Furthermore, Arthur has an honour system and depending on the honor level, either low or high Honor, which is dictated by the player, Arthur will receive different dialogues from certain characters and will be treated differently by NPCs, too. Mary-Beth asks Arthur to dance with her, and the player can either accept or decline. Arthur is often vocal, and scornful, about the things Micah does around camp such as ridiculing Swanson, taunting Javier, Lenny and Charles because they are a different race, harassing Abigail at camp and even kicking Jack's dog, Cain. Even so, John would use Arthur's ring to propose to Abigail, showing the sentimental value Arthur has in his, and Abigail's, life. This reveals her deep appreciation for what Arthur did. Before anyone can do anything, Molly is killed by Miss Grimshaw. In said letter,she saysit is time to cut ties for good, knowing that Arthur will never change, while also apologizing for the pain their failed relationship caused him. She can ask Arthur for a fountain pen and in return will give him a ring. At camp Mary-Beth does not come up to Arthur for any conversations. Further adding that John doesn't like to talk about him. Arthur has very low self worth. Arthur pats him on the shoulder and tells him to leave with his blessing. She is also one of the members that can come up to Arthur for a chat, specifically concerning Karen and her drinking habits. The alternative dialogue will have Swanson tell Arthur that he is a good person who should, and will, save the right people with what little time he has left. He can also ask him to find a book called "Shrew in the Fog" and will regularly provide Arthur with predator bait at his tent. When the camp is celebrating Sean's return she can ask Arthur for a dance. He also taught Arthur how to read, along side Dutch. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. Abigail has a great amount of trust for Arthur, especially with her son Jack, such as when she asked if Arthur would take him fishing. Helping the Wapiti Tribe and Eagle Flies gave Arthur the chance to redeem himself by doing the right thing, however, the needless death of a young man due to Dutch's manipulation and refusal to help Arthur causes him to solidify his opposition to Dutch. Uncle follows through with Arthur's warning and soon leaves. He can even talk to her about his illness, and his inevitable death, late in the game. Arthur and Pearson are very friendly towards each other. The gang was able to barter with Bronte for the return of Jack, much to Abigail's relief who emotionally thanked Arthur and the others. Ironically, it was John's quest for vengeance against Micah that set in motion a chain of events that would lead to his own downfall a few years later. He tells both her and Abigail that they are the best women he has ever known and bids an emotional farewell. Pearson will then request Arthur and Sadie to pick up some groceries and to deliver a letter for him, showing his trust in Arthur, however, Sadie ends up reading the letter. Mary-Beth is much more sincere and considerate than the other girls, which gives Arthur the confidence to confide into Mary-Beth. He then asks Karen if she is okay, with her telling him she is fine. Soon after, Dutch and Eagle Flies come up with a plan to attack a U.S. Army convoy, but the plan gets out of control and Eagle Flies gets himself captured, which forces Arthur and Charles to rescue him from Fort Wallace. Arthur asked Dutch to spare her and simply kick her out, finding her pathetic but sad. Abigail confirms that he remembers correctly but that John does not like to talk about it. He can ask Arthur for some Medicinal Cream and in return will give Arthur a set of clothes. Arthur was Leopold Strauss' strongman when he loaned out money to desperate people. I love Mary Beth's character but it was most likely not Mary Beth. One of the motives for Arthur rescuing John from Sisika Penitentiary was for her and Jack, but also because John had begun to show that he does care for Abigail and Jack greatly, indicating that Arthur prioritises their well-being. Despite the significantly less money John accepts, with Arthur calling him a fool. Like some others, he decides to leave when the gang begins to fall apart. Anime Ships. In another encounter around the Marston family's homestead Uncle can be seen talking to Abigail, telling her how all good things start with a good women, that John is the luckiest man alive and it was Arthur who told him that, causing Abigail to get up and leave whilst crying. They track down the pair of hunters who had done this and Charles, for the first time, shows his emotions as he shouts at the hunters and bluntly shoots and kills one of them. Arthur can tell her that if Micah keeps harassing her she just tell him and he will deal with it, showing that he looks out for her, especially when it involves Micah. Charlotte was grateful for his help and his company, having brought her up when she was at her lowest point. Even admitting that he likes Hosea more. However, Trelawny is very useful and a pleasant person to be around. Revealing that Arthur trusts her just as much as the other girls around the camp. Arthur loved his son and remembered Isaac fondly as being "such a good kid." Arthur is also willing to take part in Bill's plans, like robbing the bank in Valentine. A lot of people don't know, but Mary Beth and Kieran are most likely into each other. Arthur saw Hosea as a father figure, much like Dutch, and looked up to him. Micah convinces Dutch that Arthur and John have become disloyal which begins to strain Arthur's, and the gang's, relationship with Dutch. It turned out that Molly had lied and in fact rejected any attempt by the Pinkertons to recruit her, she lied about being a rat to simply get Dutch's attention. Before Arthur's illness, Micah rarely tried to annoy Arthur and often tried to be friendly with Arthur, respecting him and likely wishing that they could be friends. However, Arthur still gets frustrated by John's poor decisions, such as when they, along with Javier, steal horses from the Braithwaites for, what they hoped would be $5,000, only to be told they would get $650. However, Micah's skill as a shooterperhaps makes Arthur even more concerned about his influence on Dutch. Hosea adds on that they were "a curious couple with their unruly child." Arthur never showed his gratitude for Kieran openly, and whenever Kieran mentions it Arthur responds that they are even because he allows another day to go buy without killing him. They were smitten with each otherbut prevalent circumstances, such as Arthur's loyalty to the gang and the disapproval of the relationship by Mary's family, particularlyher father, caused their relationship to fall through and they wouldn't see each other again for a long time. Arthur's last encounter with Dutch is after he and Micah have a brawl and Arthur, who is crawling and barely alive from his tuberculosis,is about to grab the gun and kill him only for Dutch, who suddenly appears, to stop him. . They hide in a barn until nightfall, only for them to get caught again by Cornwall's men. Arthur and Javier have respect for each other and worked together to rescue John when he had gone missing. Abigail, when Jack brings up Arthur, says that John does not like to talk about Arthur much. When Arthur asks what happened with the botched ferry heist, Dutch offers the simple yet telling reply: "We missed you." Both Arthur and Charles were disgusted by Dutchs influence on Eagle Flies to get him to attack the U.S. Army which would compromise the safety on the Wapiti Tribe. With Arthur having become greatly disillusioned with Dutch, andnow realizing that he hasbecome a shadow of his former self, or possibly the man he has always been who merely uses others to further his own desires, he decides to help John, Abigail and Jack escape the gang and be free from all this trouble. Whilst at camp, Miss Grimshaw will randomly talk to Arthur and can have unique interactions with him, for example, she will force Arthur to wash himself if he becomes too dirty around camp, and will be forced to pay a fine to her. Clemens Point Chapter Mary-Beth can assist Arthur and Sean in robbing a stagecoach. Privacy Policy. Nonetheless, Arthur and Strauss maintained civility towards each other, with Strauss calling Arthur "Herr Morgan" (German for "sir") and Arthur referring to him as "Mr. Strauss", or on some occasions, "Herr Strauss". Nonetheless, Arthur still sees Bill as a capable member of the gang and continued to bring him along on heists, such as when Uncle reveals he has a lead on a stagecoach, and the two often work surprisingly well together. The two then bid each other farewell, with mutual respect, this being the last time they see each other. The two grow close enough that Arthur feels comfortable to, for the first time, talk about his son and former lover, who both died after being murdered by two robbers over a petty amount of cash. This is the last time they see each other, with Trelawny admitting that he will miss Arthur and tells him that he has been a fine friend to him. Such as when he finds a lead on a stagecoach, however, this soon gets out of control as it belongs to Leviticus Cornwall and is highly protected. Hosea can request Arthur to find him American Ginseng and in return he will leave a bottle of Potent Medicine beside his tent. The two shared a hug as one last goodbye before departing. Arthur can refuse to help her in both instances, and upon theses events camp members can talk to Arthur about Mary, with many expressing their disapproval, which slightly annoys Arthur. Mary-Beth asks Arthur about a flower that he has sitting in a jar on a shelf beside his bed. Arthur Morgan is a conflicted, fascinating outlaw who experiences many highs and lows as RDR2's protagonist.When exploring the Van der Linde gang's campsites throughout the story, Arthur can sit down with various gang members to have one-on-one, therapy session-like conversations . Occasionally, at camp, Arthur can open up to Karen and tell her how he really feels and what he thinks of his violent actions. Upon learning of the pregnancy Arthur offered Eliza whatever support he could give. Arthur and Hosea also went hunting for a Legendary bear, although they failed to kill him together, and they went fishing with Dutch where they shared anecdotes about their past together. He later learned that they were robbed and killed for a meager amount of money. Arthur respected Miss Grimshaw's authority. Karen had a relationship with Sean, which was basically an open secret, and becomes an alcoholic after his death. However he is probably the worst person she could've fallen for, not because he's a bad man no but because he doesn't believe he deserves happiness. She enjoys Arthur's company and was amused when she surprised him with a hot air balloon to scout the prison yard from the air. Uncle, Arthur, Bill and Charles are soon pursued. "Before any of them it was just us. Ultimately, however, Tilly and Bill's bickering compromises the intended plan and instead they change to brute force, with Tilly leaving as that is not her style. Initially, Arthur viewed Rains Fall as weak because of his pacifism, a stark contrast to Arthur's lifestyle. She loves her family but tries to see past its apparent dysfunction, the brunt of which is attributed to her father. #rdr2 #shorts #arthurMary-Beth asks Arthur about Mary Linton and tells him to get over herHowdy folks! He can also ask Arthur to find him a rabbit and in return will give him a Nutritious Stew. Is Arthur in love with Morgana? Arthur can have positive conversations with her, and at one point both of them discuss about how much they love to write, with Mary-Beth preferring to write stories and Arthur preferring to write his experiences in his journal, they both bond slightly over this shared interest. At camp Karen may sometimes go up to Arthur to talk to him, particularly when she is drunk. So I believe Susan, Karen, Tilly, Mary-Beth and Abigail didn't had this kind moment of opportunity. Hamish is perhaps the only person in the game Arthur builds an authentic and genuine friendship with, Arthur never mocks Hamish and enjoys his company in spite of Arthur's reclusiveness trait. He explains how he regret the choices he made in his. It is mentioned that he beat Arthur at times. If he chooses the former Anthony keeps his promise of staying away from Tilly. Later in the game she is kidnapped by the Foreman Brothers who she used to run with before she joined the Van der Linde gang. Its during a game that she tells Arthur that she learned how to play Dominoes, as well as the piano, when she was a young girl working at a bar. They shared similar beliefs and principles, albeit Charles was a little bit more moral than him, at one point he berates Arthur for being willing to send a German family on their way after having a family member kidnapped by the Lemoyne Raiders.

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does mary beth like arthur?