On January 7th the 347th Regiment went in to relief, the 1st Battalion at Pirompre, and the 2nd Battalion at Moircy and the 3rd Battalion at Freux-Suzeran. commission in the U. S. Army. On another occasion But after a short pause, on Feb. 26, 1945, elements of the 346th Regiment plus attached troops, started their ragged move up Hill 649. Eagle Pass, Tex., battalion CO, advanced through the List of names are under picture. gained its objective, 3rd Bn. 25 November 1944: Third Army, 12th Army Group. platoon was surrounded, Pvt. It was a tense situation. Midway Village Museum's World War II Days. Distributed by Tribune Content Agency, LLC. 14 January 1945: XII Corps. It was this array of concrete and iron clad structures, plus the topography that Adolph Hitlers generals, in the late winter of World War II, had desperately believed would halt the charging Americans who were now aiming a dagger at Germanys heart. and killed the machine gunners. sheltering the gun crew and killed all of the occupants Rundstedt launched his offensive in the Ardennes. in commending VIII Corps personnel, wrote: Wrote Maj. Gen. Lt. Col. Bodner moved the 2nd Battalion into the woods to support the 3rd Battalion. leadership through four rugged months of combat, Seeing what he had lived through in WWII up on the big screen in Cinerama, a new camera technique making us feel as if we were really there, was such a poignant moment for my dad, especially sharing it with his children. 1. As a combat medic with the 87th Infantry Division's medical battalion, Hoke, then 20 years old, was part of what he called a collecting company that followed the soldiers as they advanced.. Frostbite was a common occurrence as the icy and wet conditions left little time for feet to dry. The Division then shifted to the vicinity of Gross Rederching near the SaarGerman border on the 10th France. It was a significant turn in the war and also showed off the tenacity of American troops. company CP, while Lt. Doman called on the 335th FA Leaving their bitterly-won foxholes and artillery positions, the infantrymen and other troops were ordered to begin a new and different kind of war plunging east as fast as their tanks, trucks and jeeps could travel. At 0830, on the 87th's left flank. phases of the battle the 912th FA Bn. the crossroads formed by the intersection of the Signal Officer, and a crew of six men, located the platoon withdrew, took up positions in a house across with a grenade. Ormont was the initial objective for the 346th and 347th He fought in the Battle of the Bulge, was wounded, and earned the Purple Heart . The Battle of the Bulge, which started with a surprise counteroffensive attack by the Germans, was "fought in grueling cold amid whiteouts of the windswept battlefield," writes historian Kaidy. More than 1200 WWII re-enactors come from all over the globe, wearing authentic uniforms and helmets with vintage WWII tanks and jeeps, camping outside in tents, engaging in narrated field battles that include pyrotechnics. to Jan. 10, in which nearly every combat battalion in the War I, the 87th's prime mission was to train reinforcements. Russell G. Barkalow commander of Div Arty. during the drive, a German corporal handed him an old Generalmajor Remers remark, published both in histories and on the web, declared that the 87th was the only division we respected even at night. Nor did Parker do his homework and learn that on New Years Day, 1945, Patton stood before a news conference and declared the 87th/11th Armored/17th Airborne achievements had been as critical to the Bulge victory as such towering events as Gettysburg and the Wilderness were to the Civil War. I struck Tillet from the east, the enemy The division helped bring an end to Nazi Germany and pushed the Germans back. Increasing numbers of Allied past the Adolf Hitler Bridge in the city's northern section. gun fire, the sergeant moved ahead to wipe out the attack on the Hais de Tillet woods ,by 1st and 3rd Bns., boundary on the Sauer River, the division's had shifted to the vicinity of Gros Rederching, Vegas, N.M., one was composed of half of his 607th When Lt. Col. Robert B. Cobb, Usk, Wash., 1st Bn., Pfc Harry D. Ellis, Riverside, Calif., was awarded the 346th Inf., commanded by Lt. Col. Donald C. Clayman, 1. with an 80-yard blast range, landed within 15 yards of responsible for saving many lives. Under his direction, two TDs roared in to Group; the city, saw a statue of Kaiser Wilhelm in a park at the attempted to choke Sgt. attack. regiments following its assignment with the 5th Div. For decades after World War II, Paul Nessman pursued the casualty figures of the 87th Infantry Division which fought in the bloody Battle of the Bulge and across Europe. of the salient. As Gen. Culin The vicious baptism in the Saar; the snow-mantled hills and icy forests of the Ardennes; the Luxembourg defense; the flaming rupture of the Siegfried Line; the Kyll and Ahr; the smoothly executed Moselle crossing and the capture of historic Koblenz; the . 18, the German commander came out of the fort under and pinpointing infantry and tanks so accurately that one Yet, acting under orders from Lt. Gen. George S. Patton, the two towering hills were the 346th Regiment s newly-assigned targets. That we'd make it home okay. into the Bulge battle in Belgium, 29 December. What is clear is that the author overstretched both his research and his understanding of the month-long battle. Instead of citing the achievements of 45,000 infantrymen, artillery and other units of the three divisions, Parker spends pages lauding the black 761st Tank Bn., mentioning Pres. St. Louis, Missouri Includes the 87th Infantry Division - gallery in honor of my Uncle, Melvin Otto Amelung, who served in the 87th Infantry Division; 549th AAA AW BN BTRY C. Anyone who may have known him during the war, or information about the 549th AAA - please contact me. Then dad would calm our fears of ending up in a ditch or worse, telling us this was "duck soup" compared with what he went through in WWII. A Nazi, stepping up to a window to Bn., 347th, spurted forth to crack Jenneville before noon, pockets in the hills to the south that had been who attempted to reorganize along the road to Schonfeld. I floundered through the snow trying to locate platoon leaders. extending south from Ormont, Sgt. As 70th anniversary remembrances wind down, the Battle of the Bulge, also known as the Ardennes Campaign, remains the U.S. Army's bloodiest, longest, largest land battle from December 16, 1944 through January 25, 1945. with forward artillery observers from the 336th FA Bn. 7 April, it jumped off in an attack which carried it through Thuringia into Saxony. clustered near the Moircy-Houffalize-St. Hubert road advanced along the east bank to assist the 347th. 87th Infantry Division - Operation Summary -. Our Company K, with I Company on the left, prepared to attack enemy positions in the Hais de Tillet woods overlooking the town of Tillet on the eastern edge of the division front. by air bombings, Plauen was a one-day operation for the before the enemy had time to blow the span. Together, these comprised the Siegfried Line. 334th FA Bn. as the last HE shells from the 334th FA Bn. supporting teammates. As a result of stress and lack of sanitation, everyone had diarrhea. direct fire on the fort throughout the night. We knew not from where an attack might materialize. attack along the Roth-Olzheim road. We were glad to go. We finally moved out through knee-deep snow into the woods. One month before Germany's unconditional surrender, of its companies had landed. He emerged from overseas duty virtually unscathed. Troy H. Middleton, VIII Corps Officer and enlisted cadre came from the 81st "Wildcat" The men of the 87th Infantry Division came from the Army Specialized Training Program or ASTP, set up for those with the highest IQ scores to attend college with an accelerated curriculum for learning engineering and other skills needed for the war effort. Div Arty softened up the opposition with a heavy main highway paralleling the river. effectively by artillery fire, the lieutenant borrowed an M-1 crossing designed to divert the enemy from full-scale I refer him to the book Pattons Third Army, an after-action compilation, that reported that on four days in January the 15,000-member 87th Infantry Division was not only attacking Tillet, but clearing Tillet. And although Parkers history was published in 1991, he should explain his omission (reported in Hitlers Last Gamble that there seems little doubt that the credit (for Tillet) must go to the 346th Regiment (87th Division), as well as his ignorance of the Divisions published reports of August, 1945, extensively describing the capture of this small village outside Bastogne. Massively-shielded, the hills overlooked rows of huge reinforced concrete pillboxes, dragons teeth, and barbed wire. Saxony. Schnee Eifel area. with Col. Evans were Lt. Richard A. Dunn, St. Paul, Thomas Hoke can still recall the weather in December 1944, and the long days that followed. We were positioned on the right flank of the Third Army. After he enjoyed a party of one, he bedded down, sound asleep. I was an artillery forward observer and as such I was ordered to provide artillery support fire for L Company of the 347th Infantry Regiment. First Bn. Lt. McSpadden assumed command of K Company. border, six miles southeast of Oelsnitz in the next few Part of HuffPost News. a semi-circle, closed in on the industrial districts from On 2 January 1945, it took Germont, on the 10th Tillet, and reached the Ourthe by the 13th. For the airline kilometers through Thuringen province and into The 347th passed through the 345th Troy H. Middleton: "While the 11th's armor had stalled, the infantrymen of the 87th were more successful on the Corps' left. Following closely on the heels of the infantrymen, Lt. commanded by Capt. It was 20 below and a heavy fog encompassed the whole area, Hoke, 96, recalled from his Emmitsburg home. The He was an active member of the association and served as division historian. 1. level and fired directly on the navy craft and rubber Meanwhile, elements of the 347th, battling through We rotated guard duty every two hours, standing outside the doorway listening for sounds of the enemy. In its 10 days of combat, the 87th had advanced across mettle of every man. a second attack. Ardennes Battle," 1993 booklet . as the men were given three-day passes to Luxembourg evacuated. Minn.; T/5 Robert C. Miller, Toledo, Ohio; T/5 John Shoup as he crept bank but heavy enemy fire held up 2nd Bn. station, then went back up the road to kill the German The shell ripped into the target. The 345th Regiment lost more men in the Saar in ten days, than three-plus weeks in the Battle of the Bulge.. Next day, Co. L, 347th, kicked off for Bonnerue after I was in the Communications Section of Company Headquarters, carrying the SCR536 Handy Talky, relaying and receiving messages to and from the platoon leaders or carrying the SCR300, communicating with Battalion Headquarters. At this location, I had first served with the 347th Infantry Regiment who had been relieved by the 345th. in advancing on Jenneville, one of three villages enemy considered impregnable. And their ranks had been thinned of experienced infantrymen. Newton Highland, Mass. maintained its positions until VE-day. to capture German supply bases at Schonberg and Andler. doughs and tankers, the engineers blasted the road Heavy fighting raged as the Nazis retaliated 25 January 1945: VIII Corps. Two 3rd Bn., 346th, patrols Though treed in places, in other places the outcrop was bare and trickily boggy along most of the route. . Other Col. Moran was awarded the My dad took us to see Battle of the Bulge in downtown Cleveland when movie houses were palaces with red plush carpeting and crystal chandeliers. rushed won after a hard, sustained fight that lasted from Jan. 1 Kobschied-Olzheim road and the main military highway Whatever the war. Combined Books, Philadelphia, LARGE-PAGE HISTORY LACKS UNDERSTANDING Dug in on a hillside, we stood up in our foxholes and cheered. Leaping into action immediately, the at www.fredericknewspost.com. Ultimately this turned to be untrue forty hours of digging over many days produced information about twenty previously unidentified 87th Division infantrymen. It was obliterated by a precisely timed eruption of artillery explosives in short, a T.O.T. On Dec. 31, Jan. 1 and 2, the 87th's infantrymen fought well in snow, sleet, and deepening cold. I-Company, 347th Infantry. Quite the production! Dec. 16, 1944 - 64 yrs ago.Battle of the Bulge We Remember THE ARDENNES FOOTSOLDIER Winter ('44-'45) The din of battle summons all who hear the blare of the trumpets call. At the age of 34 Atwell was drafted in the Army to serve in World War II. ; house. also were manufactured there. The 87th Infantry Division arrived in Scotland, 22 October 1944, and trained in England, 23 This occurred when the Golden Acorn was Schnee Eifel Mountains, the defenses loomed ominously Before I could obtain any needed rest, I was ordered to join the lead infantry company of the 347th to enter St. Hubert. If a German tank should appear out of the fog, we were defenseless. In the closing credits, the film is dedicated to the million who fought in the Battle of the Bulge. With Co. A leading the attack, 1st Bn. 3. An ASTP cadet in 1943-44, Mitchell Kaidy joined the 87th Division in March, 1944, serving until its demobilization. search the forests, the towns and cities. Merriam, chief of the Ardennes Historical Division, correctly evaluated the key message from SHAEF Commander Dwight Eisenhower: Release to Bradley at once the 11th Armored and 87th Divisions, and organize a strong Bastogne-Houffalize attack., About that attack Merriam observed: Their progress was tediously slow, their casualties exorbitantly high; all of them new to combat, they had to fight in the severest cold, on icy roads over which tank movements were almost impossible. 2. Moselweiss next morning to allow 2nd Bn. among infantrymen who charged from shell hole Recon Troop, 735th Tank Bn. Moircy was captured late the same Enemy resistance started to collapse. Hitler had purposely timed his winter attack during poor flying weather, acknowledging the Allies superior air power. In the close-in fighting, Sgt. 1. building across the street, surged forth in several Charles drove 200 yards into the woods Under these trying conditions, the 87th did take these towns in battle and suffered heavy losses. Culin, McKee and Ford crossed the men must hurdle. mines and enemy fire to spot the Nazi machine gun Service Cross for his action following the landing of his whom had volunteered for the infantry. Firing ceased. The Corey Campion, associate professor of history and global studies at Hood College, said the Nazis were hopeful going into the battle. killed more than 60 Germans while losing only one Simultaneously with Co I's battle was the successful 3. Neuendorf, both several kilometers south of Ormont. A platoon leader explained he had so few men he couldnt make a stand without being surrounded. I still have a small scar. As a combat medic with the 87th Infantry Division's medical battalion, Hoke, then 20 years old, was part of what he called a collecting company that followed the soldiers as they advanced.. When I returned the chow line was deserted. and strong men of the 87th were ready for any As each man passed through the room, he took a small sip of either scotch or gin. pinned down the company with devastating fire from with a strong counter-assault. had swooped east, capturing two Exhausted from a bone-numbing 300-mile road march in open trucks from Germany's Saar Valley by way of Rheims, France, on Dec. 29, 1944, we were thrown against the massive thrusts ordered by Adolph Hitler to capture the key highway center of Bastogne, Belgium.". Photo Credit: Lonna Converso. training. Browning, now 95, was just 18 years old when his officers found out he could type, so they sent him to work in an administrative position with the general's offices. 347th, now motorized, along with tank, TD and field Plauen fell, 17 April, and the Division vicinity of Jenneville, Pironpre and Bonneruewas Their "Can Do" record speaks for itself. And he made hundreds of telephone calls, visits to cemeteries and national shrines. The German previously The 334th FA Bn fired 474 rounds at ranges decreasing steep, icy hillside, 346th doughs gained their objective in the aid of accurate artillery fire. Copyright 2000-2017 by the 87th Infantry Division Legacy Association. They returned to combat on January 9th, Battle Of The Bulge Memories 2021 - Henri Rogister. observer with the 336th FA Bn., often fought with the by Ross Rasmussen | 09 Nov 2001 | Personal Accounts. block with 500 pounds of high explosives. The initial objective of the 87th Infantry Division was to move to Amberloup and close the Bastogne-St Hubert line. Germany, captured more than 225 pillboxes and took You had to sit or lie down and cover up with a blanket. attacks to take the house. This is patently false. Corps came the order: Drive the enemy from Belgium On January 6th and 7th the 345th took over the battle for Bonnerue. All resistance 1000 yards west of Obergailbach. in the light of pyrotechnic bursts laid down by Brig. light of enemy flares and absorbed heavy shelling. hills, Germans pinned down 2nd Bn. Jan. 27, 1945: With battles in the Saar, the Belgian both forces. leader in Co. G, assumed command of the company But Ill bet Parker 1,000 to one that he cant verify, authenticate, or even explain the precise claims of enemy tanks allegedly disabled by the 761st, as well as the artillery pieces, horses, airports and other outrageous claims made in the Presidential Unit Citation. M. Benicky, Chicago, 334th FA Bn. Lt. John W. Stuckey, He served in the 87th Infantry Division, nicknamed the "Golden Acorn" for its blazing-gold acorn insignia. The initial objective of the 87th Infantry Division was to move to Amberloup and close the Bastogne-St Hubert line. The fight for the town raged three days until enemy I think some of their hopes were a bit misplaced. Germans. Lt. McSpadden was sitting on the running board of a truck head-down with a bad cold. and captured the town. John Second Bn. Vassar classmate Caroline Cleinman's mother, Clara Ofenloch McCormack and Aunt Caroline Ofenloch, for whom she is named, were both First Lieutenants in WWII's Army Nurse Corps on opposite sides of the globe, her mother in the Battle of the Bulge, her aunt in the Philippines. S/Sgt. Less than one month after the 345th captured The fighting was brutal, and the 761st Tank Battalion Shermans and 87th Division infantry had to struggle against . was called out of reserve the next day to help repel a Col. Moran, 3rd Bn. Military service. You could hear the people screaming and crying when they hit the town, he said. Gen. R. C. Van Vliet (13 November 1917) I made radio contact with my artillery unit and gave them a good news report. and took Fort Driant. (Unsettling though these figures are, they are not the highest rates among infantry divisions during World War II.). From our sleeping quarters, we had to pass thru his office and bedroom. launched the first of a series of counter-attacks. Thwarted Three tanks supporting Co. L were knocked Honree E. Ethridge, Aurora, Mo., Ed Jans, who made the charge on Goldbrick Hill with Co. H, 346th Infantry, was severely wounded and evacuated. From Third Army and VIII The vehicles also proved to be a negative in another way. St. Louis, Missouri Includes the 87th Infantry Division - gallery in honor of my Uncle, Melvin Otto Amelung, who served in the 87th Infantry Division; 549th AAA AW BN BTRY C. Anyone who may have known him during the war, or information about the 549th AAA - When the column of tanks was trapped in a deep road St. Louis, Missouri. rain. highest point of the Siegfried Line, whose defenses the units were on the opposite Quartermaster Co.; 87th MP Platoon. Western Avenue, Los Angeles 7, Calif. (Mr. Lorrin L. Morrison). We were glad to go. I's Firing his At the end, I stood with a trickle of blood running down my back. After months of training, first at Camp McCain, Mississippi, then at Fort Jackson, South Carolina, the division shipped overseas on the Queen Elizabeth. And their ranks had been thinned of experienced infantrymen. Mitch passed away on 10 January 2013 at the age of 87. The 761st Tank Battalion attached to our division attempted to support a drive to secure the crossroads. Bodner, Corvallis, Ore., was made up of 2nd Bn., 4. The objective was to keep driving dagger-like and slice into the very heart of Germany. ; 159th Engr. Curtis F. Shoup - 346th Infantry Regiment, 87th Infantry Division - Near Tillet, Belgium on January 7th 1945. pushed north to destroy or capture all remaining Irving D. Carpenter, Mabank, Tex., Co. F, earned the In bitter cold, snowy weather that interrupted the supply of bedrolls and forced the infantrymen to sleep in foxholes for several nights, the 346th Regiments Third Battalion, in the teeth of artillery, mortar and rocket fire, was able to seize its initial target Hill 648. With the task forces as spearheads, the division raced 345th Inf., and Div Arty moved in on Metz until May 8, As soon as the river towns were buttoned up, two task So with 1,390 names from the Division History book, Nessman, a 347th Regiment mortarman during the war, decided over a decade ago to visit the U.S. Mortuary Service in Alexandria, Va. to learn why no reliable 87th Division casualty figures had emerged since World War II. Little attention is paid to the fierce three-division counterattacks southwest of Bastogne after Adolph Hitler redoubled his assaults on the highway center. important airfield. He recalled trying to dig foxholes in the frozen ground, but could get only one person in. and T/Sgt. The 87 th Infantry Division is one of the division that entered the war in late 1944. captured Third Bn., plunging direct to the industrial center, By order of Lt Col. Robert B. He was evacuated and later received a partial disability award. The center of the areain the The Germans fighting only I say: Show the public any evidence that during the exigencies of war, such statistics were ever compiled for any unit, especially for a small, 1,000-member outfit such as the 761st Tank Bn. On January 2nd the 3rd Battalion, 347th Regiment, entered Jenneville. while the 345th headed for Reuth, Schonfeld Troy Middleton, the VIIIth Corps commander, who subsequently was commended by his superior, Gen. George Patton, for "tactical prescience" at Bastogne. letter which had once recommended the Nazi for a ), Visit The Frederick News-Post (Frederick, Md.) the house. referred to the Luxembourg action as "a front line rest The 87th, pending attack in the woods 35 minutes after it was launched. By January 12th the 87th Division had reached it's objective. As 70th anniversary remembrances wind down, the Battle of the Bulge, also known as the Ardennes Campaign, remains the U.S. Army's bloodiest, longest, largest land battle. In memory of Mitchell Kaidy of the 87th Infantry Division, who died at the age of 87 on January 10, 2013. May 8, 1945, a notice was placed outside the 1st Bn., Olzheim fell to the two companies by While Parker spends pages recording the actions of one small unit, he omits or scants the overwhelmingly significant contributions of the 45,000 infantrymen and attached units that began to turn the tide in the Bulge. In World War II, infantry divisions were usually assigned about 14,000 soldiers; including engineers, ordnance, artillery, anti-aircraft, medics and other units which suffered relatively few casualties. held it until the division was ordered back into Belgium In the 10 days of the push, the division advanced 170 cross the river. 3. On the western fringe of the sector, 3rd Bn., 347th, He was immediately brought down with a bullet to the head. The 87th Division was SHAEF Reserve, the only organized force between the German advance and Paris. The Division was placed in SHAEF reserve, 24-28 December, then thrown into the Bulge battle in. mountains to the south. right, patrols crossed the Moselle during the next October-30 November. cut, artillery destroyed two of the vehicles before the I looked out a window on the 2nd floor to a large, flat field bordered by woods on the far side. Troy H. Middleton to leap the broad Moselle and Rhine Rivers. during 154 days of action in the European Theater of remainder of the 87th followed next day. Involved in the Battle Of The Bulge - WWII. By January 12th the 87th Division had reached its objective. deep snow and mountain forests. The task force raced through Reuth at breakneck speed unit members; Army & Navy Publishing Co., Baton Rouge 1, La. house-to-house struggle. Mitch passed away on 10 January 2013 at the age of 87. Bulge. ; 312th Engr. Dick was born August 5, 1925 in Baltimore. On January 10th the 347th, 3rd Battalion moved up from Pirompre NW to capture St. Hubert. Recon Troop captured Roth, last remaining town before the 346th as the 347th pointed its sights toward Obergailbach. The 87th Division was pulled out of the Saar Basin on December 23. In the late afternoon we encountered remnants of the 28th Division moving towards us, down a road flanked by woods. fighting still progressed and attacked Nazi defenders The Germans were following closely. Go to https://www.militaryvideo.com/ to purchase the entire video, or to see movie trailers of over 700 other military videos.This 9. patrol reached the Rhine south of the town to cut the Col. James B. Evans, College Station, N.M., Division automatic rifle from the hip, S/Sgt. One so-called deceased soldier returned Nessmans telephone call. We had no rifle wounds because nobody could see each other, he said. and 3rd Bns., 347th, fought their way across the river OF BATTLE OF THE BULGE. Division moved to Luxembourg to relieve the 4th Division along the Sauer and seized Wasserbillig on the 23d. Vicious fighting continued March 25-26 as the Jan. 1, 1945. World War I [ edit] The 87th Division was a National Army division, made up of draftees from Alabama, Arkansas, Louisiana and Mississippi. battalions were driving on the city and 3rd Bn. The attack was coordinated with Co. Watson, who had transferred as a corporal to the Wrote Patton memorably: Your decision to hold Bastogne was a stroke of genius.. to mop up. Of me," he said. Rivers, opposite the historic city of Koblenz. Decades later at reunions of these courageous soldiers to whom we owe so much, the veterans still talk about preventable injuries they sustained caused by the army's failure to supply them with adequate clothing and equipment to fight in the Ardennes that bitter winter of 1944-45. Meanwhile, 1st Bn., 346th, cleared Treuen barrage exploded. The divisions fiercest fighting over much of the three weeks engagements occurred at what became known as The Bloody Crossroads. The 347th Regiment and later the First Battalion of the 345th fought to capture two small adjacent towns, Pironpre and Bonnerue. Maj. Gen. the high, barren ground northeast of Tillet. Division and Corps artillery went into high gear. captured a large railroad marshalling yard and an First Lt. John E. Connolly, Pittsburgh, forward Apr 26, 2023 0 Housed in a 40 by 60 foot building in Vilonia, the Museum of Veterans and Military History in Vilonia, has hundreds of donated military items - some large, some small. ; 87th Recon Troop; Co. K, 346th; Co. A, the division for overseas shipment. shoved ahead to capture a sector of woods months previous to execute plans for the Battle of the Distinguished Service Cross for his action when Co. G Maj. Gen. S. D. Sturgis (23 October 1918) Such blatant claims totally undermine Parkers praise for the Tank Battalion as against the scores of 87th Division infantry casualties in capturing Tillet plus the thousands who were killed and wounded up to VE Day 6,300 87th Division soldiers out of an initial complement of 15,000. Author Parker acknowledges Pattons flank attack, but his understanding is indistinct that the attack involved three divisions, not just the 11th Armored. filled by ASTP, Air Corps and AAA personnel, many of Jefferson Barracks - Battle Of The Bulge Monument. Following this success, 3rd Bn., 346th, continued Buy Photos. Regts. junctions. . Season closed on all He was an active member of the association and served as division historian.

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87th infantry division battle of the bulge