River). Then, any man interested in one of the girls can start talking to the girl's family. This left the British in sole charge of the Ga littoralThe abolition of slave trade in the nineteenth century also opened new opportunities in Accra which included the settlement of the Brazilian freed slaves in Accra. He further noted that the Ga assimilation of the indigenous religion of the Shits mi (landowners), clearly showed there was some form of Guan culture in existence before the arrival of the Ga-speaking people. The largest tribe are the Ashanti, with their traditional capital at Kumasi. Check your inbox to be the first to know the hottest news. This assertion has been upheld by Kilson (1971, p.24) in her ethnographic study of the Ga, and had indicated that the shikwbii (aborigines) of the Ga countryside were the Kpshi people, whose dialects have survived only in the Kpele religious songs of worship and festivals. Throughout the culture and history of the Ga-Dangmes of Ghana, is a very strong conclusive evidence that they are direct descendants of the Hebrew Israelties that migrated to West Africa by way of Egypt, Ethiopia, Sudan, Lake Chad, Ile-Ife, Dahome, Togo and to . The Ga-speaking peoples were organized into six independent towns ( Accra, Osu, Labadi, Teshi, Nungua, and Tema). 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origin of the ga tribe in ghana