", "Game of Thrones Season 4: Three Parts Confirmed! Years later, Davos, now in Jon Snow's service, returns to the capital and finds Gendry working as a smith once more. Catelyn is the first to suspect that the Lannisters made an attempt on her son Brandon's life and arrests Tyrion Lannister to bring him to the Eyrie for trial. Daenerys Targaryen. There's one guy who would answer both of those questions with a flat, "No." Bernard Hill played King Thoden of Rohan in the Peter Jackson movies. After, the entire garrison has been flayed alive and impaled on spikes, she is seen eating the flesh off the dead body of Adrack Humble, who has also been flayed and is covered in flies. Ned and Robert Baratheon led the rebellion to unseat him from the throne. His dire wolf is called Summer. He is Cersei Lannister's twin brother and has carried on an incestuous love affair with her all his life, fathering all three of her living children. After Jon is assassinated in a mutiny, Tormund is present when the Lady Melisandre resurrects him, and forms part of the army Jon uses to reclaim Winterfell from House Bolton. As the show opens, Ned has been content to remain in the north, but after the death of Lord Jon Arryn, he is convinced that it is his duty to accept the position of Hand of the King. Tormund takes a liking to Jon Snow after he joins them and even gives him advice over his relationship with Ygritte. Upon Oberyn's death, she returns to Dorne. In season 8, she is beheaded by the Mountain under Cersei's orders. Gilly then survives the attack by White Walkers and declares that she is pregnant with Samwell's baby in the aftermath. After this they lead Jon to Mance Rayder's wildling camp, where he pretends to defect to the Wildlings to discover their plans. His death ignites Maester Aemon's call for the lords of Westeros to aid the Night's Watch, which convinces Stannis Baratheon the time is ripe to fight the onslaught of the White Walkers. When Arya Stark is taken as one of the Lannisters' prisoners at Harrenhal, Jaqen teaches her the ways of the Faceless Men and helps her to escape. Overwhelmed by the grave losses she underwent and left with no option but to rule through fear, she uses her last dragon, Drogon, to burn an already surrendered King's Landing and take the Iron Throne by force. Furthermore, Daenerys, who he has always threatened throughout his life, starts to stand up to him. He travels beyond the Wall to find the raven with his brother Rickon, servant Hodor, the wildling Osha, direwolves Summer and Shaggydog, and eventually Jojen and Meera Reed. There, she implores Prince Doran to declare war on the Lannisters as revenge for Oberyn's death at the hands of the Lannisters. She is considered unfashionable because of her physique. Petyr attempts to persuade Sansa to leave the capital with him, but she refuses. Robb summons his bannermen for war against House Lannister and marches to the Riverlands. When Ned is executed, she escapes the capital with Yoren and his Night's Watch recruits. Alas, another Sean Bean character bites the dust prematurely; Eddard Stark (Game of Thrones) clawed his way to almost 29%, but could not hope to defeat the valiant Samwise Gamgee. Myranda taunts her further with threats of Ramsay plans to mutilate her once he has a child. He is known for playing Thoden, King of Rohan, in The Lord of the Rings film trilogy, Captain Edward Smith in Titanic, and Luther Plunkitt, the Warden of San Quentin Prison in the Clint Eastwood film True Crime. The shadow demon, bearing Stannis Baratheon's face, kills Renly. Alfie Allen (and beard) After his torture in the books, Theon loses his teeth, 40 pounds, and his hair color, which turns white and brittle. Tommen Baratheon (portrayed by Callum Wharry in seasons 1 and 2, and by Dean-Charles Chapman from season 4 onwards) is the prince presented as the youngest son of King Robert Baratheon and Queen Cersei Lannister. She is also the elder sister of Lysa Arryn, Lady of the Vale and Mistress of the Eyrie, and Lord Edmure Tully, Lord of Riverrun. Tywin Lannister (portrayed by Charles Dance) is the calculating, ruthless, and controlling former Hand of King Aerys II. Bella lends her voice to 'Hilda', an award winning animation series for Netflix. After Grey Worm is almost killed in an attack, Missandei kisses him after he reveals that for the first time, he felt fear, since he thought he would never see her again. A foreigner from Braavos, though he originally claims Lorath, he speaks in third person, referring to himself as "a man". Unable to persuade Arya to join her, and after defeating Sandor in single combat, Brienne travels with Podrick to Winterfell, where Sansa Stark has surfaced after escaping King's Landing. When Stannis marches south from Castle Black with Melisandre to claim Winterfell, Davos is told to return to the Wall and befriends Jon Snow. She makes love with Grey Worm and worries for him when he is sent to attack Casterly Rock. After Stannis' return, Melisandre heads to the mainland in Westeros and meets with the Brotherhood without Banners and fellow Red Priest, Thoros of Myr. Before the events of the series, he earned his knighthood by smuggling food to the besieged Stannis Baratheon and his army. He was betrothed to Ned Stark's sister Lyanna and loved her deeply, but she was kidnapped by Rhaegar Targaryen. Talisa Stark (portrayed by Oona Chaplin) is a healer working on the battlefields of the War of the Five Kings. Myranda also tells Sansa that shes going to eat her after shes been killed by Ramsay. The night before Grey Worm admits to Missandei that now he has her to love, he has begun to know what fear is. Jon is named King in the North by the Northern lords. She names her dire wolf Nymeria, after a legendary warrior queen. Martin Freeman's John Watson (Sherlock) was thrashed by Gandalf, and David Wenham's Carl (Van Helsing) received a similar humiliation at the hands of Gollum. However, her plans backfires, and she is imprisoned herself by the Sparrows when they learn of her incestuous affairs with Jaime Lannister and Lancel Lannister. Witnessing the event, Tommen, deeply in love with Margaery and heartbroken by her death, leaps from the tallest window in the Red Keep to his death. To win permission to cross, Robb agrees to marry a daughter of Walder Frey, Lord of the Twins. In exchange for Greyjoy support, Robb as King in the North will recognize the Iron Islands' independence. There, he names a captive Arya Stark as his cupbearer, though it is left uncertain as to whether he knows her true identity. He is the hostage and ward of Lord Eddard Stark, stemming from the failed Greyjoy Rebellion years earlier. After Joffrey becomes King, Sandor is made a member of the Kingsguard. While not a warrior, he is very smart and insightful. With her youngest son Tommen now on the throne and married to Margaery, she seeks the help of the Faith Militant and their leader the High Sparrow to regain control. When Daenerys Targaryen comes to Westeros and challenges her claim, Cersei uses the Great War against the White Walkers as an opportunity to strengthen her forces against Daeneryss depleted armies. She journeys to King's Landing to represent Sansa in the Dragonpit summit and then returns to Winterfell to face the Army of the Dead, reuniting with Jaime Lannister. When Daenerys returns to Meereen, she begins making plans to leave for Westeros. His name is pronounced Torgo Nudho in Valyrian and was chosen by his Astapor slave masters, who choose new names for the Unsullied which are designed to humiliate them and make them think they are not human. As Sergeant PJ Collins, Conleth Hill is a mild-mannered . Melisandre believes Stannis is the chosen one who will convert the people of Westeros into followers of the Lord of Light. He also forms a bond with Gendry, Stannis' illegitimate nephew, whom he frees from the dungeons and returns to King's Landing. After a battle, Ramsay is defeated in the field by a combination of the wildling army and the Knights of the Vale, who arrive on the orders of Petyr Baelish and Sansa Stark. Hill is a longtime supporter of Manchester United FC. During the battle, she displays powerful magic, the like of which many of the human combatants have never seen before. In season five, Cersei Lannister is also portrayed by guest actress. However, this tips Theon into finally rebelling against the Boltons and he saves Sansa by disarming Myranda and pushing her off the castle wall to her death. Arya Stark. Feeling isolated from his family due to his bastard status, he leaves their home of Winterfell to join the Night's Watch at Castle Black. Eventually, Jorah's spying is exposed and Daenerys banishes him from her service. After Jaime leaves Cersei Lannister and rides north to face the White Walkers, Bronn stays in King's Landing but is tasked by Cersei with killing Jaime for his apparent betrayal. She is a highly trained and skilled warrior made even more dangerous by the fact that men underestimate her. He reunites with Arya Stark, survives the attack on Winterfell from the Night King, and journeys south with her as his companion. She is present when Renly Baratheon is murdered by a shadow demon, and is falsely accused of carrying out the deed. In addition to TV roles, Hill appeared on stage in The Cherry Orchard, and the title roles in Macbeth and A View from the Bridge. Next for him was Roger Donaldsons The Bounty (1984), a fourth dramatisation of the mutiny on HMS Bounty. Melisandre has prophetic powers that give her partial knowledge of future events. While not physically powerful, Tyrion has a cunning mind. In an attempt to soon free herself, Margaery convinces Tommen to join the Crown and the Faith. Davos, who had become a guardian to Shireen, discovers that his late friend was burned alive by Melisandre, leading Jon Snow to banish the Red Woman from the North. Brienne of Tarth (portrayed by Gwendoline Christie) is a former member of Renly Baratheon's Kingsguard. Direwolves are a canine species closely related to wolves but are much larger and stronger. 4. Initially planning to leave Gilly and little Sam at Horn Hill, his family home, he instead decides to bring them to the Citadel. His corpse is later decapitated and Grey Wind's head is sewn on and paraded around as the Stark forces are slaughtered by the Boltons and Freys. In the aftermath of the battle, he is named Hand of the King once more, while Tyrion is demoted to Master of Coin. When Jon Snow is assassinated in a mutiny for making a pact with the wildlings, Davos is the first person to find his body. When Theon Greyjoy's Ironborn soldiers seize Winterfell, they pretend to have burned Bran alive, when in reality Bran has escaped the castle to find a Three-Eyed Raven who appears in his dreams. Ramsay even goes so far as to castrate Reek. With winter approaching and snow storms halting their progress, Melisandre sacrifices Stannis' daughter, Shireen, to the Lord of Light, in an attempt to ease the weather and grant them safe passage. Varys survives the Great War between the living and the dead, and discovers that Jon Snow is actually Daenerys' nephew Aegon Targaryen, rightful heir to the Iron Throne, but is executed when his plot to crown Jon king is exposed. During King Robert's visit to Winterfell, he accidentally encounters Cersei and Jaime Lannister engaging in their incestuous affair, following which Bran is shoved from the window by Jaime, leaving him paralysed below the waist. After the battle, Gendry is legitimised by Daenerys Targaryen and named Lord of Storm's End. Gendry (portrayed by Joe Dempsie) is an apprentice blacksmith in King's Landing and King Robert Baratheon's bastard son. He also sends his mother Catelyn to deal with Stannis Baratheon and Renly Baratheon, both of whom are fighting to be the rightful king. In turn, Shae becomes protective of Sansa and attempts to help her in any way she can. Though he has found success as a character actor with several performances since the end of Game of Thrones, including in the new Masters of the Universe series and the 2021 film, The Vault,. Like his sister he is good-natured and passive in contrast to his brother Joffrey and is fond of his uncle Tyrion. Gendry Baratheon, King Robert's bastard son, is sold to her, and she brings him back to Dragonstone. After travelling northwards, Sandor is gravely wounded in a fight, and Arya leaves him for dead before sailing to Braavos. Her plans are foiled, however, on the day of Cersei Lannister's trial at the Sept of Baelor. Margaery Tyrell (portrayed by Natalie Dormer) is the only daughter of Lord Mace Tyrell and granddaughter to Lady Olenna Tyrell, as well as wife to Renly Baratheon when introduced to the series. Despite Cersei's promise that Ned would be allowed to join the Night's Watch in exile, Joffrey orders Ned's execution for his own amusement and later torments Sansa by forcing her to look at her father's head. Grey Worm (portrayed by Jacob Anderson) is a captain of the Unsullied, a group of eunuch slave soldiers. When the Dragon Queen Daenerys Targaryen arrives in Westeros, Jon convinces her to join the fight against the White Walkers and bends the knee to her. Viserys Targaryen (portrayed by Harry Lloyd) is the exiled prince and heir of the Targaryen dynasty. Their relationship is brief, however. When Jon Snow's wildling army descends on Winterfell to take the castle, Rickon is killed after being used as bait to disrupt Jon's tactics. When Daenerys Targaryen plans to attack King's Landing, she travels south to get revenge on Cersei for her role in Ned's death. He is a dwarf and his mother died during his birth, for which his father, Tywin Lannister, blames him. Sansa lies for Petyr, and says Lysa jumped to her death of her own accord. However, Arya is caught in the firestorms caused by Daenerys' dragon, Drogon, and is forced to flee the city instead. He accompanies Jon to Dragonstone to meet with Daenerys Targaryen, then to Eastwatch on the mission to gather evidence of White Walkers, and then to King's Landing to display the evidence to Queen Cersei Lannister. Sansa survives the attack of the White Walkers and is eventually crowned as queen of an independent North. Stannis Baratheon (portrayed by Stephen Dillane) is the elder of Robert Baratheon's younger brothers. The pair soon fall in love. Eddard Stark, Ned, is the Lord of Winterfell, the northern kingdom of Westeros. In exchange for an army to help regain the Iron Throne, Viserys marries off his sister to the powerful Dothraki warlord Khal Drogo and follows his horde's journey to the Dothraki capital to ensure Drogo will keep his end of the bargain. He is also Joffrey Baratheon's personal bodyguard. Ygritte (portrayed by Rose Leslie) is a Wildling girl with red hair ("kissed by fire", a sign of luck among the Wildlings) and a follower of Mance Rayder. In seasons one and two, Tommen Baratheon is portrayed by recurring actor Callum Wharry. After climbing back over the Wall with Ygritte, Jon flees to Castle Black. Tyrion flees the capital after Prince Oberyn Martell fights for him and is killed by The Mountain. On the road, his sword hand is severed and he reveals that he killed Aerys II to save the population of King's Landing, whom Aerys II was attempting to massacre with wildfire. After King Robert's death and Eddard Stark's execution, arrangements are made for Gendry to travel to Castle Black with Arya (disguised as "Arry") and other Night's Watch recruits. In season two, Selyse Florent is portrayed by uncredited extra Sarah MacKeever. After the battle, he is discovered in a nearby forest by Lady Brienne, who avenges her long-deceased king by executing Stannis. Samwell is able to cure Jorah, who returns to Daenerys' service and is part of the group who journey beyond the Wall to prove the existence of White Walkers. Before the battle, he discovers that Shireen had been burned alive, and confronts Melisandre when the battle is over, leading to her banishment from the North. He quickly amasses a large following, including Cersei's cousin and former lover Lancel, who swarm over the city, ministering to the needy and denouncing corruption. This article is about the television series. Robb becomes involved in the war against the Lannisters after his father, Ned Stark, is arrested for treason. After returning to Castle Black, Samwell begins to fear for Gilly's safety and instead finds her work in Mole's Town, a nearby settlement. After his defeat, Stannis stays at Dragonstone while Melisandre heads to the Westeros mainland in search of Gendry Baratheon, Robert's illegitimate son. Realizing that Daenerys is loved by the Dothraki and her and Drogo's unborn son is prophesied to unite the world, Viserys realizes that it is not he, but Daenerys who will reclaim the Iron Throne. Tormund Giantsbane (portrayed by Kristofer Hivju) is a wildling raider known for his many titles, "Giantsbane" being foremost. She then leaves Slavers Bay for Westeros, in a bid to reclaim her birthright: the Iron Throne. His plans to ensure the invasion is bloodless, however, see Daenerys lose valuable allies, and she begins to doubt his ability as a strategist. Melisandre convinces Stannis to kill his brother Renly Baratheon with a shadow demon and claim half of Renly's army for his own. In exchange for an army, Viserys marries her to the powerful Dothraki warlord Khal Drogo, where she was gifted three petrified dragon eggs during her wedding. When King Joffrey is poisoned at his own wedding, Tommen assumes the throne and marries Margaery Tyrell. The Tyrells move to King's Landing and Margaery is immediately betrothed to the sadistic King Joffrey Baratheon. When Daenerys is assassinated by Jon Snow, Tyrion is freed and named as Bran the Broken's Hand of the King. Myranda then threatens to eat her once Ramsay has finished with her. Robb leads the war effort against the Lannisters and successfully captures Jaime. After King Joffrey is poisoned at his wedding to Margaery Tyrell, Tyrion is framed for the crime. Later she leads him into Rattleshirt's ambush. Jaqen gives Arya various tasks to complete, and either punishes her for her disobedience or rewards her for her skills. Ygritte subsequently dies in Jon's arms, and her body is later burned by Jon himself, separately from the other soldiers, in her homeland, north of the Wall. He is known for playing Thoden, King of Rohan, in The Lord of the Rings film trilogy, Captain Edward Smith in Titanic, and Luther Plunkitt, the Warden of San Quentin Prison in the Clint Eastwood film True Crime. Travelling back to Castle Black via Craster's Keep, Sam escapes the mutiny with Gilly and her newborn son, whom she eventually names Sam. Bronn also becomes an advisor to Tyrion and is named Ser Bronn of the Blackwater after his heroics during the defence of the city from Stannis Baratheon's army. She later accompanies Daenerys on her voyage back to Westeros. Bernard Hill is an English actor. When Joffrey is poisoned at his wedding to Margaery, Sansa is smuggled out of King's Landing by Littlefinger and taken first to the Eyrie and then to her home of Winterfell, now under the control of House Bolton. Hill was born in Blackley, Manchester. During their relationship, he investigates the origins of the Sons of the Harpy, a militant group who object to Daenreys' rule in Meereen. The pair then rule Meereen in her absence following an attack by rebel group the Sons of the Harpy. After the battle, Tormund returns to Castle Black. In season 2, she is captured in the Skirling Pass by Jon Snow and Qhorin Halfhand. Cersei Lannister (portrayed by Lena Headey as an adult and Nell Williams as a child) is the wife of King Robert Baratheon, and queen consort of Westeros. [4], He plays Samuel Cotton, who runs a sweet factory with his son in the 2014 three-part BBC drama series about Manchester From There To Here. He defends Brandon Stark against the oncoming undead forces, but is eventually killed by the Night King.

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