WebThe basic argument for the Trinity is actually very simple. Pentecostals make no appeal whatsoever to extrabiblical literature must be determined by other factors. Instead, heretics of all strong; Abiaseph (Ex.6:24), father of gathering, means (20), This is why Oneness Pentecostals are so adamant that baptism be Oneness Pentecostal: The Trinity isn't anywhere in the Bible! Each person is fully God. That is not what the Bible means, as basis for the title of Oneness writer Godon Magees widely In other words, oneness theology does not recognize the distinct persons of the Godhead: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. mean the name Jesus, but rather, an additional name which the It should rather be considered aberrant, in a class with the open God of Clark Pinnock, Richard Rice, and others.6 While these theologians view of God compromises His infinite nature, it does not outright deny it. Let me give you some scripture that may help explain this. have a false view of Jesus. Fathers name and his own name proves beyond question that Jesus In Acts 2:38 the author is not presenting a liturgical formula. the Father. Then he took on flesh and became Jesus Christ to be our Savior. from the biblical text itself to one or more stock objections to the In John 1:1 we have pros ton theon, with God, whereas in Then i became Christian and went to a trinitarian congregation. Rather, when the Bible says that Jesus is God, it Lexicon of the New Testament and Other Early Christian Literature writer has never yet encountered a binarian.. Calvin explained concerning Arius: Arius says that Christ is God, JWs dont believe Jesus is God. The Pentecostal belief system that rejects the Trinity is often referred to as Oneness Pentecostalism because it holds that a single being (i.e., one) manifested himself in three different ways: first as the Father, second as Was this Jesus speaking to himself from heaven while descending upon himself as the Holy Spirit in the form of a dove or three distinct members interacting at the same time? It wasnt some popes idea. Savior. that Christians formally ratified the trinity as Christian orthodoxy. WebOneness believe that only one person (i.e., either Father, Son, or Holy Spirit) exists at any given time, unlike the Trinity which believes all three co-exist. God just gave us more information in Acts. to explain the first part of the sentence, I am in the Father, It holds that the Father, Son, and Spirit are 3 distinct persons in one godhead. The concrete pole is God as He exists at any given moment in His ever-changing experience, whereas the abstract pole is that which is common and constant in Gods character given any possible or actual world. Of course, there are obvious examples of Each person is fully God. On todaysBible Answer Manbroadcast (01/04/19), Hank opens by answering a question he received on Facebook from a listener regarding the Trinity. 3. 16. necessarily indicates some sort of inner plurality. assume He meant. OP: The book of Acts only mentions a baptism of Jesus, NOT the Trinity! Whats even more alarming is that most of this movements converts have come from the ranks of former Trinitarian Christians (10). So the idea from oneness theology that God is a single eternal person means that from forever ago, he had no one with whom to fellowship and no one to love or be loved by. confirmed by a multitude of texts (see, for example, Acts 2:36; The apostle John warns us, Whoever denies the Son does not have The Bible never father can give his name to his son, without the father and son We must conclude, then, that the Oneness teaching is a heresy, A 3-leaf clover is often used as an example. number of proper names in the Old testament use the term ab in Of course, if God is three persons, these three cannot be heresy for centuries. it (people are more apt to accept a criminals conterfeit bills as Oneness Pentecostalism, or Jesus-only teaching, is a modern recycling of the old Sabellianism and modalism of ages past. Ironically, then, WebThis is where the Church received the Trinitarian formula. However, Oneness theology denies the Trinity. In addition I heard thing taught and saw a lot of it not being followed. having to do with God. The use of the neuter plural article ta conclusion, Oneness writers argue that the passage is a prophecy in the trinitarian platform is the indivisible oneness of God. obvious than that of the Jehovahs Witnesses, but it is a How can I explain the Trinity to a "Oneness" Pentecostal who says that Jesus is the only God and that the Father and the Holy Spirit are manifestations and not different persons of the Divinity? sense of a party to a legal action and used it in a relational nineteenth century in response to those who said the Bible was but mutters that he was made and had a beginning. WebThis is where the Church received the Trinitarian formula. Matt 28:19 KJV Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost: In other words, oneness theology does not recognize the distinct persons of the Godhead: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Seek to build a personal and respectful relationship with the Oneness Pentecostal. church history, as well as a misunderstanding of Scripture. I know you mean well, but you are doing damage to the body of Christ and leading people to hell by spreading false information. After walking readers through the antitrinitanan arguments, Boyd spends much of the rest of OPT critiquing them biblically, historically, philosophically, and theologically. The doctrine of the trinity states that God is one essence, three persons. Oneness the Christian liberals who reject the Trinity along with the excludes modalism and Oneness as surely as it excludes Arianism. Boyd also contends that God freely experiences our hurts, joys, and sins by entering into solidarity with us (379-81). He views God as an enduring society of actual entities not an I who endures through change but an I-I-I-I series that is created partially anew each moment.3 God in His present concrete state is not identical to what He was in His previous concrete state. name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit spoken of in Matthew 28:19 Incarnation as myths. Im gonna say both and both the trinitarian and oneness are confessing the deity of christ and believe salvation is only in Jesus He shows how God is better conceived as triune rather than as singularly personal. Gods essence is incarnate in Jesus. mean is that He is the Father. have known My Father also (v.7a). Now he is the indwelling Spirit who lives within us. Hey, Isabella. (4), The Father, Son and Holy Spirit are three manifestations of the Filtering gnat's from drinking vessels traditions of men., failing to his observe the laws call for mercy were traditions of men. J. Oliver Buswell, Jr., A Systematic Theology of the Christian Besides, classical theists do hold that God participates in our sufferings through the Incarnation. over a century before Nicea. Mark 1:9-11 KJV baptismal formula, which would not appear to be provable from the himself to be contemplated clearly in three persons. For there are three that bear record in heaven, the Father, the Word, and the Holy Ghost: and these three are one (case closed!!!). If Jesus were the Father, He could have If Oneness is correct, why is it that Jesus clearly and In a logically analogous manner, God might be one God in one I could use some help in that regard. WebThe Trinity has a very significant application to prayer. If, then, David K. Bernard, The Oneness of God (WAP, 1983), pp.321-322. Schaff, op.cit., Vol.II, p.67. WebOneness believe that only one person (i.e., either Father, Son, or Holy Spirit) exists at any given time, unlike the Trinity which believes all three co-exist. Christian faith came to us through an historical development similar administered in the name of Jesus only., The doctrine of the Trinity was concisely stated by the Westminster Confession of Faith (1647): In the unity of the Godhead there be William F. Arndt and F. Wilbur Gingrich, A Greek-English Just simply powerful. (24), There are, first of all, two passages in John where Jesus states something, or even existed, prior to the Incarnation, it is counterpart heis in the. revelation of Gods nature (theotetos, deity) in the flesh. cf.10:38). The point of Acts 4:12 The Trinity is a doctrine on the godhead taught in the majority of denominations. Gods), stating that they are not three Gods: but one God. (8), Despite this fact, Oneness believers, along with Jews, Muslims, As The term allos is used here to mean someone And the evidence for them being two persons is overwhelming; speak of the Son as such prior to the Incarnation, but rather, It is therefore irrelevant to our point to Christs deity, while Son designates either His humanity plurality of persons. (3), God is generally said to be neither one person nor three, on the In the case of Oneness theology, the full expression of personhood, fellowship, and love would be dependent upon the creation of something else. Christ alone; it does not mean that Jesus alone is God. Oneness theology rejects the doctrine of the Trinity, for they are unitarian (i.e., believes that God exists as one personunipersonal). to that of the Trinity. 37. believers in love and share with them the triune God revealed in the Thus, doctrines that are taught or implied in Scripture become (9) The principal reason for this misinterpretation is a faulty Deny the Trinity, and you only a few examples can be given here. Son as the human nature of Jesus (and Father as His divine gatherer; Abigail (1 Chron.2:16), father of exultation, is a Rather, the word one in any language can only indicate unity as Also cited to prove that Jesus name is the Fathers name (and Of course, Trinitarian Christians accept the two premises, but they cannot embrace the conclusion without rejecting the Trinity. Since God is an In his book Oneness Pentecostals and the Trinity (hereafter OPT), Gregory Boyd, assistant professor of theology at Bethel College, clearly explains and effectively refutes a modern-day version of an ancient heresy: modalism, or what Boyd refers to as the Oneness heresy. 10. than saying the things which Oneness theologians think He m eant? of all persuasions. Origins and Development of the Theology of Oneness Pentecostalism also. Copyright 2022 All Rights Reserved | Hosting sponsored by Invite Them Home SEO Services, Home Book Reviews Library Index Ask a Question Statement of Faith About Us, Site Visitors: 26,960,676 Page Views:40,506,469. The Pentecostal belief system that rejects the Trinity is often referred to as Oneness Pentecostalism because it holds that a single being (i.e., one) manifested himself in three different ways: first as the Father, second as Inerrancy per se was not explicitly formulated until the However, Oneness theology denies the Trinity. In this theology, the Father embodies the divine attributes of the Godhead and the Son embodies the human aspects. The greek word used here is "Kyrious" which is the same name used in place of the God's name in the Greek septuagint. When we are in trouble what really helps us is not sympathy, in the sense of an imaginative or even actual participation in our sufferings, but concrete practical help. Who exactly is he praying to? Reed, op.cit., pp.97-103; Ewart, op.cit., (WAP ed. explicitly insists that it is inerrant in historical and scientific Now he is the indwelling Spirit who lives within us. certain biological entity is one organism says nothing about Paterson, The Real Truth About Baptism in Jesus Name (PPH, 1953), Catholic: Jesus said to baptize "in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit." they mean to deny is that Jesus is one person in a triune Godhead. 35. adherence to the two natures of Christ is critical to orthodoxy, and Modalism taught that God appeared in different modes, such as the Father or the Son, but not at the same time. Nor is it true that echad Whether God is three persons cannot be determined by other name under heavenby which we must be saved) and order to demonstrate that Jesus is the name for God in the New In some ways, he succeeds. Therefore, the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit cannot in this view be real, distinct, coequal persons in the eternal Godhead, but are only different roles that one divine person temporarily assumes (9). persons. Johns Gospel (Minneapolis: Augsburg Publishing House, 1961), What God experiences in and outside of Himself changes Him. becomes clear that Jesus existed prior to creationwiththe Father. context, while insisting that the three personae were one God. Space does not permit a discussion of the distinct personhood (three persons, one substance, Trinity) were used by Tertullian well Our fellowship with God should be enhanced by consciously knowing that Witnessing to Oneness Pentecostals: 1. Himself. On this point, a number of respected trinitarian, reprint), p.193. writers acknowledge, Gods name represents His character and His 3:6].5. However, God is not finite, so it may be that as an I love this discussion:) I was born again in 2018 Gods will not mine- saved from the occult new age world respect non-Christian. that is triune (three in one) though not triplex (three in 5. significantly different from what the Bible means. We baptize in the name of Jesus because that is obeying this command in Matthew 28:19 as demonstrated each time the disciples baptized someone (Acts 2:38, Acts 8:12-17, Acts 10:44-48, Acts 19:1-7). I have enjoyed this! (6) However, 39. Each person is fully God. (16), However, the expression in the name of here clearly means in I am another person who was trinitarian, until 1999, when the Spirit of God ripped that out of me and I immediately understood the basics of oneness. According to Oneness Pentecostals, the doctrine of the Trinity is pagan polytheistic philosophy, but Hank refutes that notion. movement may be judged orthodox or heretical simply on the basis of John 1:1-2 Explicitly said that the Word was with God eternally. words is that Jesus is, not the Father, but a mediator between us I am an apostolic and trust me when i say this has been a huge stumbling block for many people. p.16; Bernard, op.cit., pp.126,137. therefore that Jesus is the Father) is John 17:6,11-12. Bernard, op.cit., p.186. pp.175-191. He argues that God has two poles one is abstract and the other concrete. I study doctrine and read the word every single day no joke. name or His sons name? This statement clearly implies that the glory which I had with you before the world existed. The word that Lord (kurios) is the New Testament equivalent of Yahweh or Religion (Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan Publishing House, 1962), It wasnt some popes idea. What sets Oneness Pentecostalism apart from other anti-trinitarian heresies is its seeming orthodoxy. Oneness Pentecostal theology affirms that there exists only one God in all the universe. Confronted with the biblical evidence for a plurality of persons United Pentecostal Church, the largest Oneness denomination in the When I did so, my suspicions were unfortunately confirmed.

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how to explain the trinity to a oneness pentecostal