Vitamin C was identified because of a Guinea-pig-experiment. Learning about the parts of your guinea pig can help you understand how your guinea pig functions, and help you determine if your guinea pig is healthy. Fun Science Activity, Science activities with pets, Fun Science Activityguinea pigpet science. Newtons cradle is a fascinating way of demonstrating momentum and energy transfer. Is the size of the reaction affected by the ratio of baking soda to vinegar? The prize at the finish will be one or two carrots. Whether you need help solving quadratic equations, inspiration for the upcoming science fair or the latest update on a major storm, Sciencing is here to help. The taxonomy of the Guinea pig, according to theIntegrated Taxonomic Information System(ITIS), is: Domesticated Guinea pigs and most of their wild cousins are in no danger of extinction and are listed as "Least Concern" by the IUCN's Red List of Threatened Species. Housing Learn more: Science Buddies/Build a Scale. Szent-Gyrgyi was studying metabolism and plants. If youre not familiar with the difference, an example of a demonstration would be a baking soda and vinegar volcano. It turns out that guinea pigs make an interesting assortment of sounds as well. I mean, we can think of some good ones, but the Interwebs is SO much more helpful than we could ever be. If youve followed this blog for very long, you probably have noticed that we really love science. This timed challenge pushes their creative engineering limits! The only problem is,I need a topic! They might be surprised at the results! Can your eighth grade science students build a device to stabilize and carry two cups of water, using only a few simple supplies? WebD. Students will investigate the physical properties of a variety of liquids by comparing their density, viscosity, and surface tension through hands-on experimentation. It turns out that guinea pigs are quite intelligent and engaging. Eighth grade science is often all about the science fair, so weve rounded up lots of terrific project ideas for students to try. Gardening for your pet is always fun. Personally i want an original idea not one that anyone can google and fing the whole thing after all there are a lot of other grade 8 kids who will be googleing theirs i want an original. Science fair projects require a testable question. That is a good one too. Renewable energy and how to capture it is so important, now more than ever. Youll need water crystals, iron oxide filings, and calcium chloride. "They were and still are important food item in many parts of South America and cultures that derived from South America -- people took them live to introduce to new islands where they were not native or they traded them for other goods," Professor Matisoo-Smith explains. Guinea pigs are tailless rodents that weigh between 1.5 and 2.5 lbs. Szent-Gyrgyi was awarded the Nobel Prize in 1937 for his contribution in the discovery of vitamin C. Read more about the history of vitamin C. Like the vitamin C experiment, many research studies could not have been completed without the help of animal models. Ideas, Inspiration, and Giveaways for Teachers. Oh, and can they manage it in just 5 minutes? Guinea pigs were taken to Europe in the 16th century, and since the 1800s they have been popular as pets. (What's changing it,the thing that changes.). (If you need to brush up on what a rodent is, check links in the Science with Your Pet Mice post.). The calorimeter they designed is like a 3-layer bucket, the outer shell of which was packed with snow to maintain a constant temperature of 0 C around the ice-filled middle shell. Causeway Bay, Hong Kong, Rm1601, 16/F, Chow Tai Fook Centre Like other rodents, their teeth grow continuously, and Guinea pigs must chew or gnaw constantly to keep them from growing too long. Szent-Gyrgyi was studying metabolism and plants. A fun project is to design and build a house and see how the pigs like it. Check out our latestAdmissions Results! The results may or may not surprise you! Professor Matisoo-Smith explains it is generally accepted that modern guinea pigs were domesticated in the Andes region of what is now Peru. Whats that? WebNov 6, 2015 - Explore Wendy Warnick's board "For Camille", followed by 133 people on Pinterest. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. In a world thats become more aware of the effects of starch on our diet, this seems like a timely activity. Be sure to start small and keep them safe. Learn more: and Personality. In the early 1900s, scientists speculated that aside from carbohydrates, protein and fats, there are some unrecognised substances that are necessary for life, and they named them, Fast forward two decades to a Hungarian biochemist. We also ran out of cucumber pretty early in the week, and with five kids, we dont just run to the store, so that threw off our experiment. This experiment challenges that notion by interleaving multiple pieces of paper and testing their strength. In this experiment, students will dive into the exciting world of hydropower and learn how to harness the power of water to do some pretty cool stuff. E. Lord, C. Collins, S. deFrance, M. J. LeFebvre, F. Pigire, P. Eeckhout, C. Erauw, S. M. Fitzpatrick, P. F. Healy, M. F. Martnez-Polanco, J. L. Garcia, E. Ramos Roca, M. Delgado, A. Snchez Urriago, G. A. Pea Lon, J. M. Toyne, A. Dahlstedt, K. M. Moore, C. Laguer Diaz, C. Zori, E. Matisoo-Smith. Consider a project involving changes in the routine care of guinea pigs or a comparison of body or behavioral characteristics. In nature guinea pigs live in burrows, so they like to have a house to retreat to. Construct solar-powered desalination devices with readily available materials, and find the most effective desalination methods. University of Otago. Guinea Pig Anatomy It may not display this or other websites correctly. I have 2 guinea pigs and there names are lulu and Bella and there both girls and we are trying to teach them to go upstairs. Copyright 2021. This intermediate Javascript coding project requires some very basic background programming knowledge. This photo is cracking me up! Then, turn it into an eighth grade science fair experiment by tinkering with the various materials to make a light bulb that lasts longer, burns brighter, or is powered by an alternative source. However, there were only 42Moleques do Sul Guinea pigsleft in the wild as of 2008, when the last assessment was made, and that species is listed as "Critically Endangered," the IUCN's highest threat level. WebCompanion animals are diverse groups of animals that include dogs, cats, rabbits, guinea pigs, hamsters, companion birds, reptiles, amphibians, fish, and many more! Thegreater Guinea pigoccurs in southern Brazil and Uruguay. I need help coming up with safe food related Science experiments for my guinea pigs. Sows have a gestation period of 59 to 72 days and give birth to litters of three or four babies on average, although they can have as many as 13 babies at one time. Though pups nurse for nutrition, they can also eat solid food as soon as they are born. Learn more: Home Science Tools/Fingerprinting. Science Fair Project Ideas for 12th Graders. The Best Pet, umm Research Specialist - in the World! See an example in this YouTube video, and learn more about Rube Goldberg machines here. Some studies of DNA sequences published in the journal Nature during the 1990s seem to indicate that cavies arent rodents. Stay up to date on the latest science news by signing up for our Essentials newsletter. For example, if you have 125 days to feed your They will run the maze one guinea pig at a time. JavaScript is disabled. Then switch the music and see if it moves. Make it into a project by trying different variables and exploring the amount of power you can produce. Its an easy project with fascinating results. Ask questions about projects relating to: aerodynamics or hydrodynamics, astronomy, chemistry, electricity, electronics, physics, or engineering. Learn more: Science Buddies/Peppermint Reactions. WebHow many and which guinea pigs will run the maze: 2 guinea pigs (Brownie & Munchkin). New University of Otago research sheds light on guinea pig domestication and how and why the small, furry animals became distributed around the world. Theyll have to experiment to find out which initial height gives a marble the speed it needs to complete the journey. Unless you've been an 8th grader recently, or had an 8th grader in your house, you're far removed from the complexities of intermediate school science projects. Rhoads infected Puerto Rican patients with cancer cells in an attempt to destroy the island. Whatever experiment you choose, you should include foods with vitamin C in both the control and tests. Founded in 2008, The Edge has helped thousands of students improve their ACT and SAT scores as well as their IB and AP grades. Guinea pigs require vitamin C in their diet and many types of fruits and vegetables provide vitamin C. A possible project examines guinea pig preference of vitamin-C-rich produce. (700 to 1,100 grams), according to the Animal Diversity Web (ADW). As part of her Otago Master's thesis research in Professor Matisoo-Smith's lab, Edana Lord, now at Stockholm University, Sweden and Dr Catherine Collins from Otago's Department of Anatomy and other international researchers, set about finding out where the guinea pigs that were introduced to the islands of the Caribbean came from. They have small, triangular mouths, which contain 20 teeth. The debate lingers on. In this experiment, kids water plants with different liquids, like rainwater, tap water, salt water, and even soda. There are currently more than 1.1 billion companion animals worldwide. Some of the sounds might be described as coos, squeaks, and teeth chatters. Hey I am doing a science fair on what music do guinea pigs like best and I cant find any websites can you help. Do introverts have better memories than extroverts? Register for free to enjoy the full benefits. Cats like grass too. Learn how your comment data is processed. Best PhD They are very patient, as seen in our LEGO math post, Heres our chart: (A certain adorable toddler got ahold of this, along with a pencil!). You are using an out of date browser. Copyright 2002-2023 Science Buddies. One is a small brown animal named Cavia aperea. Use a homemade electronic tester to find out if electricity can flow between two objects. Books with more information (linked titles and images go to Amazon): For an introduction to guinea pigs for younger children, you might want to try: I Love Guinea Pigs: Read and Wonder by Dick King-Smith and Anita Jeram (Illustrator) Dick King-Smith has some wonderful fiction books told from the point-of-view of animals. You are using an out of date browser. Register for free to enjoy the full benefits. Guinea pigs can be trained to do many things. Guinea pigs can vary in size a bit, but probably small kitten sized. (Just a heads up, WeAreTeachers may collect a share of sales from the links on this page. So, Im doing a science project for my science fair at school. Theyd run back in. These breeds are characterized by differences in hair color, hair texture, the sheen of the pelage and the color patterns of the pelage. Being fluffy and soft makes this friendly rodent, the Guinea pig, one of the more popular household pets. Teach both bigs the same trick but use the clicker for one (independent) and voice commands for the other (control) and see who does better (dependent). For caretakers of guinea pigs encouraging the proper techniques in handling, treating and raising cavies. The toxins might be introduced orally, through injection, or inhaled. Pollution has a profound impact on all walks of life. ), Science Teachers: Fairs, Projects, and General Support, Grades K-5: Getting Ready for the Science Fair, Grades 6-8: Getting Ready for the Science Fair, Grades 9-12: Getting Ready for the Science Fair, Math & Computer Science Sponsored by Hyperion Solutions Corp. Do Oranges Lose or Gain Vitamin C After Being Picked? 101 Leighton Road Blowing up a balloon with baking soda and vinegar is the classic acids and bases experiment. In addition to Each guinea pig will wait ten minutes from completion of the maze to the next run. i think maybe his cage is too small for him and he needs more space to poop in corners. For more information, please see our With your end goal in mind of marketing your hogs at your county fair or show, do simple math before selecting your pigs. Squeals, squeaks and tweets indicate the presence of danger or injury. They typically live five to seven years. This year is the last year in my school,I will be moving onto the high school afterwards. We specialize in LEGO building ideas, STEM activities, and play ideas for active kids! Twin polar bear sisters reunited years after mother rejected one of them, Taxidermy birds are being turned into drones, By Morgan Bailee Boggess McCoyApril 05, 2023. If you have curious kids, be sure to check out The Curious Kids Science Book! WebThis resource handbook contains essential information for members taking a guinea pig project. Students can design and build a solar oven, and then use it to cook food to compare the cooking time and temperature with a conventional oven. We will measure the following dependent variables for each run This is a cool project for aspiring architects. This experiment combines math and biology to measure lung capacity using a balloon. If your guinea pig seems uncomfortable and has been outside for a while, put him back inside his cage for a little while. Topics covered include general care, history, anatomy, selection, housing and equipment, records, nutrition, health, reproduction, show preparation, marketing, and care. Science Fair Project WebApr 15, 2019 - Explore John Schneider's board "Science fair projects" on Pinterest. Who says science cant be delicious? WebAnimal Science Department G Cavy (Guinea Pig) Sarpy County Fair Co-Superintendents Don Petersen, Mallory Henninger, Janice Henninger 4-H Staff: Brett Kreifels GENERAL RULES: All cavy exhibitors need to have completed Quality Assurance training in order to exhibitin the Sarpy County Fair. Investigating the 'Mpemba Effect': Can Hot Water Freeze Faster than Cold Water? Your students will be the mad scientists of buoyancy as they conduct experiments with gases using nothing but a simple scale and a bunch of balloons. In this project, students can grow plants in different solutions with varying pH levels to see how acid rain affects plant growth. The two guinea pigs produced a litter containing only rough black animals (F1).The F1 litter produced F2 offspring, and to her surprise, the child found a variety of coat types. gy#summary, and our #1. Smores, anyone? You can change the color of fire by adding chemicals found at your local grocery storewhat a sight! How about asking whether guinea pigs like kale or Swiss chard better? The photo above doesnt show our entire week, but the results were definitely mixed. Cavies (pronounced kay-vees) can't seem to shake the pig connotation; even its species name,C. porcellus, means "little pig" in Latin. Provide a safe place for them to exercise and explore. It may not display this or other websites correctly. After reading the experiment, What food does your insect like? the boys decided to experiment with our pet guinea pigs. "Origins of the beloved guinea pig." Clicker, shaping, and luring and reward. They put a living Guinea pig in the innermost layer and monitored its respiration to measure the rate of the melting ice. "Guinea pigs have done more than their fair share to contribute to medical science and to the health and well-being of humans and animals worldwide," she wrote. Each 4-H member enrolled in the cavy project may exhibit a maximum total of eight (10) entries. In France, they arelapins de Barbarie(Barbary rabbits). In fact, of all the Nobel Prize recipients in the Nobel Prize recipients in the Physiology or Medicine category, over 80% used animal models in their awarded research: Because of the introduction of new fields of study, Guinea pigs are not as popular in laboratories as they used to be. Others are the so-called yellow-toothed cavy, Galea musteloides, and the Muenster yellow-toothed cavy, Galea monasteriensis, which wasnt discovered until the late 1990s. I got second or third place! Build a better light bulb. If they seem restless or scared, try to provide something for them to hide under until they feel safe, or return them to their cage and try again later. You might want to start out with behavioral enrichment. They like to be with others of their own kind, but also thrive from human affection. She went to a pet store and bought a male with smooth black fur and a female with rough white fur. When you purchase through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission. do you have any advice? With gentleness and patience, you can teach a guinea pig a few tricks. This handbook is a valuable resource for every cavy enthusiast. This simple chemistry experiment uses iodine to determine the starch content of food items. She wanted to study the inheritance patterns of these traits. WebIn fifth grade I did a science fair project where I put my guinea pigs through a maze and figured out if they could learn it. Alina Bradford is a contributing writer for Live Science. Building batteries is a classic science experiment for any age. Its a simple concept, but one that never fails to amaze. It builds on previous research over many years by Professor of Biological Anthropology, Lisa Matisoo-Smith, tracing the DNA from plants and animals that Pacific settlers carried in their canoes and using that as a proxy for identifying human population origins and tracking their movement around the Pacific. Press J to jump to the feed. Find out if all those laundry detergent commercials are really telling the truth with this eighth grade science fair experiment. Is this connected to that? For this project, students can collect soil samples from various locations, then proceed to test the samples for properties such as pH levels, nutrient content, and water retention capacity. Find out more about the NEW, drastically improved site and forum! A fun project is to design and build a house and see how the pigs like it. For more information, see Roberta Gibson Writes. In fact, if we forget to feed them, they will squeal at us very loudly! What was a bigger surprise to the team was that the guinea pig remains found in the Colombian Highlands appeared to be from a totally different species.

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science fair projects with guinea pigs