The questions that you can use to examine a text's rhetorical situation are in Chapter 6.2. The reason is, a writer studies rhetorical or persuasive techniques used by the author to influence his . She did not like the press and the media and, in return, they do not like her much either. What type of rhetorical device does Reagan use when referring to freedom in this passage? development of genres of presidential speeches, and miscellaneous articles on various ancillary topics dealing with presidential rhetoric. Le discours des premiers ministres qubcois: 1960-2005. May 2018. With a positive Z score larger than a fixed threshold (e.g. endobj A more interesting finding is the presence of the pronoun I in the most over-used terms by only two runners: Trump and Clinton. For Clinton, the term affordable must be related to the Affordable Care Act (or health insurance reform). Table 4 presents these distributions, in percentage, over the nine candidates. Remind students that the writer of the speech is sometimes not the person who delivered the speech, for example, and this will surprise some students. Basic-level words are easily remembered; those messages will be best recalled that use basic-level language. (Lakoff and Wehling, 2012, p. 41). evaluate to something in a careful and thoughtful way ad hominem reasoning that attacks the rather than the In this table, the maximum value per grammatical category is shown in bold, and the minimum in italics. grounded on personal pronouns (Pennebaker, 2011)). 2 0 obj I, me). From data depicted in Table 3, one can see that the TTR value reaches a minimum of 29.7 (Trump) to a maximum of 37.9 (OMalley). . Times of crisis in America can be defining moments in a political career and many have had the opportunity to change the national climate with their words and mastery of rhetorical . Similar themes appear under several candidates with different terminology such as caliphate (Bush), Islamic (Cruz), ISIL (OMalley). The 2016 US presidential election was characterized by two figures, both unloved by the majority of Americans (Yourish, 2016). Such a selection strategy produces a low recall because many tweets about Obamas administration are not considered). MERCIECA: Yeah, he's absolutely used the fire hose of propaganda model. Those terms correspond to recurrent thematic words or expressions on which the author wants to insist. And during his four years in the White House, he has left a mark on American politics and policies. O Voting in the municipal election is a matter of life and death. Visit our website terms of use and permissions pages at for further information. This aspect could be related to her first years at the White House as an overqualified First Lady who wanted to play a principal role in politics (e.g. Knowing that this matrix is symmetric and that the distance to itself is nil, we still have (81 9)/2 values. In the second sub-section, an intertextual distance is presented and used to derive graphs representing stylistic and topical affinities between the candidates. To help your students analyze these primary sources, get a graphic organizer and guides: Analysis Tool and Guides Each presidential speech is unique. As one can see from his most specific terms and sentences, Cruzs concerns are related to a reform of the fiscal system, and the health care system. . Presidential Studies Quarterly The maximum value per grammatical category is shown in bold, and the minimum in italics. In this figure, the distance between two candidates is indicated by the lengths of the lines connecting them. Which best describes the type of appeal used in this part of the speech? In this speech Patrick Henry (1736-1799) uses powerful rhetoric to convince influential, affluent, landed men of Virginia with much to lose to move past their current . During the 2016 primaries, the average value per candidate reported in Table 3 (label MSL) confirms this tendency with a mean varying from 21.9 (OMalley) to 13.7 (Trump). You will . Preparation Historical Background and Context On January 20, 1961, a clerk of the US Supreme Court held the large Fitzgerald family Bible as John F. Kennedy took the oath of office to become the nation's 35th president. This analysis is based on the thematic concentration of a text, providing a first overview at the recurrent topical terms used by each candidate. So he wants to show his audience how phony the interview is. These results present also the stylistic evolution over more than two centuries and can be compared to those achieved using traditional methods as, for example, by Lim (2002). h-point and most frequently used thematic words per candidate. How might worldwide demand for gasoline affect the economy of the Gulf coastal plain? More recently, the web-based communication channels have been studied, but in this perspective, those studies are using more often tweets and less frequently blogs, or audio and video media (e.g. 1. Writing a rhetorical analysis essay is a bit different from other essay types. Accuracy and availability may vary. For all candidates, except for Cruz or Paul, the term people appears in the top four most frequent topical words. Moreover, the statements are certainly authored, at least in part, by a team of speechwriters. Wiley is a global provider of content and content-enabled workflow solutions in areas of scientific, technical, medical, and scholarly research; professional development; and education. Donald Trump's rhetoric has elicited comparisons to former Alabama governor George Wallace. For Session Five, students should bring in their papers. Usually Senators (e.g. Copyright 2021 NPR. Help students find the author of the speech because this will challenge some students. How were the respective nominees able to win the primaries according to their speeches? As the English language has a relatively simple morphology, working on inflected forms (e.g. A rhetorical analysis essay is assigned to students at different academic levels. Sanders answers and remarks are clearly more focused on a few topics. 1986 Center for the Study of the Presidency and Congress Also grounded on several dictionaries (or categories), Young and Soroka (2012) describe how one can detect and measure sentiments appearing in political texts. For terms and use, please refer to our Terms and Conditions When considering the most frequent lemmas, he is the single candidate to have the pronoun I is the second rank (after the article the). By exploring myths and truths surrounding Abraham Lincoln's Gettysburg Address, students think critically about commonly believed stories regarding this famous speech from the Civil War era. More broadly, rhetorical strategies also include rhetorical devices and rhetorical appeals. As a tweet is rather short (in mean eleven words), the sentiment estimation is simply the count of the number of positive and negative words appearing in the OpinionFinder dictionary (Wilson et al., 2005). Lead a discussion of the speech as an argument with regard to purpose and intent. But more importantly, why? In his answers, Trump prefers using intensively the verb construction (see Table 4), the pronoun I, and the negation (see Table 6). Essay Rubric: This rubric is used as a guide for students as they are writing their essay, and for teachers to use as a grading tool. Our findings must be confirmed by other studies comparing other electoral campaigns and taking into account the written form (e.g. SHAPIRO: What do you mean when you say that? Listeners should keep in mind the context of the situation involving the delivery and the audience-but a keen observer should also pay close attention to the elements of argument within the text. Dont vote for the other one, Analysis Linguistic Data: A Practical Introduction to Statistics using R, Longman Student Grammar of Spoken and Written English, Finding her voice: Hillary Clinton Rhetoric in the 2008 presidential campaign, Presidential Campaigns. Request Permissions, Center for the Study of the Presidency and Congress. Taking another strategy, one can use the h-point splitting the vocabulary into two parts. 4 0 obj Trumps topics are relatively similar to those presented by Kasich and, with some distance, with those exposed by Paul. Trump will also employ a rhetorical technique called paralipsis to make claims that he can't be. What rhetorical devices aided the authors manipulation of his audience? analyze the effects of the rhetorical devices on the delivered speech. To analyze the rhetoric and style of presidential writings, the first quantitative linguistics studies focused on the word usages and their frequencies. 3 0 obj On this icy day in Washington D. C, Barack Obama gave his inaugural speech after taking the oath of office. If a state does not appear in the drop-down, standard alignments are not currently available for that state. Two speeches during the American presidential campaign of 2008 are analyzed: one speech . head, ache, sleep). worldwide war, deep economic depression) may change noticeably the style. and appeals before you start. The verb phrase is used most frequently by Trump with the largest percentage of verbs and adverbs and the lowest frequencies of nous, determiners, and prepositions. In the midst of a troubled nation, President Bush effectively uses kairos, rhetorical appeals, and awareness of audience to provide a sense of security for those worrying about their country, a feeling of comfort for those grieving their loss, and a promise of revenge for those angered by the events of the day. As another frequently used word, one can see say (five candidates), country, know, go (four candidates), and president, think for three candidates. MERCIECA: It's been my pleasure. Jennifer Mercieca studies American political rhetoric at Texas A&M University, and she's the author of "Demagogue For President: The Rhetorical Genius Of Donald Trump.". Votez pour moi! The presence of Bernie Sanders occupying a position more on the left demonstrates that the Democratic primaries were more difficult than expected. The total number of lemmas in part P0 (or its length) is denoted n0, similarly with P1 and n1, and the length of the entire corpus is defined by n = n0 + n1. The analysis of the style can be grounded on the relative frequencies of the different POS or grammatical categories. What was the speaker up against? Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of EADH. In this figure, the longest distance (0.510) connects Paul and OMalley, and the second longest distance (0.496) links Trump to OMalley. Grounded on this measure, one can compute the intertextual distance between all nine candidates. Skills: In completing this assignment, you will practice the following skills that are essential to your success at MCC and your professional life beyond school. From a stylistic point of view, this corpus is homogenous, corresponding to an oral communication form, extracted from a short period of time, and with the same main objectives (convincing the people, answering questions, presenting their ideas and solutions). A conclusion draws the main findings of this study. Lincoln's Second Inaugural Address Rhetorical Analysis. (2007) were able to determine the personalities of different political candidates (US presidential election in 2004). Another element of rhetorical analysis is simply reading and summarizing the text. 3 0 obj As the English language has a relatively simple morphology, working on inflected forms (e.g. Some places to look for speeches include: American Rhetoric: This has lists of famous speeches with full text and audio/visual for most. To highlight the different styles adopted by the candidates, Biber and Conrad (2009) indicate that such a study should be based on ubiquitous and frequent forms. From the set of the ten most over-used terms corresponding to H. Clinton depicted in Table 6, the first following sentence contains four (Senator, Sanders, to, I). SHAPIRO: While this is out of the ordinary for a president, where have we seen this kind of language in the past? However, as mentioned by Biber and Conrad (2009, p. 262): Language that has its source in writing but performed in speech does not necessarily follow the generalization [written vs. oral]. This sentence was selected through the over-used words I, not, deal (see Table 6), as well as bad, do, have, and just. MERCIECA: First of all, he communicates like a demagogue and not like a president. family, man, person, etc.). Due to space limitations, not all possible candidates have been retained. In the following sentences, one can also see two topics, usually more related to the Democrats, namely education, and health care reform. I think that Joe Biden will be a much more responsible communicator than President Trump has been, and so we'll see if that sort of evens things out. Table 1 reports the vocabulary size (number of distinct word types) for each candidate (under the row Voc.) as well as the total number of word tokens (row Token). To reflect the style, one can consider the k top most frequent lemmas from our electoral corpus. Refer to recent elections, if possible, and/or bring in flyers and/or brochures. As an additional global stylistic measurement, the frequency of big words (composed of six letters or more, and denoted BW) can be analyzed (Tausczik and Pennebaker, 2010). The author wants to thank the anonymous reviewers for their helpful suggestions and remarks. It should be noted that, regarding the four indices, Clinton is closer to OMalley or Cruz than to Trump. Which quotation from Roosevelt's request for a declaration of war is an example of a hasty . Teachers can choose to have students focus on one or more historical inaugurations and analyze the speeches by looking at the historical challenges facing the nation, topics discussed in the. From a topical perspective, our analysis generates a map showing the affinities between candidates. To conclude briefly, previous studies have mainly analyzed governmental speeches, and less frequently the electoral speeches (Boller, 2004) or related messages (e.g. Select two options. Make sure your introduction includes a thesis sentence or purpose and previews the main points covered in the body. tgm=-~dH++jD$f+[zwZT]R-QnGG!B_>L{\DIm$N`=jD`j8=P:&Wm/? Based on this definition, one can read some examples of the most specific sentences per candidate. When looking more at the content of their utterances, one can also observe differences between the candidates. Here's an example of a rhetorical essay introduction to a speech from president trump: Rhetorical Essay Introduction - Example. Recently, such distance matrices can be represented by a tree-based visualization method respecting approximately the real distances between all nodes (Baayen, 2008). Be sure that your students are familiar with rhetorical strategies, literary devices, SOAPS, tone, diction, etc.

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analyzing rhetorical strategies in presidential speeches assignment