. The god Tammuz was known as a Sumerian god of fertility and of new life [ImT, 28] earlier than 3000 B.C. Worship no other God but Me and worship no idol made in Heaven, or the earth, or below. This is the closest title I could find to the other son titles above. Wild bull, Dumuzi, make your milk sweet and thick. Only the priests (Catholic) were allowed to read and interpret the scriptures. Is there a Queen of Heaven? 1792 bce), the texts relate that in the marriage rite the king actually took on the identity of the god and thus, by consummating the marriage with a priestess incarnating the goddess, magically fertilized and fecundated all of nature for the year. ( Public Domain ). without ever giving a photo reveal. Christianity has its origins in a Middle Eastern religion, Judaism, so it is little surprise that there are some residual similarities between Christian theological thought and ancient Middle Eastern religions in general. Ereshkigal fixed the eye of death upon her and she was turned into a corpse, and hung from a hook on the wall like a piece of rotting meat. 32 Then came the soldiers, and brake the legs of the first, and of the other which was crucified with him. Somewhere on that wall of fine presenters is my mug, but Im not telling you which one. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); I have researched this question for a long time, and also researched these other gods whom have all claimed to have performed the same deeds as Jesus did prior to his incarnation to the earth. AND no, she wasnt born standing up. But Tammuz was killed by a wild bore while on a hunt. He refers here to the earth, not a female figure who literally gave birth to Tammuz. I will drink your fresh milk. While every effort has been made to follow citation style rules, there may be some discrepancies. Tammuz was always called Adon, meaning Lord. So let us look closely at these scriptures to dig out the truth. There are multiple versions of Adonis birth story, but the commonly accepted version is that Aphrodite urged Myrrha to commit incest with her father, Theias. The demons took him down to Hell; however his sister loved him so much she wanted to go in his place. And the common man had no access to the scriptures. These are the passionate words of a lover to a king, from more than 4,000 years ago, in the oldest known Beltane is an ancient Gaelic festival celebrating the beginning of summer and the renewal of life. It is true that Tammuz was killed as part of a sacrifice, but it was not something that he did willingly. Tammuz? His father, Enki, is rarely mentioned, and his mother, the goddess Duttur, was a personification of the ewe. The only indication that IS given, are the three types of gifts that are given. The god Tammuz was known as a Sumerian god of fertility and of new life [ImT, 28] earlier than 3000 B.C. Smith in Origins of Biblical Monotheism [112] notes that the means of Tammuz return to life is unknown, but adds that the description points to his participation in a ritual in which the dead were invoked and then temporarily manifested.. The stipes, or uprightusually a beheaded tree-trunk still rooted in the groundremained permanently in position, so that the crossbeam carried by the victim could simply be lifted up and dropped into position for each fresh execution. This is another pagan practice, a very sexual one involving ritual prostitution. AtAncient Origins, we believe that one of the most important fields of knowledge we can pursue as human beings is our beginnings. Rivqah is nearly 4 months old now, her birthdate being on July 7, and as you can see, she loves standing with assistance. 5 Pagan Traditions That Will Leave You Spellbound (Video), Hidden in Plain Sight: The Pterodactyl of New Guinea. She returned to life, and Ereshkigal agreed to release her, but she had to provide another in her place. Peace and grace to you always as well. While in the underworld, she was struck dead for sitting on the throne of the queen of the underworld. Sarah and I are in our 40s, have been married for over 20 years, and never thought we could have any more children. . Tammuz {Nave's}. Tammuz is another name for Baalaka satanaka SANTA and many other names in many cultures. ], "god of date palms," and "image of Ea".) When the egg came to the earth, it broke open to reveal that Semirammis had returned in the form of an egg-laying rabbit (thus the Easter Ishtaregg and the Easter bunny). (Image: Foto Marburg/Art Resource, New York). The birth story of Horus (the massacre of infants, retreat into hiding, triumphant return), which is mostly based on solar worship, is very similar to that of Jesus Christ. As Greek mythology goes, the universe was once a big soup of nothingness. He broke the legs of the first criminal. (From Forerunner Commentary). Our open community is dedicated to digging into the origins of our species on planet earth, and question wherever the discoveries might take us. Jerome says: From the time of Hadrian to the reign of Constantine a period of about one hundred and eighty years the spot which had witnessed the resurrection was occupied by a figure of Jupiter; while on the rock where the cross had stood, a marble statue of Venus was set up by the heathen and became an object of worship. The lovely Rebecca. If you are between a snake, and the place he wants to goHe will either go around you or over you! Who was Tammuz and why would women be weeping for him? Tamuz becomes a great hunter like Nimrod before him. One of these sins is lamenting for a pagan god named Tammuz. Mithras The Mithra, or Mithras, meaning is the Zoroastrian Divinity of Covenant, Light and Oath. in Mesopotamian religion, god of fertility embodying the powers for new life in nature in the spring" (Vol. Scriptures such as 1 John 5:7 were added to force a square-peg into a round hole in creating a belief in the false Catholic Trinity, and not the Godhead (or Deity) that scripture teaches. Another difference is the kind of life that Tammuz offered versus what Jesus offered. Copyrights 2014 BUZZBLOG. "A Hymn to Tammuz (Cuneiform Texts from the British Museum, Tablet 15821, Plate18)." Note that Lent is a moveable observance, connected to and preceding the festival of Easter. There are some parallels between Jesus and Tammuz, but there are also significant differences. So how did the oft-used legend of the Green Man eventually become chosen to be the legend of Jesus? Only one, Enki, agreed to help. We can also trace this fake trinity back to India with Brahma, Shiva, and Vishnu. . all smiles. Ge. I, Dumuzi the King, will plow your vulva., Make your milk sweet and thick, my bridegroom. The original form of the Babylonian letter T was (tau), identical to the crosses used today in this world's Christianity. One critic refers to Tammuz as the savior god worshipped in Jerusalem (though they never say what he saved people from, or how he was a savior), as the savior/fertility sun god who annually died and was resurrected (well look into this claim below) and uses word games to hint that he is represented by the Apostle Thomas, though this point isnt developed, much less proven linguistically or historically. Howe." See what over 150,000 subscribers are already receiving each day. Even my own Bethlehem, as it now is, that most (see Ezekiel 8:12-16) Jesus being in the position of isis the moon goddess. One main difference is the reason for their deaths. For they have filled the land with violence; then they have returned to provoke Me to anger.". Ancient Origins 2013 - 2023Disclaimer- Terms of Publication - Privacy Policy & Cookies - Advertising Policy -Submissions - We Give Back - Contact us. The death and "raising" of Tammuz occurs every year and corresponds with the natural cycle of vegetation. Yohanan records that there were bodies on one singular tree. He did not save people from sin or judgement for disobedience to God or the Gods. "Classical Myth Second ed. When Ishtar tries to become Gilgameshs lover, he points out that her past lovers have not fared well. We have Dionysus, the god of the vine and revelry. He was once a Pastor of a church and left that position when he discovered the truth and then went solo, teaching the truth that the Holy Spirit revealed to him. When the cult of Tammuz spread to Assyria in the 2nd and 1st millennia bce, the character of the god seems to have changed from that of a pastoral to that of an agricultural deity. 1767-1771. Aphrodite turned Myrrha into a myrrh tree, out of which Adonis was born (either when Theias shot an arrow in the tree, or when a boar tore of the bark with its tusks). The cross of Jesus = the solar eclipse. This is obviously some sort of pagan sunrise service, in which they honor the sun more highly than God, to whom they contemptuously show their backsides. The divine cycle continues. Finally, Langdon, though not a copycatter, repeatedly refers to Tammuz' "virgin mother" -- he refers here to the earth, not a female figure who literally gave birth to Tammuz. They would spend eternity as fluttering ghosts in a shadowy underworld. Powell, Barry B. Looking At Revelation 1:14-15, Popular Atheist Blogger, Leah Libresco, Converts to Christianity, 6 Reasons Why It Takes Faith To Deny Jesus. Jesus vs. TammuzJesus and Tammuz - the Pagan Sun godThis video shows that the false counterfeit end time Messiah named Jesus is actually a MIXTURE from Tammu. My untilled land lies fallow. He is mentioned, already in the Epic of Gilgamesh, as a suffering lover of the goddess, a shepherd beloved and scapegoat of the netherworld. Nimrod means, 'he rebelled' or literally, 'he returned to Baal' or Satan. The Hebrew word for serpent, has many interpretations. Victor Vasnetsov (1885-1926). Tammuz saved, but not from sin: He saved from starvation and physical death! As shown by his most common epithet, Sipad (Shepherd), Tammuz was essentially a pastoral deity. The Bible (New Testament) was first written in Latin. Perhaps that detail is of no consequence. Turning another one hundred and twenty degrees, he came upon Yahushaalready dead. Yahuah is truly amazing. Tammuz, the fourth month on the Hebrew calendar, is associated with a number of tragedies that have befallen the Jewish people throughout history. Tammuzs courtship and wedding were a popular theme for love songs and anecdotal verse compositions that seem to have been used primarily for entertainment. May we take heed to The Word of The Lord: "Do not be like your fathers, to whom the former prophets preached, saying, 'Thus says the Lord of hosts: "Turn now from your evil ways and your evil deeds." ' But they did not hear nor heed Me," says the Lord. She apparently then plotted to have Nimrod killed. This man was not only a speaker of the Word but a doer. He came back again later, rescued by his consort and some demons who sang to him. An Inspirational Courtesans Tale, Was Anne of Cleves Too Ugly for King Henry VIII? Since Tammuz, the false Christ, wasn't supposed to die, what happened to him? Reasons For Jesus | All rights reserved, 12 Reasons To Accept The Empty Tomb As A Historical Fact, Why Everyone Should Believe The Apostle John Wrote The Last Gospel, 15 Characteristics Of New Age Spirituality, Desire & Suffering: Buddhism Vs Christianity, Former Atheist & Communist, Steve Berens, Conversion to Christianity. Thus Dumuzi, who was thought to have been originally a historical king that entered into sexual union with the goddess, had also been considered a god in his own right more than three thousand years ago. When Dumuzi returns from the underworld and he is with Ianna, their love fills the world with life, causing spring and summer. The day came when Tammuz was killed by a wild pig. These are the very features of the Adonis cult: a cult confined to women which is celebrated on flat roof-tops on which sherds sown with quickly germinating green salading are placed, Adonis gardens the climax is loud lamentation for the dead god. This myth may allegorize the seasons. An interesting question continuing from this might be what changed in the culture of the Middle East to move them from worshiping a deity like Tammuz to one like the Abrahamic God which was believed in by Moses, the Christian Apostles, and eventually Muhammad. Genesis 3:20 And Adam called his wifes name Eve; because she was the mother of all living. [T]he X which in itself was not an unnatural symbol of Christ, the true Messiah, and which had once been regarded as such, was allowed to go entirely into disuse, and the Tau, "", the sign of the cross, the indisputable sign of Tammuz, the false Messiah, was everywhere substituted in its stead. In this post, we're going to walk through the final days of Jesus. And then one day initiates exchanged one cloth for another. Alter one bit of data, and the whole program is altered! Scholars of religion and of Tammuz recognize this story as representative of the usual birth-death cycle of vegetation. Although there are some superficial commonalities, there are also significant differences between Jesus Christ and the shepherd god Tammuz. Jesus was raised by God, not rescued from the underworld by a faithful lover ( Acts 2:32 ). The cult of Aphrodites paramour Adonis held a special appeal for Greek women, combining the erotic adoration of a beautiful youth with the emotional catharsis of lamentation for his death. You can read her birth story here. It can now be better understood why the apostle Paul wrote the Corinthians to beware of the subtle deceit of "another Jesus whom we have not preached." The original . Isis and Semiramis miraculously mothered a child. Let us look at the official teaching on the birth of Jesus, Not counting the false belief that Jesus was born on the 25th of December. Tammuz was primarily a nature deity. Tammuz is the Hebrew name for the Mesopotamian god Dumuzi. They bury it, fasting, and then at midnight on Saturday, cry Christ is risen! (Incidentally, it may be noted that Christ, like Adonis, is a title meaning lord, or messiah, rather than a specific name; Adonis is even a name for Yahweh in the Old Testament). (1998). So where on earth did the belief in the apple as the forbidden fruit come from? These tender young plants were brought to the rooftops during the festival, to be withered in the hot sun as emblems of the youthful Adonis death. He was also believed to be responsible for making the ground fertile. Also known as: Ama-ga, Dumu-zid, Dumuzi, U-lu-lu. resurrected, the Egyptian deity Osiris. Whereas, his wife (Semirammis) became pregnant after Nimrods death, by claiming that she was impregnated by the rays of the sun. "I now know thee, thou clear spirit, and I now know that thy right worship is defiance. But also as: shining-one, image, dragon, and serpent. Tammuz saved, but not from sin: He saved from starvation and physical death. . Re 12:9 And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world: he was cast out into the earth, and his angels were cast out with him. Journal of the American Oriental Society 30.1 (1909): 94-100. So stay tuned. Tammuz death was usually ascribed, though, to raiders from the nether world who attacked him and took his sheep. Nimrods son. . ". In the West, the birth of Christ was celebrated on December 25, and in the East on January 6. Along the side of Yanmen Shan mountain, located twenty kilometers to the east of Nanjing, China, the legendary Yangshan quarry can be found. Our editors will review what youve submitted and determine whether to revise the article. Corrections? No-where in scripture can you see Gods approval for these pagan rituals and practicesYou will only see his anger towards them. The sheep are brought down from the hills in around November and placed undercover to be shielded from the cold. (Larson 124). I see Christianity as a whole in three groups Baal, Tammuz, Ashtoreth, Astarte and Ishtar are all connected with pagan sun worship. The name Tammuz seems to have been derived from the Akkadian form Tammuzi, based on early Sumerian Damu-zid, The Flawless Young, which in later standard Sumerian became Dumu-zid, or Dumuzi. A snake will only strike, if he feels threatened by you or if protecting the young. Actually Tammuz was given the sign of a T (Tau) and the sign of the T was made across the body of a person praying to Tammuz. The god Tammuz was known as a Sumerian god of fertility and of new life [ImT, 28] earlier than 3000 B.C. In December, in that part of the world, it would be freezing cold. According to historian Alexander Hislop, Tammuz was intimately associated with the Babylonian mystery religions begun by the worship of Nimrod, Semiramis, and her illegitimate son, Horus. Emphasis ours.). Mt 2:7 Then Herod, when he had privily called the wise men, enquired of them diligently what time the star appeared. He is a shepherd Some Ancient Historians Didnt Mention Jesus: Proof He Didnt Exist? Who was the Beelzebub/Beelzebul that the Pharisees attributed Christ's work to? 33 But when they came to Jesus, and saw that he was dead already, they brake not his legs: Its actually rather easy to visualize. Eventually a variety of originally independent fertility gods seem to have become identified with Tammuz. One critic refers to Tammuz as "the savior god worshipped in Jerusalem" [107 -- though they never say what he saved people from, or how he was a savior], as the "savior/fertility sun god who annually died and was resurrected" [138 -- we'll look into this claim below]; and uses word games to hint that he is represented by the Apostle Thomas [172 -- though this point isn't developed, much less proven linguistically or historically; it is merely remarked, without a footnote, that "it is said", via the indication that Thomas preached to the Parthians and Persians, that this somehow conveys that these groups were followers of Tammuz!]. He was originally a Sumerian or Babylonian sun-god, called Dumuzu, the husband of Ishtar, who corresponds to Aphrodite of the Greeks. (As such, he was called the faithful son, but of the fresh waters which come from the earth [Lang.TI, 6n]. Zen Garcia was kind enough to ask me to speak at the upcoming 2023 Sacred Word Revealed conference in Atlanta, Georgia. Referring to this sign of Tammuz, Hislop writes: That mystic Tau was marked in baptism on the foreheads of those initiated into the Mysteries. Jer 7:18 The children gather wood, and the fathers kindle the fire, and the women knead their dough, to make cakes to the queen of heaven, and to pour out drink offerings unto other gods, that they may provoke me to anger. What is the origin of the legend of the Christed Son who was born of a virgin on December 25th? During the 3rd dynasty of Ur (c. 2112-c. 2004 BC) in the city of Umma (modern Tell Jokha), the marriage of the god was dramatically celebrated in February-March, Umma's Month of the Festival of Tammuz. Saturnalia (Christmas-New Year) is a festival dedicated to pagan gods and their worship. Get a Britannica Premium subscription and gain access to exclusive content. Son of man, do you see that? But let us focus on Rome and the 25th of DecemberMithras! Many of the laments for the occasion have as a setting a procession out into the desert to the fold of the slain god. Jesus and Tammuz represent two very different stages in the history of Middle Eastern religion. Tammuz was a shepherd of sheep. Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your WordPress.com account. The rite seems to have closed with a triumphant procession that followed the god downstream. His other titles include Mother-milk, god of date palms, and image of Ea. That the upright was a simple tree-trunk also makes sense of a later statement by Jesus disciple Simon Peter that they killed him by hanging him on a tree (Acts 10:39).. (Burkert 177), To perform the Adonia, which took place in late summer, women ascended to the roof, where they sang dirges, cried out in grief, and beat their breasts. Just one. Top image: A shepherd (Jesus? Just as Tammuz rose from the dead to bring prosperity to his country, Joseph went up out of prison to become 'Adon or Adonis of Egypt and the savior of the people. When she returned to her home city, however, she found that her lover, Tammuz, had not properly mourned her and was sitting on her throne. Some claim that Tammuz was also the origin of the story of Jesus. His specific charge was the production of lambs and ewe's milk. So, consider this. 11:2. In the major cities of the realm, a couch was set up for the god upon which he lay in state. Frazer concludes that the Christian celebration of Easter was modeled on the earlier ritual concerning Adonis: When we reflect how often the Church has skilfully contrived to plant the seeds of the new faith on the old stock of paganism, we may surmise that the Easter celebration of the dead and risen Christ was grafted upon a similar celebration of the dead and risen Adonis, which, as we have seen reason to believe, was celebrated in Syria in the same season. Were theonlyPop Archaeology site combining scientific research with out-of-the-box perspectives. The Cross: Christian Banner or Pagan Relic? In his book, Murder at Golgotha, Ian Wilson describes it like this: And the Romans were ever a practical people. Tammuz (Sumerian Dumuzi) was the consort of Ishtar. When Ishtar tries to become Gilgamesh's lover, he points out that her past lovers have not fared well. There are parallels between this myth and the story of the resurrection of Jesus. These leaders displayed no social responsibility whatsoever. He was cast to the earth, fully aware of who Jesus is, and who the Father is. More recent research has denied the claim that Adonis resurrection was celebrated; instead the focus always seems to be on the mourning of his death rather than his revival. Writers have claimed that the pre-Christian god, Mithras (pictured below) was born of a virgin in a cave on December 25th, as the Mithra story goes. Luke 2:8-16 And there were in the same country shepherds abiding in the field, keeping watch over their flock by night. It is true that Tammuz was called a shepherd like Jesus, but this would not be surprising for a pastoralist society to use the term shepherd to refer to a divine ruler and caregiver. The other two malefactors we hung on a Tau the sign of Tammuz! and ignoring vast differences in meaning. Yamauchi, Edwin M. "Tammuz and the Bible." I have heard it argued that Satan, being a spirit, entered into a snake to deceive the woman. Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men. His demise is tied to the story of Iannas descent into the underworld. I must (in Christ) seek outand uproot, the weeds that have been deceptively planted in the Garden by the serpent! [ImT, 29, 54] But good news for them: Tammuz didn't stay dead. What does the worship of Tammuz have to do with the sign of the cross? Tammuz was believed to save his worshipers only from starvation and physical death. ThereforeA weed ( tare) has crept into our Garden of faith. Tammuz/Adonis/Osiris was rescued from the underworld by a faithful lover. Jesus promised eternal life while Tammuz promised a materially abundant, but still finite, life to those who worshiped him. Rebecca L. Gould: A growing family at TUC! Christian Truth. Amen sister. Please refer to the appropriate style manual or other sources if you have any questions. Now let us jump through time to the birth of our Lord and Saviour, Christ Jesus! The sun-god brought him back to life.. Scholarly literature on Tammuz is not common, but what I have found offers utterly no confirmation of, or reference to, any of these claims, with two exceptions: Tammuz identity as a shepherd, and his death and raising. Jesus and Tammuz represent two very different stages in the history of Middle Eastern religion. The story of Tammuz is no exception. That being said, it appears as though the words and feet may have been interpolated from a late Greek manuscript. 23 Apr 2023 21:54:34 With new translations of ancient texts by Herbert M. I hope to see my readers there! Thank you Mike for your response. Of thy fire thou madest me, and like a true child of fire, I breathe it back to thee. Captain Ahab. After three days Ishtar goes looking for him. The Roman Catholic and Protestant churches have absorbed both into their houses of worship. with his flock. The soldier merely needed to walk in a circle in order to break all three legs. Then we see this fertility festival placed on the catholic church Callander alongside PassoverTelling us that they have Christianized the festival in the same manner that they have Christianized Saturnalia. Roman Historian Thallus Mentions Darkness During Jesus Crucifixion, Historical Evidence Shows Jesus Had A Biological Brother, Debunking Christianity Writer Becomes Christian Because Of Evidence, Was Jesus Black? Where is she named as Eve in that chapter. The Torment of the Godly (Part One), Find more Bible verses about Tammuz: Was called "only-begotten Son" and "Son of the Blood"; as well as Healer, Savior, Heavenly Shepherd, and Anointed One. Made of stone in a square and elongated shape, these monuments were precisely placed in the . Marvels DareDevil TV Series explores the shifting boundaries between villain and hero. He is the same as the Father and one in the Father, When Lucifer was cast out of heaven, along with the third of the angels. Gilgamesh references Tammuz in Tablet VI of the Epic of Gilgamesh as the love of Ishtar's youth, who was turned into an allalu bird with a broken wing. Remember that one time at Milvian Bridge when Constantine looked up at the sun and saw a vision of the cross? (Deus) Ex-Machina: Artificial Intelligence and the History of Gods. Thoths Storm: New Evidence for Ancient Egyptians in Ireland? His sister, Geshtinanna, eventually finds him, and the myth ends with Inanna decreeing that Tammuz and his sister may alternate in the netherworld, each spending half of the year among the living. . His only real argument, however, is his own hypocritical reverse-spin-doctoring methodology, an implied assertion that Tammuz is "good enuff" to cite as a parallel, because in his opinion, it is, and people like Smith are too blindered to admit it. They write new content and verify and edit content received from contributors. King of Babylon was killed in a battle and was proclaimed to have returned to the sun to be the sun-god. To honor him, Semiramus started a tradition of fasting for 40 days - a day for each year of his life. The sun and moon together = solar eclipse. Thats probably none of my business. 3/ Those who say they believe and do what Jesus said.Saved. Both children, Horus and Tammuz, were their father incarnate. He "tended the flocks of stars, which were considered souls of the dead in heaven. The answer to both of these questions is: It doesnt!. But then again, archeological residue has a wide swath, and can be traced to Mexico. . Rebecca came to TUC during the summer of 2021 after following the breadcrumb trail from Rob Skiba and Nephelim research and soon thereafter began following the Torah. Tammuz of the cattle herders, whose main distinction from Tammuz the Shepherd was that his mother was the goddess Ninsun, Lady Wild Cow, and that he himself was imagined as a cattle herder, may have been an original aspect of the god. Take a closer look at the depiction of the many nativity scenes with the solar discs around the heads of those who are called, Mary, Joseph and Jesus. And where did the number for three wise men come from? Then lets venture back to Babylon and queen Semirammis. ' pg. Generations later, the stories spread across the world, adapting to different cultures and climates, but retaining a basic thread.

Glastenbury Mountain Curse, Articles T

tammuz and jesus